Hier könnte Heute einiges noch gehen

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18.01.11 08:32

431 Postings, 5299 Tage markusmalereiBitte

beachtet die neue Photo-Präsentation auf der Web Site MG.
Sie wurde nochmals überarbeitet und wer jetzt noch auf einen Flop tippt, na ja.......

Die haben echt gearbeitet und das ist meines Erachtens doch eine erfreuliche Sache!

wie denkt ihr darüber?


18.01.11 11:17

823 Postings, 5438 Tage finanzierNamen ist Schall und Rauch !

Die Kursentwicklung ist eindeutig Richtung Norden.

Das, ohne neue Information.

Einige Wissen wie immer mehr als wir Kleinanleger !


18.01.11 18:19

295 Postings, 5694 Tage leon675wird immer Leute geben,

die mehr wissen..


Aber es werden zahlen kommen und dafür muss man kein Hellseher sein. Ende Januar Anfang Feb. und wenn die, die Erwartungen erfüllen oder übertreffen dann können wir uns freuen.


Ansosnten bleibt nur abwarten bis sie richtig los legen Ende 2011 werden wir es sehen  ob sie die 90.000 Unzen knacken.


Ich denke 1,80 € sind möglich oder ein Totalverlust ( der mega Betrug des Jahres) ich nehm das erst. :-)


Hoffentlich kommen sie nochmal zurück ich brauche mehr ich will in Rente! Sonst muss ich nachkaufen wenn sie ausbrechen also aufgepasst und dabei sein im Kursfeuer.


19.01.11 13:45

823 Postings, 5438 Tage finanzierleon dein totalverlust !

an Gegirn ?

Das sind doch nur kranke Gedanken !


19.01.11 14:25

823 Postings, 5438 Tage finanzierKanada hat gehalten !

20.01.11 07:09

823 Postings, 5438 Tage finanzierLeichtes Plus

in Kanada, auf 0,21 CAD = 0,1564 ?.


20.01.11 07:39

431 Postings, 5299 Tage markusmalereiwäre heute

wieder eine chance heute, der Kurs wird anziehen.
Obama hat sich gestern mit dem Chinesischen Präsidenten bestens verstanden. Damit dürfte auch die Stimmung USA-China etwas besser werden. Nur gut für MG.


20.01.11 11:25

823 Postings, 5438 Tage finanzierSchwachsinn Börse !

Spectral liegt i. M. noch über 2,00 ?

MG hat statt 5. Mrd. 50. Mrd. im Petto !


20.01.11 12:38

431 Postings, 5299 Tage markusmalereiEs lohnt sich,

kurz einen Blick in www.barchart.com zu werfen und dort majestic gold einzugeben...  

20.01.11 16:42

311 Postings, 7335 Tage boomfactoryKräftiger Explorer...

der Goldpreis singt um 1,60 % und unsere Majestic steigt !!!
was heisst das für mich ? dreimal dürft ihr raten...
Vom Tellerwäscher zum Millionär...

20.01.11 18:07

1353 Postings, 5430 Tage Bullenknallernicht mehr viel.....

dann wird's hier richtig lustig!!!  

21.01.11 01:47

64 Postings, 6962 Tage Feueropal99Seit Wochen dahindümpeln...

das heißt gar nix. Woher nehmt ihr alle die Euphorie?? Die Preise werden nicht hier gemacht... Gold + Silber gehen abwärts.. Sorry.  

21.01.11 07:26

431 Postings, 5299 Tage markusmalereirentabel

ist MG selbst dann noch, wenn der Goldpreis beträchtlich fallen sollte...


21.01.11 07:49

823 Postings, 5438 Tage finanzierGeht doch

weiter nach oben. Auf 0,22 in Kanada. Pari sind das 0,1636 ?.

Auf einen schönen Handelstag heute.

Wer solche negative Stimmung, wie Genosse Feueropal hier verbreiten möchte, Frage ich mich doch wirklich, wie man als Pessimist überhaupt sich für Börse interessieren kann.


21.01.11 08:01

431 Postings, 5299 Tage markusmalereiUSA

21.01.11 08:14

431 Postings, 5299 Tage markusmalerei0ffensichtlich

wurde der Wardrop -Bericht veröffentlicht, da geht was!!!  

21.01.11 08:18

4877 Postings, 7223 Tage krauty77Löschung

Zeitpunkt: 21.01.11 14:43
Aktion: Löschung des Beitrages
Kommentar: Regelverstoß - Wortwahl!



21.01.11 09:12

1353 Postings, 5430 Tage BullenknallerEs gibt wohl gute Nachrichten...

Habe gerade auf Wallstreet Online Forum gelesen das es wohl gestern eine posive MG Meldung gab. Sehr langer Text, leider auf englisch! Wer weiß mehr...?!...oder kann gut Übersetzen?!  

21.01.11 09:40

823 Postings, 5438 Tage finanzierMan oh Man

welche LOL´S sich hier so tummeln !

Gell krauty.

Empfehlung von mir - ganz persönlich - blättere einmal im Örtlichen - bei Ärzte unter P -
wähle einfach eine Nummer unter Psychologe und DIR wird geholfen.


21.01.11 11:53

136 Postings, 5682 Tage thaler 67news sind da

unabhängiges institut hat die machbarkeit bestätigt.sogar besser als prognostiziert.auf stand heute runde  500 mill gewinn im jahr.siehe hier.das ding wird heute noch richtig fahrt auf nehmen.  

21.01.11 12:39

295 Postings, 5694 Tage leon675Jetzt gehts los


VANCOUVER, BRITISH  COLUMBIA -- (Marketwire) -- 01/20/11 --   Majestic Gold Corp. (TSX  VENTURE: MJS)(FRANKFURT: P5E) is pleased to announce that Wardrop, A  Tetra Tech Company, ('Wardrop') has completed and delivered a positive  Preliminary Assessment ('PA' or 'Preliminary Assessment') for the  Songjiagou Gold Project located in Shandong Province, People's Republic  of China.

Highlights are as follows:

  --  Net Present Value of US $525 million using a 10% discount rate  --  Internal Rate of Return of 78.6%  --  Payback in 1.4 years  --  Total gold production of 2.324 million ounces (average 105,645 oz/yr)     for life-of-mine  --  Life-of-Mine strip ratio 1.87 : 1 (waste to ore)  --  Mine-Life of 22 years.

'The  Preliminary Assessment provided by Wardrop has exceeded our  expectations and will form the basis for our continued development of  the Songjiagou project,' stated Rod Husband, President and CEO of  Majestic Gold Corp.

A summary of the main sections of the Preliminary Assessment are as follows:


In  2006, Wardrop prepared a National Instrument 43-101 (NI 43-101)  compliant, resource estimate of the Songjiagou deposit. On the basis of  additional data collected during 2006, Wardrop prepared an updated  estimate in late 2007.

In April 2010 Wardrop  completed an update of the 2007 resource estimate to take into account  assay results from surface core drilling and trenching that were carried  out during 2007, as well as depletion from surface mining since the  time of the last estimate. Depletion attributable to underground mining  during the same interval was negligible.

The  April 2010 updated resource estimate was made using an un-rotated block  model, which is to say the blocks in the model were oriented  orthogonally east-west and north south. In October 2010, Majestic  requested that the estimate be redone using a block model rotated  parallel to the trend of the deposit as well as a lower cutoff (0.3 g/t  versus 0.4 g/t gold).

The lower threshold  grade (0.3 versus 0.4 g/t) is attributable to a lower cost for contract  mining and milling that Majestic negotiated during the period between  the two estimates.

The rotated orientation  is consistent with previous estimates and also aligns the block model  with cross-sections that are cut perpendicular to the strike of the  deposit. The change in block model orientation as well as the decrease  in cutoff grade resulted in an overall enhancement of both estimated  tonnes and grade. This report incorporates those changes. There has been  no change in the underlying data between the April 2010 estimate and  the current estimate.

The resource used in preparation of the Preliminary Assessment is tabulated as follows:

--------------------------------------------------                                            Au   (ii)Au     Ounces     Ounces (i)Resource        Cut-off              Uncap      Cap         Au         Au Category             (g/t)      Tonnes    g/t      g/t      Uncap        Cap -------------------------------------------------- Indicated             0.30  33,739,586  1.384    1.147  1,501,298  1,244,211 -------------------------------------------------- Inferred              0.30  38,812,054  1.500    1.467  1,871,755  1,830,576 --------------------------------------------------  (i) The preliminary assessment includes inferred mineral resources that are considered too speculative geologically to have the economic considerations applied to them that would enable them to be categorized as mineral reserves, and there is no certainty that the preliminary assessment will be realized. All figures have been rounded to reflect the relative accuracy of the estimates. (ii) gold grades were capped at 40.0 g/t

Open  pit optimization was carried out using Whittle™ 4.3 which uses a series  of Lerchs Grossman (LG) pit shells at different prices of gold to  optimize the size of the pit while maximizing net present value (NVP) of  the deposit. The resulting LG shells generated the highest discounted  cash flow from the ore body at varying prices of gold. The LG shell used  for optimization does not apply practical mining considerations and  constraints.

The strategic planning using  the generated LG pit resulted in the following potential mineable  resources, which forms the basis of the preliminary Assessment:

-------------------------------------------------- (i)Potentially Mineable Resources  Classification                                   Tonnes      Grade, Au(g/t) -------------------------------------------------- Indicated                                     29,875,527               1.207 -------------------------------------------------- Inferred                                      22,806,473               1.936 --------------------------------------------------  (i)Potentially Mineable Resources include the inferred mineral resources and are not mineral reserves.

Preliminary Production Schedule

The  life-of-mine strip ratio is 1.87 to 1 (waste to ore). Total ounces  contained in the resource are 3,074,787; of this 2,324,000 ounces are  potentially recoverable as bullion during the mine operations at an  average annual production of approximately 106,000 ounces per year.

The following table summarizes the information from the Preliminary Economic Assessment Production Schedule.

-------------------------------------------------- Preliminary Production Summary                                 Unit           Years 1-8                 LOM                 -------------------------------------------------- Process Feed Gold                             g/t                2.12                1.52  Material Mined Mill Feed                         kt              18,494              52,682 Waste                             kt              47,746             100,377 Ore Mined                         kt              18,494              52,682  Strip Ratio                                         2.33                1.87  Total Production Gold                             koz               1,152               2,324 Average Production Gold                             koz                 144                 106 --------------------------------------------------

The following table details the planned Production Schedule for the Life-of-Mine:

Preliminary Production Schedule         (i)Tonnes           Tonnes  Stock-         Tonnes         Mill             Mined            Moved   pile  Tonnes     ROM         feed         Including   Total to Stock-    to   Waste     Ore  Strip  Gold  Gold         Stockpile   Mined     pile   Mill   Mined  Milled  Ratio Grade  Rec.                Kt      kt       kt     kt      kt      kt      #   g/t   koz Year 1      1,400   4,472               -   3,072   1,400   2.19 0.742    31 Year 2      2,442   7,644      237      -   4,965   2,442   1.85 3.431   256 Year 3      2,442   7,173      332      -   4,399   2,442   1.59 2.881   215 Year 4      2,442  10,500      344      -   7,714   2,442   2.77 1.868   139 Year 5      2,442   9,574      284      -   6,848   2,442   2.51 2.201   164 Year 6      2,442  10,354      304      -   7,608   2,442   2.77 1.696   126 Year 7      2,442   9,343      262      -   6,639   2,442   2.46 1.760   131 Year 8      2,442   9,150      207      -   6,501   2,442   2.45 1.803   134 Year 9      2,442   9,302      212      -   6,648   2,442   2.50 1.635   122 Year 10     2,442   7,640      222      -   4,976   2,442   1.87 1.316    97 Year 11     2,442   7,115      211      -   4,462   2,442   1.68 1.270    94 Year 12     2,442   6,671      202      -   4,027   2,442   1.52 1.450   107 Year 13     2,442   6,274      182      -   3,650   2,442   1.39 1.554   116 Year 14     2,442   6,006      185      -   3,379   2,442   1.29 1.539   115 Year 15     2,442   6,493      264      -   3,787   2,442   1.40 1.422   105 Year 16     2,442   6,772      319      -   4,011   2,442   1.45 1.162    86 Year 17     2,442   5,918      251      -   3,225   2,442   1.20 1.256    93 Year 18     2,442   5,871      316      -   3,113   2,442   1.13 1.226    90 Year 19     2,405   8,354      455     37   5,494   2,442   1.92 1.270    94 Year 20       754   3,289       82  1,688   2,453   2,442   2.93 0.486    34 Year 21     1,662   5,417      585    780   3,170   2,442   1.41 0.720    52 Year 22       363     604        5  2,079     236   2,442   0.64 0.478    33 TOTAL/  AVG       53,559 153,936    5,461  4,584 100,377  52,682   1.87 1.523 2,434 -------------------------------------------------- (i)Tonnes Mined Including Stockpile is Potentially Mineable Resources category. The preliminary assessment includes inferred mineral resources that are considered too speculative geologically to have the economic considerations applied to them that would enable them to be categorized as mineral reserves, and there is no certainty that the preliminary assessment will be realized.

Capital Costs

Total  capital costs are estimated at $129.2 million including initial  capital, initial working capital and sustaining capital. The majority of  sustaining capital is required in years 4 and 5 and consists mainly of  capital required to expand tailings storage facilities. A more detailed  breakdown of the capital costs is provided in the following table.

-------------------------------------------------- Capital Costs                                                  000's US$ Pre-production (pre-strip)                               0 Initial Capital                                     64,377 Initial Working Capital                              7,120 Sustaining Capital                                  64,787 Total Capital Costs                                129,163 --------------------------------------------------

Operation Costs

Life-of-mine  ('LOM') operating costs are estimated at US$11.67 per tonne milled,  including mining, process and transportation costs based on the current  contract terms. The details of these costs are tabulated as follows:

--------------------------------------------- Operating Costs                              US$/tonne milled Mining, Process and Transport           10.72 G&A and Quality Control                  0.95 TOTAL OPERATING COSTS                   11.67 ---------------------------------------------

Operating Cash Flows

Operating  cash flows based on pit optimization parameters employed by Wardrop  indicate that in years 1-8 the mine will approximately produce a total  of 1,152,000 ounces of gold (144,000 ounces annually) and generate  US$841 million (US$105 million annually) in operating cash flow compared  with life-of mine production of 2.32 million ounces of gold in  concentrate (106,000 ounces annually) and operating cash flow of  US$1.516 billion (US$68.9 million annually).

The projected cash flows are tabulated below:

-------------------------------------------------- Operating Cash Flow                                          000's US$ Years 1-8   Total                                    841,334   Average                                  105,167 LOM   Total                                  1,515,927   Average                                   68,906 --------------------------------------------------

Economic Returns

Wardrop  evaluated the economic viability of the Songjiagou project using  pre-tax discounted cash flow analysis based on the engineering work and  cost estimates discussed in the Preliminary Assessment. Over the life of  the mine, Songjiagou is estimated to produce on average 106,000 ounces  gold in concentrate per year. Total gold produced for LOM will be 2.324  million ounces; with a gold price of $973 per ounce and total operating  cash flow of US$1,516 million, the total cash cost is US$745 million or  US$321 per ounce of gold. The pre-tax Net Present Value is US$525  million and the IRR is 78.6%.

The following table illustrates the project NPV's using various discount rates besides the 10% base case.

-------------------------------------------------- Economic Returns  Project NPV                                   Unit                  Pre-Tax                          -------------------------------------------------- 14.0% discount rate                    million US$                      381 12.0% discount rate                    million US$                      446 10.0% discount rate                    million US$                      525 8.0% discount rate                     million US$                      624  Project IRR                                                           78.6%  Payback                                      Years                      1.4 Mine Life                                    Years                       22 --------------------------------------------------

Sensitivity Analysis

Sensitivity  analysis was conducted for gold price, exchange rate, gold feed grade,  operating costs and initial capital costs over a  /- 30% range. The  results are shown in following table and graph.

-------------------------------------------------- Sensitivity Analysis (in US$  millions)                                      NPV @ 10% discount rate Variable                -30%    -20%    -10%      0%     10%     20%     30%                     -------------------------------------------------- Gold Price               276     359     442     525     608     691     774 Exchange Rate            553     544     534     525     516     507     497 Gold Feed Grade          277     360     442     525     608     691     774 Operating Cost           586     566     545     525     505     485     464 Initial Capital Cost     542     536     531     525     520     514     508 --------------------------------------------------

As  the table shows and the following graph illustrates, the main factors  impacting the NPV are gold price and gold feed grade, while exchange  rate, operating costs and initial capital costs have a much smaller  effect on NPVs.

To view the graph titled 'Pre-tax NPV @ 10% Sensitivity Analysis', please visit: http://media3.marketwire.com/docs/mjs-graph.pdf.

Based  on the estimates in the Preliminary Economic Assessment, Majestic plans  to move ahead with continued development of the project, including more  detailed engineering studies and applications for mining permits.

The  Preliminary Economic Assessment was prepared by Wardrop consultants,  all of whom are independent of Majestic and are Qualified Persons as  defined by section 1.4 of National Instrument 43-101. The QP's have  reviewed and approved the information in this news release. The  consultants (QPs) with their responsibilities are as follows:

Wardrop, under the direction of Greg Mosher, P.Geo., for all matters relating to geology and mineral resource estimate.

Wardrop,  under the direction of Nory Narciso, P.Eng., for all matters relating  to mine planning, mine design and report coordination.

Wardrop,  under the direction of John Huang, P.Eng., for all matters relating to  mineral processing, metallurgical testing, infrastructure, tailings  management facility, environmental impact considerations, license and  permit, operating and capital cost estimates and smelting terms.

Wardrop, under the direction of Miloje Vicentijevic, P.Eng., M.Eng. for all matters relating to economic analysis.

Mike  Hibbitts, P.Geo VP Development and Exploration, and a Director of  Majestic, has read and approved the information in this news release.

On Behalf of the Board of Directors


Rod Husband, P.Geo, President

This  news release may contain forward-looking statements including but not  limited to comments regarding the timing and content of upcoming work  programs, geological interpretations, receipt of property titles,  potential mineral recovery processes, etc. Forward-looking statements  address future events and conditions and therefore, involve inherent  risks and uncertainties. Actual results may differ materially from those  currently anticipated in such statements.

Neither  TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term  is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts  responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.


Majestic Gold Corp.

Investor Relations

(604) 681-4653 or 1-866-282-8398



21.01.11 13:58

295 Postings, 5694 Tage leon675Nachkauf

ist geglückt bei 0,157 €. Jetzt geht´s in Rente.


Ps. für alle die kein englisch können:

Das sind mega News besser geht´s nicht der Goldpreis muss unter 500 fallen erst dort macht MG Verluste.


Über 22 Jahre Förderung möglich!!!


Total gold produced for LOM will be 2.324  million ounces; with a gold  price of $973 per ounce and total operating  cash flow of US$1,516  million, the total cash cost is US$745 million or  US$321 per ounce of  gold. The pre-tax Net Present Value is US$525  million and the IRR is  78.6%.

Insgesamt  Gold für LOM hergestellt werden 2.324.000 Unzen werden, mit einem  Goldpreis von 973 $ pro Unze und insgesamt operativen Cash Flow von US $  1.516 Mio., die Cash-Kosten insgesamt beträgt US $ 745.000.000 oder US $  321 pro Unze Gold. Das Vorsteuerergebnis Net Present Value ist US $ 525.000.000 und der IRR ist 78,6%.

Wenn jetzt nicht die Kursrakete startet dann weiß ich auch nicht mehr. 60 Cent wir kommen....


Stellt keine Kaufempfehlung dar jeder ist seines Glückes Schmied nur meine Meinung in Bezug auf die News.


21.01.11 14:49

4877 Postings, 7223 Tage krauty77In Rente? 2.5 % Plus?

finanzier. Den Therapeuten kann ich mir leisten. Übernimmt meine Private KV. Wie sieht dein GKV Schutz aus?  

21.01.11 14:55

1182 Postings, 5432 Tage magnum61Wenn ich das Wort

Kursrakete schon lese.... *rolleyes*  

21.01.11 16:15

295 Postings, 5694 Tage leon6754,52 %

heut abend werd ich mal die gute Flasche köpfen.

Gagfah, Eon, Majestic Gold, Austindo Resources

Deutz AG, PT Bumi Res., Q-cells  mein Depot sieht gut aus.


In der Krise kaufen altes sprichwort und rechtzeitig raus........

Schönes Wochenede wünsche ich mal sehen ob ich es Montag zur Arbeit schaffe lol



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