per share and 80 million sold iPhones till next year august: ein interessanter Kommentar von einem Blogger:
I've been going to China on business trips since '93 and still go there every 2~3 months. I also visit Korea regularly and the iPhone mania amongst the affluent and the growing upper middle class is only getting started. And Far East Asians are even more brand conscious than the people in the West. They want American or European brands like Apple, BMW, Mercedes, Audi, Tiffany, Giorgio Armani, Chanel, Louis Vuitton, Rolex, etc. They absolutely lust after this stuff.
On my most recent trip to Hong Kong and China in Sep, I saw iPhones and iPads everywhere. And these were probably ones bought in the US or elsewhere since the official distribution of these products in China is only in its infant stages. Most of the iPhones I see in China are still the 3G and the 3GS variety that traveling business people bought from overseas, but you visit any factory and you'll see a lot of executives and upper level managers with one. While I was waiting in an airport in Xiamen to fly to Beijing, I saw at least a dozen iPads.
Of course, we're probably only talking about 5% of the population at this point in time, but that's still 70 million people. And the affluent consumers of that upper tier don't want Asian brands - especially Chinese, Taiwanese or Korean brands (they are more partial to Japanese brands) - so Samsung, LG, and HTC aren't very "aspirational" or desirable over there. Apple is also becoming huge in Korea with the iPhone despite Samsung's all-out effort to defend their home turf with their silly "be-patriotic-and-buy-Korean" marketing campaign. Apple has already sold well over a million iPhones since its introduction to the Korean market about a year ago and the iPhone 4 is only starting to ship there in very limited quantities with a huge backlog. I have relatives and friends in Korea who are just itching to get their hands on the iPhone and the iPad.