Bass Metals, der wirtschaftliche Produzent

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07.07.10 19:39

724 Postings, 5331 Tage Golden_Yearsbass lässt mich ruhig schlafen

vielleicht werdens nicht ganz die 500%, wenngleich eine Verdoppelung von diesem Niveau aus, auf 12 Monatssicht, mehr als nur gerechtfertigt wäre. Dann wäre das Teil immer noch spottbillig. Irgendwann, wenn der Markt sich wieder ein wenig beruhigt hat, werden sich auch wieder fundamentale Werte wie Bass durchsetzten. Vor allem scheint sich ein Boden gebildet zu haben und trotz der heftigen Abschläge in den letzten Wochen in den Gesamtmärkten hat sich Bass auf diesem Level gut gehalten. Im Vergleich zu einigen anderen Werten...  

08.07.10 08:01

724 Postings, 5331 Tage Golden_YearsBass message is sound, but who is listening? 07.07

09.07.10 07:36

724 Postings, 5331 Tage Golden_YearsBass Still On Track

Dear Reader

I have just returned from the Hellyer site in Tasmania where the decline to access the Fossey ore body is currently at 519 metres. There are now over 100 people very busy preparing the mine and the Mill for a production start-up in the December quarter. The message is that we are on track – the development process is generating challenges, as one would anticipate, but with a highly experienced and motivated team on site we are addressing them and continue to remain “on track”.

This is an important message, hence this Operations Update report to the ASX. [Operations Update 9 July 2010].

Given the recent share price performance you might also be interested (and amused?) to read this article from respected resources writer. Michael Quinn. [Bass message is sound, but who is listening?].

Kind regards

Mike Rosenstreich


20.07.10 09:01

724 Postings, 5331 Tage Golden_Yearsorderbuch

Interesse steigt...

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24.07.10 08:34

724 Postings, 5331 Tage Golden_Yearsnächste Woche News..??

die studie zur goldgewinnung aus dem hartgestein sollte nächste woche erscheinen. bin mal echt gespannt ob die eine lösung/technologie gefunden haben das wirtschaftlich und zeitnah abzubauen. Immerhin sinds bis jetzt 1,3mio unzen, die nicht in der marketcap eingepreist sind.

von Mike Rosenstreich vor zwei monaten:

...In terms of gold it will depend on what technology if any is suitable as to how long it will take. It is not something that will be in production near term I suspect because it would require major testwork and feasibility study work.

Update vom 9 July 2010:

...The gold processing assessment is progressing well and the Company is on track to provide some
leading conclusions late this month as to whether a detailed Feasibility study on one or more
process routes is warranted. To date several technically viable process routes have been
identified from the very large store of historic testwork data. Work is currently focussed to produce
conceptual flow sheets to generate operating and capital cost estimates to determine financial
viability in the current gold price environment.

Proactive Investors 9 July 2010:

Significant gold resource + 1 million ounces

...The Mt Charter gold-silver project comprises 6.1 million tonnes at 1.2 g/t gold and 36 g/t silver containing 240,000 ounces of gold (7 million ounces of silver) . (Refer 2008 Annual Report). The Hellyer Tailings (under acquisition) are reported by Intec Ltd (29 April 2008) to contain 11 million tonnes grading 2.6 g/t gold, 88 g/t silver, 3% zinc and 3% lead comprising prior to it recovering lead and zinc by reprocessing 2 million tonnes; potentially 920,000 ounces of gold remain (plus 31 million ounces of silver). The Fossey resource, if outlined using a 1 g/t gold cut-off comprises 2.5 million tonnes grading 1.9 g/t gold, 66 g/t silver, 3.3% zinc and 1.5% lead containing 150,000 ounces of gold (plus 5 million ounces of silver), (refer report to ASX 30 September 2008). The contained gold, only, is 1.3 million ounces and contained silver is 43 million ounces. Metallurgical testwork to assess treatment options for this generally refractory mineralisation style is in progress and there is strong potential to increase this resource inventory.  

28.07.10 07:30

180 Postings, 5355 Tage sonnenstern2709Dann kann´s ja los gehen

Bass Metals receives positive results from gold scoping study
by Proactive Investors company news image

Bass Metals (ASX: BSM) has reported positive results on processing options for the economic recovery of gold, silver and possibly base metals from the Hellyer Tails resource.

The results would indicate that an economic gold recovery circuit could be added at Hellyer in Tasmania.

Metallurgical consultants, BatteryLimits Pty Ltd and Como Engineers Pty Ltd undertook the study and the results have highlight the potential for significant gold production subject to further testwork and a positive feasibility study.

The study identified three gold recovery process routes as potentially viable for the Hellyer Tailings which contain 0.8Moz gold and 32Moz silver. The three Options comprise; Direct Cyanide Leach with Cyanide Recycling (Option 1), Albion Process (Option 2) and Partial Pressure Oxidative Leach (Option 3).

The capital cost estimates for each option were estimated as follows:

- Option 1: A$49.4m
- Option 2: A$143.2m
- Option 3: A$116.8m

Estimated operating margins were very healthy for each option:

- Option 1: 43%
- Option 2: 33%
- option 3: 47%

A conceptual annualised gold recovery of 21 to 72koz and silver recovery of 1.3 to 2.7Moz was postulated across the 3 process options and conceptual total site operating cost estimates range from A$743 to $877 per ounce gold (Eq (gold & silver only).

The resource contains 0.8 million ounces of gold and 32 million ounces of silver, which combined comprise a gold equivalent resources of 1.3 million ounces.

BatteryLimits has provided a metallurgical review, process descriptions, process schematics, and process design criteria for each of the three short-listed process routes. Como Engineers has estimated capital and operating costs for each option.

The study findings are largely based on detailed assessments of a vast repository of applicable historical testwork and feasibility studies on the Hellyer tailings originating mainly from the 1980?s and 90?s; not on hypothetical data.

The major changes to contribute to the current positive assessment compared to when the viability of recovering gold from the tailings was last assessed in detail (late 1990?s), include:

- A major uplift in the gold price to approximately US$1,100 - $1,200 per ounce, compared to the sub US$400/oz prices prevalent through the previous decade.
- Improvements in technology such as recent advances in cyanide recycling (Option 1), and engineering and operation of autoclaves (Option 3). Option 2, the Albion Process was
experimental in the ?90?s but is now being installed commercially into several operations around the world.
- The potential resource base available to utilise the technology now includes more than just the Hellyer tailings, given the resource increments Bass has achieved over the past 5 years.

The results are preliminary in nature but do demonstrate potential for a viable new operational component at Hellyer to recover precious metals.

The indicative operating cost range from A$700 to A$900 per ounce (gold eq), while not ?low cost? does assume a totally stand-alone operation with no synergies from other operational activities Bass Metals may be conducting on site such as the processing of its massive sulphide resources to produce base metal concentrates due to commence in December 2010.

On the basis of these positive results Bass intends to undertake a staged feasibility study process as a high priority. The first stage will focus on final process route selection followed by a series of detailed testwork programmes, process route design and cost estimates.

The focus will be the Hellyer Tailings, but as the testwork programme develops amenability testing of other potential feed stocks may also be included.

In conclusion, Bass said it is highly encouraged by the outcomes of the scoping study recently completed by Como Engineers and BatteryLimits.

Whilst still at a very early phase the study indicates the potential of utilising proven technologies to recover appreciable quantities of gold and silver and possibly also certain base metals which could significantly enhance the production and revenue profile of its business in Tasmania.

The company has to complete further large scale sampling and testwork programmes before committing to a definitive feasibility study to determine if such an operation could be viable and how it might be implemented.

Bass said setting the staged gold recovery study objectives and budgets is now a priority.  

28.07.10 07:44

724 Postings, 5331 Tage Golden_YearsPositive Gold Processing Scoping Study Outcomes &

the MRRT

Dear All

Today Bass reported the outcomes of the gold processing assessment [Positive Gold Processing Scoping Outcomes]; highlights are:

3 gold recovery process routes identified as potentially viable for the Hellyer Tailings which contain 0.8Moz gold and 32Moz silver.
The 3 Options comprise; Direct Cyanidation, Albion Process and Pressure Oxidation.
Conceptual annualised gold recovery of 21 to 72koz and silver recovery of 1.3 to 2.7Moz postulated across the 3 process options.
Conceptual total site operating cost estimates range from A$743 to $877 per ounce gold (eg gold & silver only).
Results highlight potential for significant gold production base to be developed by Bass subject to completion of further testwork and a positive feasibility study.
It is early days and much work will need to be done - but these reults are certainly very encouraging and give us greater impetus to start the programme.

On the MRRT, I would like to make it clear that Bass does not support the MRRT. It does not the support the process by which a Super profits tax was proposed, nor the process by which it was withdrawn to be replaced by a hastily cooked up selective MRRT. Bass does support a proper process to examine state and federal tax reform as it applies to mining companies and mineral assets. There is no such process occurring at present.

Please note that Bass Metals is a member of AMEC and indicated its support to AMEC CEO, Mr Simon Bennison to restart its campaign against the mine tax. This is not for political reasons, our shareholders do not pay us to take political stances ? but for the reasons stated by AMEC; namely:

The significant uncertainty and confusion that has been created in investment and capital markets and in the business decision making processes
The tax is an investment disincentive; will significantly reduce Australia's prosperity; and affect the economy with the result that jobs will be lost
Australia's international credibility and competitiveness has been reduced, and sovereign risk severely affected
The goal posts will move as a result of the Greens political pressure, and a possible budget shortfall
The tax is unfair, unjust, poorly designed, complex, inefficient and discriminatory
The tax does not promote minerals exploration, project development or economic growth
So whilst Bass does not currently fall within the MRRT tax, Bass does have a significant overseas shareholder base and the points raised above in regard to international credibility and the risk of ongoing random changes to the minerals tax regime have been raised repeatedly by these investors. I would ask that you consider these issues as well, as part of your assessment process on Election Day.

Kind Regards

Mike Rosenstreich  

28.07.10 09:04

724 Postings, 5331 Tage Golden_Yearses wird immer besser

jetzt können so langsam auch die goldreserven mit in die marketcap fließen. allerdings wird die förderung wohl noch ein paar tage dauern, bei den kosten.. trotzdem, alles in allem sehr sehr positiv. ich bin mal gespannt wo bass in 12 monaten steht, wenn die nachrichtenlage so weiterläuft und die zeitpläne weiterhin eingehalten werden :)
hut ab vor diesem management, findet man nur noch selten  

30.07.10 07:12

724 Postings, 5331 Tage Golden_YearsJune 2010 Quarterly Report of Activities & Cashflo

24.08.10 08:21

724 Postings, 5331 Tage Golden_Years24 August 2010

Jetzt haben wir endlich den Grund für den Rückgang des Aktienkurses in den letzten zwei Wochen. Sah ja schon fast nach einem kleinen Ausbruch aus. Die 16Cent sollten als Boden halten, die hat sich in jüngster Vergangenheit als harter Widerstand bewiesen. Trotzdem ist dieser Abschlag völlig übertrieben. Vier Wochen Verzögerung ist in diesem Business eher normal und ob in fünf oder sechs Monaten die ersten Verkäufe stattfinden ist schon fast egal. Wenn ich hier nicht voll drin wäre würd ich diese Gelegenheit nutzen..

24 August 2010
The Manager Companies
Australian Stock Exchange
20 Bridge Street
Dear Sir
Bass Metals Ltd (ASX:BSM) is writing to provide the following operations update on its Hellyer
Mine Project development in NW Tasmania.
The Fossey decline is at approximately 625 metres of the 911 metre total planned decline length.
The decline advance has in recent weeks continued to encounter significant unexpected highwater
bearing structures. Difficulties associated with these water bearing structures have been
exacerbated by snow storms which have restricted access to site for several shifts. The increased
water flow has made mining activities difficult and placed the interim pumping and power supply
services under maximum load, with no contingency if further such structures are intersected.
In response Bass has decided to bring forward in the development schedule the installation of
permanent services and upgrade of the pumping capacity to ensure sufficient contingency. The
original planned final pumping capacity was to be 80 litres per second, which is now being
upgraded to 180 litres per second. The current pumping requirement is estimated to be 50 to 60
litres per second.
The water flows were unexpected, but they are manageable. However, this has caused a further
delay in the decline advance to that reported 30 July. Bass now estimates that the overall mine
development is 4 weeks behind the original schedule. The upgrades to the dewatering circuit and
modification to the schedule is likely to result in a capital cost increase of approximately $0.7
Hellyer Mill
The refurbishment of the Hellyer Mill is approximately 60% complete with costs to date consistent
with the planned expenditure schedule.
Development Schedule
The issues in the underground mine development have prompted a review of the overall
development and production schedule. In late July 2010, it was regarded as realistic, albeit, ?tight?
to have the Mill commissioned and in production in December 2010. Bass still expects ore
production from the Fossey mine in November-December, but given the recent issues in the
decline development it is considered prudent to complete all of the plant commissioning prior to
Christmas and then after the work force has had a break over Christmas, start treating Fossey ore
early in the new Year, 2011.
16 Thelma Street WEST PERTH WA 6005
PO Box 1330 WEST PERTH WA 6872
Telephone (08) 9322 8044 Facsimile (08) 9481 2846
In summary, unexpected water bearing structures have been encountered in the Fossey decline;
these are manageable with the addition of extra pumping capacity. However dealing with the
water inflow and the installation of the extra power and given the occurrence of Christmas in the
middle of that schedule it was decided to plan to start processing Fossey ore in January 2011,
rather than in December 2010. In the overall scheme it is regarded as a very modest and prudent
revision to the schedule.
Yours Sincerely
Mike Rosenstreich
Managing Director  
Angehängte Grafik:

24.08.10 11:02

724 Postings, 5331 Tage Golden_Yearsmit Sicht auf 6 Monaten ein klarer Kauf!

BASS METALS: Wasser sorgt für Verzögerungen! Dass im Bergbau oft unvorhersehbare Ereignisse eintreten können, zeigte sich heute bei unserem Depotwert BASS METALS ( Das Unternehmen legt aktuell den Zugang zur neuen FOSSEY Untertagemine und ist dabei auf Wasser gestoßen. Insgesamt beträgt die Länge des Zugangs 911 Meter und bei 625 Meter sind den Bergbauleuten Wassermassen entgegen getreten. Nun hat das Unternehmen neue Pumpen installiert um dieses Wasser schneller abzupumpen. Die bisherige Kapazität wurde von 50-60 Liter pro Sekunde auf 180 Liter pro Sekunde erweitert, um schneller voran zu kommen. Produktion soll nun im Januar 2011 starten! Dieses Problem wirft das Unternehmen laut eigenen Aussagen um etwa 4 Wochen im Zeitplan zurück. Die für Dezember 2010 geplante Produktionsaufnahme wird sich nun in den Januar 2011 verschieben! Wie ungeduldig viele Anleger sind, zeigte der Abschlag von 11% am heutigen Handelstag. Wir sehen die Verzögerung als nicht störend an und gehen davon aus, dass das Unternehmen die Probleme in den Griff bekommt. Zudem schätzen wir die absolute Ehrlichkeit des Managements, das den Markt sofort über diese Tatsache informiert hat. Das Witzige ist nämlich, dass Unternehmen eigentlich nicht verpflichtet sind, solche Ereignisse zu melden. Wir haben schon erlebt, dass bei einer Übertagemine die Seitenwände in die Mine gekracht sind, doch das Unternehmen dies dem Markt verheimlichte! Daher bleibt unsere Einschätzung für BASS METALS sehr positiv und das aktuelle Kursniveau mit Sicht auf 6 Monaten ein klarer Kauf!

Mike Rosenstreich:

...I suspect that there may have been some rumours that we had major problems in our mine – so I had to make the release I made today to ease people’s concerns that yes we have had some problems but they are manageable and we will have a 4 week delay.  No big deal in my opinion – and neither in Hannes Huster's –see attached.


07.09.10 07:38

724 Postings, 5331 Tage Golden_YearsNew Encouraging Drill Results

7 September 2010

Dear Sir
Bass Metals Ltd (ASX:BSM) is pleased to report further encouraging drill results from its
Switchback target, located on its Hellyer Mine lease in NW Tasmania.
The latest intercept comprises 3.95 metres of massive base metal sulphide mineralisation grading
5.9 % zinc, 2.4 % lead, 79 g/t silver and 1.1 g/t gold within diamond drill hole HED19. A schematic
drill section showing drill hole orientation and geology is presented in Figure 1. The latest drill hole
is approximately 60 metres south of drill hole HED16 which intersected 2.35 metres grading 25 %
zinc, 8.7 % lead, 192 g/t silver and 4.9 g/t gold within an overall 9.25 metre zone at 8.5 % zinc, 3.3
% lead, 69 g/t silver and 1.6 g/t gold.
The latest drill intercept, like HED16 is also associated with massive sulphide clasts within a mass
flow unit interpreted to have been shed from a distinct massive sulphide mound located
somewhere between the Hellyer and Que Deposits.
This is a very encouraging advancement of the prospect on two fronts; Bass considers that the
mass flow hosted mineralisation has resource potential and secondly that the high-grade massive
sulphide clasts may vector into a new primary massive sulphide deposit. A follow-up diamond drill
hole is in progress.
Bass is exploring for large scale, high grade polymetallic (copper-lead-zinc-silver-gold)
volcanogenic massive sulphide (VMS) deposits in the Mt Read Volcanic belt, in NW Tasmania.
These deposit styles generally occur in clusters, and Bass? exploration focus is around the Hellyer-
Que River VMS system which occurs on its Mining Leases within 5km radius of its Hellyer Mill. A
general location plan is presented in Figure 2.  

16.09.10 07:33

724 Postings, 5331 Tage Golden_YearsOperations Update

wow, super hedging Preise. Bei Zink sogar mehr als in der Feasibilty Study. Gute Absicherung gegen fallende Preise und gleichzeitig bleiben 70% für den freien Markt. Da hat das MM mal wieder einen sehr sehr guten Job gemacht!

Zink/t A$ 2,46 
Blei A$  2,41

(30% der voraussichtlichen Produktion von Fossey)

Hellyer on Track (70%)
Fossey funzt auch wieder (730m). Die Wasserpumpen und die Stromversorgung sind installiert 



29.09.10 07:17

724 Postings, 5331 Tage Golden_YearsNew High Grade Intercept

29.09.10 09:08

724 Postings, 5331 Tage Golden_Years(PR)-Arbeit

Hab mich grade mal per Email bei Mike Rosenstreich und seinem Team für die gute und ehrliche (PR)-Arbeit bedankt. Dachte wär einfach mal angebracht. Ich finde die Firmenpolitik von Bass außergewöhnlich gut. Bin zudem absolut überzeugt vom Projekt und den Aussichten.
Seine Antwort kam promt und ich glaube wir werden sehr viel Freude mit Bass haben, so interpretier ich zumindest seine letzten Wörter
"Don’t forget we are in this to make money i.e. a profit..."
"...just becomes too compelling not to sell!!"


29.09.10 13:27

4308 Postings, 8580 Tage Nukem2011 wird Bass für leichte 500% Kursplus gut sein!

Das sagt doch alles hier:

With what Rosensteich describes as ?major growth in production profile in the next 12 months, with a new project (Fossey) coming on line? Bass Metals Ltd is set to be a $300 to $500 million market-cap resources business with two established operations and a third being developed.

Danke für die Threadpflege Golden!  

29.09.10 15:50

724 Postings, 5331 Tage be a $300 to $500 million market-cap..

Vor allem mit den neuen Ergebnissen von Switchback. Das größte Problem war bis jetzt die Minenlaufzeit. Das sollte sich so langsam erledigt haben und eine breitere Investorenschicht auf den Plan rufen. Denke da werden auch einige Analysten, Fonds und Börsenbriefe nach und nach aufmerksam werden. Und noch was stimmt mich äusserst zuversichtlich die Marketcap. von > 300Mio zu erreichen, bis jetzt hat Bass alles gehalten was versprochen wurde!

...Der letzte Bohrabschnitt hängt, wie auch die Bohrungen HED 16 und HED 19, mit massiven Sulfidklasten innerhalb eines massiven Ergussblocks zusammen, wobei angenommen wird, dass dieser von einem massiven Sulfidkegel irgendwo zwischen den Vorkommen Hellyer und Que River stammt.

Der Mineralisierungsblock ist in alle Richtungen offen und Bass Metals Ltd. geht davon aus, dass mit weiteren Bohrungen eine ausgezeichnete Aussicht zur Definition einer umfangreichen Ressource besteht. Besonders attraktiv ist die unmittelbare Nähe der Mine Hellyer Mill und der Untertagemine Fossey (die zurzeit erschlossen wird), wie aus Abbildung 2 zu ersehen. Die hochgradigen massiven Sulfidklasten könnten außerdem Anlass zu Explorationsbohrungen in einem neuen primären massiven Sulfidvorkommen sein.

Dann wird auch die neue Gold- und Silberstudie fortgeführt. Wenn die positiv ausfällt, wovon man ausgehen muss, sind das dann on Top 800.000 Unzen Gold und 32Mio Unzen Silber oder 1,2 Millarden $ an Gegenwert (bis dato..) bei einer Finanzierung je nach Förderung von 50-150Mio $.


29.09.10 18:39

4308 Postings, 8580 Tage NukemDurchweg gute Ergebnisse

Die laufenden Drills werden die Resource und damit die Minenlaufzeit weiter erhöhen. Sämtliche Drills zeigen durchweg gute Ergebnisse. Das Gestein weißt durchweg hohe Blei/Zink/Silbergehalte auf. Ehrlich gesagt halte ich die Performanceaussichten
vom CEO für 2011/2012 noch zu tief gestapelt. Aber is schon okay so. Ich halte meine Stücke noch ein paar Jahre. Bass wird neben Alcyone und Indo Mines eine echte Mega-Story!  

30.09.10 13:13

4308 Postings, 8580 Tage NukemAchtung: Der Count-Down läuft!

In drei Monaten wird der Markt gezwungen, das zu erwartende KGV von 2 in den Kurs einzupreisen. Stünde der Kurs in drei Monaten fünfmal höher, dann wäre Bass Metals im Rahmen bewertet.  

03.10.10 00:36

724 Postings, 5331 Tage Golden_Yearsimmerhin schon mal 23cent

technisch sauber hat Bass die 23cent genommen. Trotzdem ist die ASK Seite noch sehr prall gefüllt, was aber nicht unbedingt negativ zu sehen ist. Die Trader, die sich wohl unter 20cent eingedeckt haben, werden nach und nach rausgespült und durch den geringen Spread ergibt sich die Gelegenheit für weitsichtige Anleger, sich günstig einzudecken. Es wird auch nicht blind ins BID abgeladen. Alles in Allem sehe ich die Performance der letzten Zeit sehr sehr positiv und wenn erstmal die 25cent geknackt werden, sollte der Weg frei sein. Bei Bass kann man auch jederzeit auf neue erfreuliche News hoffen.
Next Milestone Nov. und dann Jan.
Sollten hier Rücksetzter kommen, werd ich weiter aufstocken und ander Depotleichen auch mit Verlust liquidieren. Bin mir sehr sicher, das Bass einen aussergewöhnlichen Weg zum mittleren Produzenten mit einer Marketcap von mind. Aus$300Mill. gehen wird. Die super schönen Vorteile sind, das Unternehmen wird "noch" komplett unterschätzt, es ist voll finanziert, die absolut geringen Förderungskosten mit der eigenen Mühle mit der man selbst in einer (Finanz-) Kirise konkurenzfähig bleibt und der damit sehr hohen Gewinmargen, ein enormes Explorationspotential und mit Switchback fast schon das nächste Vorkommen entdeckt hat, es ist keine Verwässerung, aufgrund des hohen Cashflows, zu erwarten, außer die Gold- und Silberförderung benötigt frisches Kapital. Das wären dann aber auch zusätzliche 50.000-100.000 Unzen Gold pro Anno für mind. die nächsten 10 Jahre!!


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