February 17, 2012 4:42 pm
US logistics company UPS is in talks with TNT Express about a possible takeover, after the Dutch delivery company rejected an approach valuing it at about ?4.88bn.
After many years of speculation about a tie-up between the two, TNT Express said on Friday that UPS had submitted an unsolicited non-binding and conditional offer for the Dutch delivery worth ?9 a share, valuing it at ?4.88bn.
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T Express, which faces pressure from shareholders after a drop in its share price, said it had rejected the offer but it continued to be in discussions about a possible takeover for the whole of the company.
TNT Express shares were up 2.9 per cent before the announcement at ?6.36 on Friday afternoon in Amstedam.
The deal, if successful, would highlight interest by global companies in taking advantage of the fall in European share prices in the wake of the sovereign debt crisis, which has depressed valuations of coveted targets.
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