neue Mitarbeiter ein.
In August LION Smart welcomes six new colleagues at the same time!
We are so happy to meet:
Christoph Brauer, our new Sales Manager with great experience as a consultant in production development of a medical device start-up in Nevada, US. Working in the automotive industry has been a long-time passion of him as he already worked there before and that he can pursue now. Christoph has an administrative background having studied business administration and engineering. He loves mountain biking, skiing, meeting his friends and inline skating. Cheers to you Christoph!
Arne Siegner, as our new communications and marketing manager according to his studies in this field. He also brings relevant experience in marketing and communication consulting as a corporate communications manager in automotive and IT industries. His expertise in strategic communications will surely benefit LION Smart and we are happy to have him. He loves to play the piano and guitar and spends his time hiking and traveling.
Stefan Tippmann is our additional sales manager for BMS and light battery having previously worked as a key account manager in a sales team. Stefan studied business economics. Mountainbikes and race cycles are amongst his hobbies and a true lifetime passion - so this also suits perfectly to us.
Daqi Li joins our software architect BMS team with his successfully finished energy technology diploma at the RWTH Aachen. His knowledge and expertise include engine control unit in software development and safety function BMS. Daqi?s profession includes his free time hobbies as in programming and micro controlling. Besides that, he also enjoys playing tennis, reading and traveling ? we are very happy about his support.
PS: The other two will be introduced next week