Neues Minengesetz in Ecuador - Dynasty M&M kaufen

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11.01.09 21:40

21 Postings, 7331 Tage c0d3xNeues Minengesetz in Ecuador - Dynasty M&M kaufen

..into the sky Also jetzt mal ganz sachlich. Ich beschreibe mal was Dynasty zu bieten hat, nach einem kurzen politischen Ausschnitt.  Ich habe die Chance genutzt und bin zu 1,80 EUR in diesen Wert eingestiegen. Ich werde in diesem Jahr den Fokus auf Gold- und Kupferexplorer sowie Produzenten legen die eine Chance zum Highflyer haben. Das Jahr 2009 wird in dem Rohstoff Sektor meiner Meinung nach als das Jahr der Übernahmen eingehen, da der Rohstoffhunger vieler großer Produzenten weiterhin ungebremst ist und viele Aktien jetzt preiswert zu haben sind. Auf der ganzen Welt interessieren sich Regierungen und Rohstoffunternehmen für neue potenzielle Minen und diese werden ihre Portfolios mit aller Macht -zu diesen verdammt niedrigen Preisen - vergrößern. Mein Fokus liegt hier ganz Klar auf Unternehmen die vor einer Übernahmen oder vor Produktionsbeginn stehen, sowie aus Unternehmen deren Aktien aufgrund von Zwangsliquidierungen ausverkauft wurden und nunmehr zu einem Schnäppchenpreis zu haben sind.   Hier geht es um Dynasty Metals & Mining. Ein kanadischer Wert der in Ecuador sein Glück versucht und auch gefunden hat, das letzte Puzzleteil vor Produktionsstart ist das neue Minengesetz, welches nächste Woche im "congresillo" entschieden wird. Die Regierung versucht mit aller Macht die großen Rohstofflagerstätten Ecuadors dazu zu nutzen dieses von Armut betroffene Land auf ein neues Wohlstandslevel zu hieven. Ich denke es ist sehr verständlich dass der Präsident Correa das neue Minengesetz propagiert, da hier eine Chance besteht durch ausländische Investitionen Arbeitsplätze zu schaffen. Wenn also dieses politische Risiko aus dem Weg geräumt ist - und Unternehmen wie Dynasty eine - auf internationalen Standards basierende - Grundlage für ihre jetztigen und zukünftigen Rohstoffaktivitäten erhalten - geht es auch wieder aufwärts mit den Aktien. Diese waren in Vergangenheit deutlich unter die Räder gekommen, nachdem die Regierung im letzten Jahr einen sogenannten "mining ban" für 180 Tage festsetzte, um sich ausreichend Zeit für eine Neuordnung zu schaffen.  Also richtet eure Augen auf Ecuador, in den kommenden Wochen könnte das neue Gesetz unterschrieben und aktiv werden und dann werden die Investoren, die sich aus Ecuador zurückgezogen hatten - zurückkehren.   Dynasty hat einiges zu bieten, wie ihr im folgenden sehen werdet. Die Marktkapitalisierung beträgt ca. 64 MEUR bei 35,5 Mio Aktien (fully diluted).  Dynasty baut gerade eine Mine, die im März in Produktion gehen wird und vorerst 100.000 Unzen Gold p.a. liefert. Dynasty hat wie ihr auf der Übersicht seht insgesamt 1,4 Millionen Unzen im Bereich proven/probable (=measured). Das bedeuted eine Unze Gold wird gerade mal mit 61 USD bewertet und dann gibts 5,3 Millionen Silberunzen immernoch gratis obendrauf. Eine Ausweitung des Bereichs measured Unzen ist zudem denkbar, so dass sich diese Anzahl noch deutlich erhöhen könnte. Nicht alle rechnen bei einer Bewertung nur mit den Unzen die im measured-Bereich liegen. Würde man die Goldunzen nehmen, die sich im inferred Status befinden käme man aktuell auf eine Bewertung von weniger als 30 USD je Unze Gold. Ein Nachbar von Dynasty, Aurelian wurde kürzlich von Kinross für fast das 2,5fache übernommen (88 CAD). Hier aber sind wir viel weiter, nämlich kurz vorm Produzenten Status, währendessen man bei anderen Explorern noch Jahre zu früh ist heisst es hier bald "ACTION"! Dynasty plant seine Produktion auf 300.000 Unzen p.a. auszubauen und wenn man sich die nedrigen Kosten anguckt, die einem bei weniger als 200 USD sofort ins Auge springen, wirft das ganze eine ordentliche Marge ab. Die meisten Produzenten haben Kosten im Bereich 300-450 USD/Unze.

Hier eine Historie und aktuelle News

Oder auch super aktuelle News auf folgendem Blogs:

Ich halte euch auf dem Laufenden, Viel Spaß mit Dynasty. Kursziel 5 EUR in 2009.

Liebe Grüße c0d3x

p.s. im Auge behalten sollte man den Chart:


Sowie den Wechselkurs EUR/CAD:

Fällt der EUR/CAD ist es gut für uns

Und auch das Börsengeschehen in Kanada:


Hier noch die letzten News:

Ecuador Anti-Mining Blockades Met With Repression, National Mobilization Called for January 20

According to the newspaper El Comercio, Minister of Mines and Petroleum Derlis Palacios said that the government would push forward with the Mining Law. Palacios said that Ecuador “was a poor country that could not afford to just sit on these large resources.” He added that protests were the result of manipulation by indigenous leaders who mislead community members by claiming that mining would harm their access to clean water. Palacios said that the new law would ensure that water sources are protected. Congresillo President Cordero told El Comercio that protesters were using the demonstrations to advance electoral ambitions.


Congress to hold second debate on mining law next week - Ecuador lecker

Published: Wednesday, January 7, 2009 17:46 (GMT -0400)
The economic development committee of Ecuador's transitional7 congress, or "congresillo," plans to hold a second debate on the country's new mining law next week, Santiago Cordovez, the executive director of Ecuador's mining chamber, told BNamericas.

If the measure withstands the second debate and Ecuador's President Rafael Correa signs it immediately, the bill will be published in the official gazette and go into effect within 11 days, he said.


Ecuador's constituent assembly, which preceded the congresillo and drew up the country's new constitution, passed a mandate in April suspending all mining activities for six months to allow time for preparation of the mining reform bill. "And technically, the deadline was up on January 5," Cordovez said.

According to the mandate, the country's ministry of mines and oil (MMP) will be forced to renegotiate concession permits with miners if a new mining law is not in place by the deadline, but Cordovez feels its expiration has not yet affected anything established by the mandate.

"Problems will arise if there is too much delay in approving the law and if there is a void between the date when the mining mandate expires and the law goes into effect," he said.


The executive also said it is certain the measure will become an ordinary law, not an organic one, which had been an option.

Correa sent the mining bill to the congresillo in mid-November.

Among other issues, the law would set a 5% net smelter royalty.

It also proposes stricter environmental controls and restricts the exploration period to eight years.


Ecuador mining law update

Petsain (right) and assembly head honcho Fernando Cordero on Monday

Things are beginning to move in Ecuador concerning the mining law. There are quite a few bases to cover, so here we go with bullet points:

* The report that will be used as the base for the second assembly debate is handed over to the parliamentarians tomorrow. We can expect the debate next week. Remember, if it gets through the debate next week (and there's little reason why it shouldn't) then it becomes law.

* The law is now very likely to be non-organic. This means that other laws can be applied to the mining sphere and may complicate matters for some. In the case of my preferred vehicle Dynasty ( there's nothing to be worried about (there...I've stuck my neck out on this).

* Over the last two days, enviro protestors have been protesting in the southern districts. Things turned a bit nasty yesterday and the protests got violent. In total 12 police were reported injured in clashes and one police medic was taken hostage by the protestors. The hostage was apparently taken to use as a bargaining chip to get arrested colleagues out of jail. The medic dude is in no danger here, it should be stressed.

* Protests are continuing this morning but less vociferous. The gov't has shipped an extra 140 police into the area and schools etc are open as normal for the first time this week (70% attendance rates reported).

* Indigenous umbrella group CONAIE (national executive) has not been directly involved in these protests but yesterday expressed their support and called on the law to be delayed and for a national debate. It should be pointed out that CONAIE has used the same tactic in previous moments and the government has always replied that the consultation process before the proposed law was published was extensive and thorough. CONAIE also made their usual anti-transnational (i.e. gringo) noises.

* Meanwhile this link takes you to a report of the visit to parliament by Paúl Petsain, president of the Shuar Arutam people from the Cordillera del Condor region (where the DMM, K, CTQ etc etc projects are located). He expressed his support for the mining law, disagreed with the CONAIE-backed protests and is happy that minor changes are being added to the second debate paper (mainly about artisan mining support proceses). Run the Spanish language link above through Google translator; a very interesting and positive article. I remind you that the indigenous voices closest to any mining project are the most important, with the larger national executive's position being less important. This may seem counterintuitive to some, but it's the way it is.

The bottom line here is optimistic; the protests from enviro-group locals are bound to continue during this week and next but they will not affect the passage of the law. The date is all but set for the second debate and once that happens we'll basically have our active law. It looks like's prediction of commissioning at the end of March is going to come true.


12.01.09 21:46

21 Postings, 7331 Tage c0d3x"congresillo" Sitzung

Second Debate um 14 Uhr Ortszeit, also MEZ-6 macht 20 Uhr wenn ich alles richtig interpretiere.  

13.01.09 07:59

21 Postings, 7331 Tage c0d3x22h23 is approved the project of Law of Mining.

2009-01-12 Writing by Press room    Monday, 12 of January of 2009   Visits 982  Report Minute by minute (86) RSS feed comment CLOSE  22h25 closing session no. 17 Lamb remembers that the next meeting of the Legislative Commission will take place the Wednesday.    22h24 Reconsideration By order of the member of an assembly Caesar Rodriguez, it is come to the reconsideration, in which one obtains 5 affirmative votes, 49 negatives, 6 targets and 2 abstentions. Therefore, the motion was not acpetada. 22h23 is approved the project of Law of Mining.   22h20 valid Rectification By error of the system is given rise to a new voting, in which it secures the following results: 50 affirmative ones, 6 negatives, 3 targets and 6 abstentions.    22h19 Rectification In this opportunity it is registered: 51 affirmative votes, 6 negatives, 2 targets and 5 abstentions.    22h16 Voting From 64 presents, the project, with the accepted modifications, obtains 50 affirmative votes, 6 negatives, 3 targets and 5 abstentions.    22h09 Caesar Rodriguez proposes text for the final disposition second. Irina Heads accepts the proposal and adds that in article 133 it gets up to the micro-enterprises and condominiums that also realise mining activities.    21h59 Irina Heads requests five minutes in order to clarify the reach of one of the dispositions.    21h58 Around the payment of exemptions, one will subject to the contemplated thing in Art. 408 of the Political Constitution.    21h57 In the case of the small one mining, the 10 percent of the percentage of the utilities will be for the workers and the 5 percent for the communities    21h52 With respect to the expotación miner, will have to contain obligations of the concessionaire in matters of environmental management, payment of exemptions and activities of total or partial closing of the mine, including the payment of all the liabilities corresponding to perìodo of the concession.    21h50 In the case of the concessions miners, the State will be able exceptionally to delegate its participation in the mining sector.    21h48 Between the changes, includes a the Municipalities in the institutional structure of the mining sector, along with the Sectorial Ministry, Agency of Regulation and Mining Control, the Geologic Institute of Investigation and Mining the Nacional Company.    21h45 the Secretary comes to read the articulated determined changes to of the project.    21h42 Before the restlessness of Pedro members of an assembly de la Cruz and Rosana Alvarado, the Vice-minister of Mines, explains on the concessions reverted in the sector of Intag.    21h37 we have given samples of total opening to the dialogue. One protects the atmosphere and the use due of the water; it is false that one looks for to give the mining wealth to the transnational companies, adds to Irina Heads.    21h34 the Irina member of an assembly Heads it assures that the modifications have been accepted to articles 5, 16.30, 31, 41, 67, 93, 134 and a general disposition is added.    21h29 the responsibility of the Commission it is in guaranteeing a responsible law with the atmosphere and the citizenship; we recognize the contribution and commitment of the blocks of majority and minority, indicates to Irina Heads.    21h30 This law is perfectible that we must work in the future guaranteeing the inclusion of the different sectors, concludes the Vice-minister.    21h25 the law tries to leave back the past that generò social and environmental conflicts in the mining activity and the empire of Mafias that exploded to the immersed workers in this task. The Government implemented a social dialogue like tool of the inclusive democracy, pointed Serrano.    21h22 President Cordero solicits the intervention of the Vice-minister of Mines, Mountain Jose, who remembers that this Government beginning his management with 20% of his concesionado territory, approximately 5 million hectares.    21h19 reinstates the session, with the presence of 60 members of an assembly. Lamb informs that copies are removing from the alternative text of the project of Law of Mining, that picks up the respective observations.    21h00 In the Plenary session are 58 members of an assembly awaiting the resumption of the session, to conclude with the second debate of the project of Mining Law.    20h00 declares receso, previous to the voting of the final text of the law project.    19h59 the President of the Commission Legislative he closes the debate and he asks the holder of the Commission of Economic Development and Production, Irina Heads, that pick up the contributions of the members of an assembly to come to the voting of the Law of Mining.    19h57 the depreciation acelarada of assets of the mining companies harm the fiscal income of the State, assures Julio Logroño, reason why it suggests eliminates article 147 of the law project.    Second intervention Martha Roldós insists that the number of the 5 percent of the exemptions modifies, on subjection of Art. 408 of the Constitution. It is justified to create a supervision to control the mining matter in response to the order of Pachakutik.    19h44 Rosana Alvarado demands that in new law recovers the zones that in the Azuay have been operated indiscriminately. It argues that in case of the mining concessions the State will have to make sure. It raises that the concessions can occur for 10 and 15 years and not 25.    19h36 the law reaffirms the sovereignty and constitutional rules on the strategic resources. We are against the concentration, in agreement with Art. 334 of the Constitution, in addition the autonomy of the sectional organisms is clear and the auctions of concessions realizán in areas only defined, argues Lamb Cave.    19h33 Demos a transparency bath and we read the law project well. If there is to improve is necessary to do it, it emphasizes.    19h32 the first vice-president, Caesar Rodriguez directs the session: Fernando Lamb from his curul initiates his intervention about mining.    19h31 Point of Information The Faustus Lupera demands that to the representative of the MPD not him pidiò that concentrates in the subject.    19h22 is wanted to continue with the sacking, it notices Jorge Scale, when anticipating that the MPD will not vote by the approval of the project, màs even though he is wanted to give to the nonrenewable resources to the transnational companies, doing violence to articles 315, 316 and 317 of the Constitution.    19h19 Chávez agrees that the project of law it could be put under a popular consultation. The discussion it leaves the light, reason why it is necessary recogan the observations and as far as possible it is not affected the Pachamama, emphasizes.    19h12 We are in the waiting room of election process, says Holger Chávez, that is asked if it agrees or not to the national interest east project. It asks for major clarity with respect to the extractivista activity in protected areas.    19h05 Eduardo Bald asserts that project reflects feelings of the towns and communities of the country, respecting the water nature, biodiversity and sources. In any case, it is necessary to review the amounts of utilities for the mining workers.    18h59 Pedro de la Cruz assures that in the zone of Intag the mining operation is not profitable.    18h41 Carlos Pilamunga supports with the people who have declared themselves in hunger strike in rejection to the Law of Mining. The fight is not there, but demands will appear before international organisms.    18h37 Rosary Palaces stresses that this law has like priority the protection of new natural zones and other advantages.    18h31 Robert Ponce shows that the law must reach credibility from the community and that improves the work, the health and education of the population.    18h27 Point of Order Betty Loves asks president Cordero who draws attention to the Lupera member of an assembly, in order that he relies on the subject in discussion.    18h26 Lupera considers that he would be advisable that this project of law is put under popular consultation, welcoming the exposition of President Correa.    18h23 Fernando Lamb indicates that the President of the Republic made arrive, in writing, the delegation expresses and direct for the vice-minister of Mines, Mountain Jose, so that it participates in the debate of the Mining Law, in the Plenary session.    18h21 the law defends the sovereignty and it orders an activity that in the last years grew significantly. Without double speeches we assumed this challenge, adds Panchana.    18h13 the member of an assembly Rolando Panchana he solicits that the procedure for second is read debates, consequently bases that the analysis is framed strictly in the arranged thing in Mandate 23. It emphasizes that the mining concessions will depend on the planning of the Sectorial Ministry.    18h02 the 50 percent of the exemptions they must go in favor of the State, so what has Art. 408 the Constitution; it is necessary to clarify the regulation and control and that administrative silence considers negative, precise Leon Roldós.    17h58 Rodriguez concludes its intervention with the proposal of distribution of a 15% of the utilities: 10% for the workers of the small mining and 5% for its communities.    17h56 the law ends the sacking del that certain groups benefitted and the same subjects to which it sends the Constitution, the First Vice-president of the Legislative Commission will reiterá.    17h49 the Law of Mining has a great one advantage, to remove to shine the true interests and the practices of sectors that do not doubt in utiliar the políto-electoral subject by questions, shows Caesar Rodrìguez, when remembering that the 2 of December, in an official notice, the Conaie, Ecuarunari, Confenaie demanded the file of the mining project and here the representatives of Pachakutik speak of which they are not against the proposal.    17h41 Wlfrido Ruiz solicits that it is taken in account its observations to several articles, among them on the mining concession for the small mining.    17h32 Guido Rivas comments that today, it is necessary to take a transcendental step for the country; certain radical groups represent the voice of transacionales. It is possible to develop the responsible mining, respecting the atmosphere.    17h23 Abel Avila condemns the repression to the demonstrators against the project of mining law. It maintains that the country requires this law, but that benefits the population. The concession is part of the neoliberal policy, emphasizes.    17h17 cheers to Me that the Comisón it has welcomed the observations, to a large extent, of the minority. It is necessary to include in the project the due process in the negotiation of the concessions, emphasizes Carlos Guzmán.    17h10 Pedro de la Cruz, remembers that in the Component worked by the mining mandate. It emphasizes that the communities, where areas of mining operation exist, benefit with 50% of the exemptions.    17h02 Point of Order Irina Heads remembers that the Conaie and Pachakutik the 5 of December requested the file of the Law of Mining, without giving alternatives on the matter.    16h54 Gilberto Guamantate affirms that Art. 31 of the project consecrates the delivery of the mining wealth to the transnational companies. The Ecuarunari has not said that the proposal is filed, but to work it with the social participation of all the sectors.    16h48 Tenemos to give a law that he consecrates the social benefits, been born from a consensus, affirms Tatiana Hidrovo, that Francisco agrees with the position of the member of an assembly Velasco, in the subject of the mining operation. He makes several suggestions to the content of the articulated one.    16h40 Andres Pavón recognizes the opening of the Commission to welcome the restlessness of the true mining of subsistence, construction equipments and small mining. Ecuador cannot remain without law, but the wealth to certain companies cannot be given.    16h31 Francisco Velasco affirms that attitude of the opposition is electorera. It remembers that the project must sufficiently be clear in order that the arranged thing in article 408 of the Constitution is guaranteed, with respect to the participation of the State.    16h18 Sergio Chacón proposes that the faculty is eliminated that grants the Executive to control all the mining activity, leaving of side the sectional organisms.    16h12 Hay to assume with responsibility the historical moment that lives the country. The Mining Law is part of the necessary institutional reordering, affirms to Jaime Ruiz. In addition it realises observations to aim that exists greater clarity in the text on the phases of the mining activity.    16h03 This is a law to favor of the transnational companies. Has appeared it like a panacea; that the open-cast operation and on a large scale will allow to remove to the country from the poverty, comments Martha Roldós.    15h54 commissioner Leonardo Viteri he raises that the action of the municipalities is due to guarantee, with respect to the mining work. In addition he suggests several general and transitory observations to different articles and dispositions.    15h43 Is necessary to implement one law to correct the disadvantages of the State against great operation, but as it is conceived will not obtain the wished changes. In addition from the legal point of view the project is unconstitutional, asserts Julio Logroño.    15h43 the dialogue in the Commission he was always open, because one is a project of law of cuts social, concludes the Irina member of an assembly Heads.    15h39 settles down public interest action in order to denounce acts that affect to the interests of the country within the mining operation. The 60 percent of exemptions will go to productive projects, indicates.    15h36 Irina Heads remembers that the participation processes and consult are obligatory not to affect to the towns and nationalities.    15h34 At all moment is defended the rights of the people and the nature, in agreement send the Constitution, say the AP member of an assembly.    15h32 the new norm creates the necessary institutionality so that the mining activity works with regulations, emphasizes the President of the Commission.    15h27 the project strengthens the criterion of sovereignty, it protiles the woman and it eliminates the infantile work in the mining activity. It raises the use of clean technology to guarantee the conditions of the good one for living, respecting the right to the water, emphasizes Heads.    15h24 Interviene the President of Commission of Development and Production, Irina Heads. The support of the members of the Commission in the analysis of the content stands out.    15h14 Continúa the reading of minority report.    15h15 the Faustus Lupera raises that the representative of the Executive one presents/displays a certification in writing of the delegation.    15h14 president Cordero recognizes like vàlida the proposal of Irina Heads. The vice-minister of Mines, Mountain Josè, gets up itself to the debate by delegation of the President of the Republic.    15h12 Point of order. The Irina member of an assembly Heads raises that in the debate of the project she is I presented/displayed a representative of the Executive in accordance with article 134 of the Constitution and 22 of the Regulation.    15h09 the Secretary gives reading to report of minorìa of the member of an assembly Andres Pavón, who notices that the governmental project tries to favor to the transnational companies.    15h06 On the exemptions that the State it must right to receive, these must cause the fiscal recovery and the necessity that the foreign investment returns to the State the benefits of the operation.    15h02 the report indicates that one has known the criteria public and deprived institutions, social organizations, indigenous, environmentalist, professional movements of engineering and mines, among others.    14h56 begins the reading of the report for second it debates of the project of law, signed by the Irina members of an assembly Bald Heads, Jorge, Rolando Panchana and Hilda Rock, of the Commission of Economic Development and Production.    14h55 Following point of the Daily routine. Secondly it debates of the project of Law of Mining.    14h52 First point. The National Hinmo is intoned.    14h51 incia the session. Reading occurs to the call.    14h50 President Cordero arranges one verifies if quorum exists. Secretariat confirms that 43 members of an assembly exist.    14h45 39 members of an assembly are in the Plenary session; quorum already exists.    14h30 president Fernando C ordero one is in the Plenary session; like 20 members of an assembly. START14h00 Session 17 of the Plenary session. In the Daily routine two points consist: National anthem and second debate of the project of Law of Mining.



13.01.09 08:21

21 Postings, 7331 Tage c0d3xApproved draft Mining Act

Approved draft Mining Act, tomorrow will be sent to the Executive
12 de enero de 2009 Monday, January 12, 2009

The Legislative Committee approved the draft Mining Act, which has the character of ordinary and to regulate the relations of the state to manage, monitor and manage the strategic mining sector, in accordance with the principles of sustainability, precaution, prevention and efficiency...  

13.01.09 10:49

21 Postings, 7331 Tage c0d3xLöschung

Zeitpunkt: 15.01.09 16:15
Aktion: Löschung des Beitrages
Kommentar: Löschung auf Wunsch des Verfassers



13.01.09 10:52

21 Postings, 7331 Tage c0d3xLöschung

Zeitpunkt: 15.01.09 16:15
Aktion: Löschung des Beitrages
Kommentar: Löschung auf Wunsch des Verfassers



13.01.09 15:34

21 Postings, 7331 Tage c0d3xChart


So schnell wie es im April abwärts ging, nachdem der Mining Operations Ban festgesetzt wurde, könnte es auch wieder aufwärts gehen, denn diesen "ban" gibt es nicht mehr, an diese Stelle tritt das neue Minen Gesetz, welches in wenigen Wochen aktiv wird, pünktlich zum Produktionsbeginn von Dynasty.  

13.01.09 16:52

21 Postings, 7331 Tage c0d3xKursziel zwischen 7,6 und 17 CAD - aktuell 3,8 CAD

Nachdem wir die 4 CAD geknackt haben ist das nächste Kursziel zwischen 7,6 und 17 CAD anzusiedeln, dieses ist aus den verschiedenen Res. Kategorien abgeleitet. Wenn man Dynasty komplett analog zu Aurelian betrachtet ist ein fairer Kurs bei 17 CAD, bis dahin sind also noch bis zu 400% drin!  

13.01.09 17:59

21 Postings, 7331 Tage c0d3xEmpfehlungen

weitere Empfehlungen bekommt ihr auch auf meinem Blog, es gibt neben Dynasty interessante Übernahmekandidaten in der Rohstoffbranche.


14.01.09 08:03

21 Postings, 7331 Tage c0d3xGap Schluss aus dem April

Ich denke die 6 CAD werden wir schnell wieder im Chart sehen, das ist genau die Marke die im April der Ausgangspunkt des starken Kursverfalls infolge des "mining operation bans" war. Schlusskurs Gestern bei 3,90, also ca. 2,40 EUR.


Man sieht hier auch zunehmendes Volumen und steigende Kurse und man darf nicht vergessen dass sich diese News Gestern noch nicht über den ganzen Globus verteilt hatte.


15.01.09 16:19

21 Postings, 7331 Tage c0d3xNächster Upmove

Der Markt bewertet Dynasty mit 21 ,60 CAD pro Unze, über alle Res.-Kategorien, auf der Seite findet ihr Vergleichswerte, und den wichtigsten Vergleichswert, direkt aus Ecuador, von Aurelian kennt ihr ja bereits: 88 CAD je Unze über alle Kategorien. Und dabei darf man auch nicht vergessen, dass Dynasty kurz vor Produktion steht und kein "early stage explorer" mehr ist. Außerdem gibt es weitere -bereits hier geschilderte- Vorteile die einen höheren Preis pr Unze an Bewertung rechtfertigen, zum Beispiel die niedrigen Abbaukosten.
Achja und letzte wichtige Info: Präsident Correa muss das neue Gesetz nich ratifizieren, also gibt es nochmal einen schönen Upmove, das ist auch für die großen Fische die Initialzündung bzw. der Punkt auf den man als seriöser Investor wartet. Ab dann fliesst jede Menge Geld nach Ecuador. Und die Chance das Correa das Gesetz ratifiziert ist 100%, weil man es ihm zu verdanken hat dass wir jetzt überhaupt ein neues Gesetz, nach internationalen Standards haben.  

15.01.09 16:22

21 Postings, 7331 Tage c0d3xnächster Upmove - alles wartet auf ratifizierung

..des neuen Gesetzes, im vorrigen Posting muss es nat. "noch" heissen anstelle von "nich", nicht dass jemand denkt eine Ratifikation ist nicht erforderlich ;)

Liebe Grüße.

p.s. Ich halte euch auf dem Laufenden  

20.01.09 11:26

21 Postings, 7331 Tage c0d3xEcuadors new mining law will be finalized this we

By Stephan Kueffner  Jan. 19 (Bloomberg) -- Ecuador’s new mining law will probably be finalized this week, President Rafael Correa said.  The bill will be submitted to the legislature today with a request for a minor change before final approval, Correa said in a speech from the presidential palace in Quito. Correa said he plans to ask the National Assembly to change the wording in the law to make sure that control of some deposits that were explored and studied by the government are returned to the state.  Correa is hoping the new law, which reorganizes the entire industry and comes after the Assembly banned mining in April, will draw increased foreign investment to develop deposits in the South American country.  “We don’t have another single day to lose,” Correa said.  Indigenous groups and protesters concerned the increase in mining may lead to more environmental damage will hold demonstrations tomorrow against the plans to develop gold and copper deposits. Ecuador estimated in the first quarter of last year that it has some $220 billion in reserves of metals such as gold, copper and molybdenum.


20.01.09 15:28

21 Postings, 7331 Tage c0d3xupdate (2) -

By Stephan Kueffner

Jan. 19 (Bloomberg) -- Ecuador?s new mining law willprobably be finalized this week, President Rafael Correa said.

The bill will be submitted to the legislature today with arequest for a minor change before final approval, Correa said ina speech from the presidential palace in Quito. Correa said heplans to ask the National Assembly to change the wording in thelaw to make sure that control of some deposits that were exploredand studied by the government is returned to the state.

Correa is hoping the new law, which reorganizes the industryafter the Assembly banned mining in April, will lure more foreigninvestment to develop deposits in the South American country.

?We don?t have another single day to lose,? Correa said.

Ecuador estimated in the first quarter of last year that ithas some $220 billion in reserves of metals such as gold, copperand molybdenum. Companies will be able to partially restartoperations as soon as the law goes into effect, with fullactivities resuming as soon as regulations to govern theimplementation of the measures are ready, Deputy Mining MinisterJose Serrano said.

?They?ll be able to start work immediately,? Serrano saidin a telephone interview.

Miners Cheer

Several hundred miners cheered as they heard Correa?s speechin Quito?s Independence Square today. Indigenous groups andprotesters concerned that the increase in mining may lead to moreenvironmental damage will hold demonstrations tomorrow againstthe plans to develop gold and copper deposits.

According to the draft law, the government will have theright to declare a deposit a ?special mining area,? giving anew state-owned company preferential access to mineral depositsthere for up to four years. The new law will also include a 5percent royalty on sales and ensure that more than 50 percent ofrevenue from mining operations goes to the state.

The law gives foreign mining companies investing in Ecuadorthe same rights as domestic producers and allows individuals andcompanies to freely prospect for minerals. It also toughenssocial and environmental standards.

Companies will be allowed to hold concessions as large as5,000 hectares (12,355 acres), for which they will have to payannual fees of $5 to $20 per hectare, in addition to royaltiesand taxes. Companies with current, suspended concessions willhave 120 days to renegotiate their contracts with the government,and contracts will be based on reference prices as measured bythe London Metal Exchange.

A new government mining regulator will oversee the industry.If a local community opposes a project, the Mines and OilMinistry will have the right to turn it down.

To contact the reporter on this story:Stephan Kueffner in Quito
Last Updated: January 19, 2009 18:03 EST  

22.01.09 18:27

21 Postings, 7331 Tage c0d3xNach den ersten 30% folgen die nächsten 400%

Diesen Vergleich vom stockhouse Board möchte ich Euch nicht vorenthalten:  Hier sind die 20 Mio Cash von DMM und die extrem niedrigen Kosten zur Erschliessung der Mine sowie Abbaukosten mit eingeschlossen, ich hatte in diese in meiner Bewertung extra aussen vor gelassen und rein den Übernahme Preis je Unze Gold herangezogen. Dieser Artikel verdeutlicht noch mehr wie unterbewertet Dynasty ist und jeder der sich das hier nicht genau ansieht ist entweder Sektorfremd, Pennyzocker oder zu konservativ -ganz schroff gesagt. (Letzteres ist bestimmt nicht verkehrt, aber der Dax verliert auch oft 3% am Tag.)  TheRock072 12/21/2008 8:36:30 AM |  | 297 reads  | Post #25478641   What we do know is that DMM , relative to its peers and its asset base , is insanely underpriced right now.  The current market cap is $85 ( Canadian) million of which about  $20 million is hard cash.  That is, 6.1 million oz of high grade gold and 27 million oz of silver , a substantial portion of which is moving into low-cost production within months, is being valued at just $60 million.  Aurelian rec'd about $90 US per oz of Inferred gold in the ground for its FN gold deposit. More drilling will be required to bring this to M& I category, and the costs to develop this will be in excess of $1 billion , with first production  by about 2012.  When these development costs are added and the temporal risk discount is applied , the FN acquisition costs will be in excess of $250 /0z. This just happens to be the average multiple applied to producing gold stocks, with low cost production and with good balance sheets.  Yet, DMM's much higher grade gold reserves are being valued at less than $15 per oz, and those will begin producing within 4 months, and production can be doubled to 200,000 oz/year within 2 years, for just another $25 million for jersalem. Further increases to 350,000 oz/year can be quickly accomplished by mining the contigous Dynasty deposit, also for very modest capex.  DMM also still  has very large exploration upside in Ecuador.  The key event here is the new mining law and its conditions , as that is the only constraint on DMM's market cap.  Given that management have decided to proceed directly to mining , it can be readilly assumed that they have thorougly evaluated the risk factors , the likley outcome of the new mining law ,and have obviously checked and rec'd the approval of the Peruvian Govt.  Consistent with the info that is already evident in the public domain re the new mining law content , it can be confidently assumed that we are moving quickly to the downside of the political risk spectrum ,and that the  confirmation of this by approval of the new mining law will quickly propel DMM';s market cap to levels more in line with its peers.


23.01.09 11:15

21 Postings, 7331 Tage c0d3xGoldaktien wie Dynasty sind potentielle Tenbagger!

Der Goldpreis explodiert und zeigt relative Stärke zum stärker werdenden USD sowie zu niedrigen Ölpreisnotierungen, hier braut sich was zusammen, die 900 USD sind Heute greifbar! Goldaktien wie Dynasty sind in den nächsten Jahren bei Goldpreisen >1000 USD potentielle Tenbagger, soviel sei gesagt.


23.01.09 11:21

8451 Postings, 7576 Tage KnappschaftskassenDanke c0d3x,

für die tolle Vorarbeit hier im Thread!  

24.01.09 00:26

21 Postings, 7331 Tage c0d3xEric Sprott hat auch Dynasty in seinem Depot!

ES: To name a few, amongst my largest holdings are Kinross Gold Corporation (TSX: T.K, Stock Forum), Alamos Gold Inc. (TSX: T.AGI, Stock Forum), Dynasty Metals & Mining (TSX: T.DMM, Stock Forum), Kirkland Lake Gold Inc. (TSX: T.KGI, Stock Forum), El Dorado Gold Corporation (TSX: T.ELD, Stock Forum) and Ramelius Resources (ASX: RMS) in Australia. I probably have 100 other smaller companies that I own.

Im Februar 2008 hat er seine Position für 7,5 CAD aufgestockt und hielt bis dato 22% der Aktien.

p.s. Dynasty wird an der Börse gerade mal mit 3% des Ressourcenwertes bewertet, was eine krasse Unterbewertung darstellt, wenn man sich die Produzenten ansieht, weitere Vergleiche auf


27.01.09 23:05

21 Postings, 7331 Tage c0d3xEcuador gives final approval to mining bill

Ecuador gives final approval to mining bill
19 hours ago
Associated Press Writer

(AP:QUITO, Ecuador) Ecuadorean lawmakers passed a bill on Monday to create large-scale mining projects in the country _ for a second time but with minor changes.

The legislature first passed the bill on Jan. 12, but President Rafael Correa partially vetoed it a week later because of what he said was a language error that would have given private companies rights to projects discovered by the state.

The law will go into effect when it is published in the country's official register. It was approved by a 50-3 vote with 12 abstentions.

The government says the law will open the door to a potentially lucrative and traditionally underdeveloped industry in the small Andean nation.

Environmental and Indian rights organizations say it could damage the environment, threaten water resources and infringe on human rights. Indian groups have established protests and promised to sue to have it declared unconstitutional.

Correa has criticized those opposed to the law as "fundamentalists" who would "condemn us to forever be beggars sitting on a sack of gold."

In April 2008, Ecuador revoked nearly 80 percent of the country's mining concessions, passing some to the state and canceling others. Affected companies include Aurelian Resources Inc., International Minerals Corp. and Iamgold Corp., all of Canada.

The companies could resume projects under the new law.

At the time of the revocation, Correa said the industry was concentrated in the hands of too few, and lacked controls and sufficient benefits for the government. He says the new bill establishes environmental controls and will create 300,000 new jobs.

Mining output in Ecuador is minimal. Large-scale projects have typically centered on nonmetallic minerals such as cement, in the hands of Swiss-based Holcim Ltd and French Lafarge Cementos SA, among others.

Ecuador says the new law will promote copper, gold and silver mining projects. It also will create a new state mining company, prohibit mining in environmentally protected areas and establish public auctions for government contracts, among other controls.  

18.02.09 18:57

21 Postings, 7331 Tage c0d3xDMM liegt jetzt knapp 50% vorne und

in wenigen Wochen werden wir die 100% Marke sprengen, diese Position wird neben Novagold mein zweiter Verdoppler in diesem Jahr :))  

18.06.10 13:26

229 Postings, 6109 Tage BominProduziert Dynasty MM eigentlich schon ?

Wenn ja, müsste der Kurs doch längst woanders stehen...
100000 oz Gold/Jahr (Perspektive auf 250000 oz Gold/Jahr !!!) bei Cash-Costen um 400$/oz,
keine Schulden (bzw. vollfinanziert mit Rückzahlung binnen 1 Jahr !!!).
DMM müsste doch bei einem Goldpreis um 1200$ ca. 80 Mio $ Gewinn vor Steuern / Jahr machen...
Wie erklärt sich dann die MK von nur 150 Mio $  ???
Weiss jemand etwas ?

24.08.10 15:31

27135 Postings, 6248 Tage brunnetafür den Rest des Jahres einen positiven Cashflow
Keine Kauf-Empfehlung!!
Wer nicht fähig ist, selber eine Meinung zu bilden und eine Entscheidung zu treffen, darf nicht zur Börse.

10.11.10 11:24

229 Postings, 6109 Tage Bominist die Marktkapitalisierung ...

von ca. 150 Mio ? bei Dynasty Metals ein Witz ?
Jahresproduktion von 100000 oz Gold bei Cashkosten um 400$/oz.
... und Silber kommt noch dazu ...
Da sind ja Buden mit 1/3 Cash-Flow teilweise höher bewertet ...

Think about,

10.11.10 17:38

229 Postings, 6109 Tage Bomindie Mk von Dynasty Metals ...

beträgt zZt. sogar nur ca. 125 Mio ? (42 Mio Aktien x 3,-?).
Wenn Dynasty im nächsten Jahr voll produziert (100000 oz Au / a),
machen sie jährlich etwa genausoviel Gewinn (vor Steuern)
wie die derzeitige Marktkapitalisierung ...

Think about,

30.11.10 20:05

229 Postings, 6109 Tage Bominwann zündet die ...

Dynasty-Rakete ?

MITTE DEZEMBER 2010  soll der "exploitation contract" mit der
ecuadorianischen Regierung unterzeichnet werden -
damit gäbe es dann endlich grünes Licht für den Minenbetrieb.

Wenn Dynasty nächstes Jahr tatsächlich 100000oz Gold zu Cash-Costen
(deutlich) unter 400$ produzieren, dann liegt die mögliche Mk bei ca. 1 Mrd $ . . .
Die derzeitige Mk liegt ja noch unter 200 Mio $ . . .
Der Countdown läuft:  10, 9, 8, . . .

Think about,

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