CBZFF 001 +233%! solle man im auge behalten
gut analysiert
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Boardmail an "gtx380" |
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Boardmail an "gtx380" |
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Boardmail an "gtx380" |
nichts wurde gehandelt- und vor paar tagen war angeblich super nachfrage.
begreifst du nicht, das du dir selber in die tasche lügst- sich mit solchen zeug zu beschäftigen, 24 std. am rechner, nicht schlafen können- da wirste nicht alt.
du wirst ja immer nervöser je länger das dauert bis hier schluß ist.
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Boardmail an "andy0211" |
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Boardmail an "andy0211" |
ich freue mich schon auf deine holflosen bash beiträge sobald hier der nächste move kommt.
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Boardmail an "gtx380" |
aber deine pusherei ist einfach so dümmlich, du schaufelst dir dein eigenes grab- du verschreckst ja die user, sonst würde dir vielleicht doch mal einer glauben.
aber deine masche ist immer das gleiche, damit machst du dich selber zum luser.
tut mir leid.
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Boardmail an "andy0211" |
7.23 Uhr, 7.26. Uhr, 7.31 Uhr die ersten hilflosen Postings von unserem Großverdiener. Nicht einmal ausschlafen durfte er, obwohl unser GTX doch das ganze Wochenende hier durcharbeiten musste. Und dann wird eine Schicht bis kurz vor 22 Uhr.
Schon eine Leistung von unserem GTX. Wieder harte 16 Stunden Arbeit, ohne einen Cent verdient zu haben. Und nun wird wieder auf den nächsten Tag, die nächste Woche, den nächsten Monat gehofft, damit aus dem Taschengeldinvest ein paar 100 $ mehr werden.
Mein virtueller Großverdiener, so wird das nichts im realen Leben.
Und jetzt blos nicht wieder so aufgeregt werden. Ich melde mich erst wieder morgen. Musst du morgen wieder so früh ran?
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Boardmail an "Rechercheur" |
sonst würdest du nicht zig mal die gleichen bilder und gleiche texte bringen.
und du hast nicht mal einen kampfgefährten- gibt dir das nicht zu denken?
ob man dich durchschaut hat, oder rennen nur noch anfänger rum?
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Boardmail an "andy0211" |
.............über 300 Pushposts von gtx............u. dann diese Kindergarten-Taschengeldtrades
Date Open High Low Close Volume Adj Close
2012/08/06 - - - - - -
2012/08/03 0.0017 0.0017 0.0017 0.0017 5,000 0.0017
2012/08/02 0.0018 0.0019 0.0018 0.0018 72,500 0.0018
2012/08/01 0.0013 0.0018 0.0013 0.0018 230,000 0.0018
2012/07/31 0.0015 0.0015 0.00060 0.0014 330,400 0.0014
2012/07/30 0.0010 0.0020 0.00080 0.0014 4,259,119 0.0014
2012/07/27 0.00040 0.0010 0.00040 0.0010 1,600,600 0.0010
2012/07/26 - - - - - -
2012/07/25 - - - - - -
2012/07/24 0.00030 0.00030 0.00030 0.00030 3,000 0.00030
2012/07/23 0.00040 0.00040 0.00040 0.00040 110,000 0.00040
......dazu knapp 500 Posts auf ihub um den Schrott mit 50-80% Gewinn wieder loszuschlagen.
Die Posts zu lesen erübrigt sich,der Fun-Faktor der Ueberschriften spricht für sich,hehehe ;-)))
#492 agree, better in before pop. CBZFF still unter radar. l2 hunter 08/06/12 03:32:17
#491 CBZFF big lotto ticket. Huge run could start xfirex 08/06/12 03:25:05 PM
#490 CBZFF is a must have low floater on l2 hunter 08/06/12 02:53:53 PM
#489 CBZFF next 5000% lotto pick xfirex 08/06/12 02:50:00 PM
#488 long term chart with huge rebound potential. l2 hunter 08/06/12 02:46:52
#487 agree bud, CBZFF is complete undervalued @0017 based l2 hunter 08/06/12 02:45
#486 Its only a matter of time. pinky1 08/06/12 01:45:51 PM
#485 just 225k left and we break 0023 52 l2 hunter 08/06/12 01:45:22 PM
#484 0023 52 week high. Watch for big kabummmm. pinky1 08/06/12 01:42:56
#483 agree pinky CBZFF is a strong buy low l2 hunter 08/06/12 01:41:37 PM
#482 No bid dumping few days ago. CBZFF could pinky1 08/06/12 01:40:36 PM
#481 1@0018 1@0019 and cbzff will pop. L2 without l2 hunter 08/06/12 10:35:48
#480 GM all, CBZFF Ready for huge pop this week. l2 hunter 08/06/12 09:06:27
#479 R/M news soon Brad S 08/05/12 11:55:29 PM
#478 Strong week for CBZFF.another breakout is apparently momo engine 08/05/12 5:1
#477 de.advfn.com/p.php?pid=staticchart&s=USOTC:CBZFF&p=3&t=37&dm=2&vol=1[/img momo engine 08/05/12 05:08:50 PM
#476 R/M news soon and CBZFF could easy run pinky1 08/05/12 12:00:08 PM
#475 Agree hunter realy high breakout potential. Chart looks xfirex 08/05/12 03:16:27
#474 Could you please provide a link to the Brad S 08/04/12 06:56:19 AM
#473 I expect the next big run next week. l2 hunter 08/04/12 06:15:56 AM
#472 CBZFF is the cheapest shell R/M lotto with xfirex 08/03/12 03:35:23 PM
#470 bid coming in. Few cheap shares and CBZFF xfirex 08/03/12 03:01:15 PM
#469 few cheap bottom shares this afternoon. Just pinky1 08/03/12 02:13:09
#468 Very bullish now >> pinky1 08/03/12 01:07:40 PM
#467 15-12 g filler with reinstant / R/M chance. pinky1 08/03/12 12:35:59 PM
#466 Just 205k@0019 and 20k@0023. Ready to fly with pinky1 08/03/12 12:28:35
#465 CBZFF? Seriously? slojab 08/03/12 12:09:45 PM
#464 Thank you ..Strange,cancelled my order kmanfm 08/03/12 11:59:06 AM
#463 L2. 205k@0019 20k@0023 and kabummmm. CBZFF chart is pinky1 08/03/12
#462 Test sell of 50k at .0019 kmanfm 08/03/12 11:31:46 AM
#461 CBZFF 1@0018 1@0019 blue skies!!!! l2 hunter 08/03/12 09:58:03 AM
#460 205k@0019 and pop coming. Paper thin. l2 hunter 08/03/12 09:26:11 AM
#459 CBZFF could pop hard xfirex 08/03/12 08:49:16 AM
#458 Just 205k@0019 Thats all. R/M news and earn xfirex 08/03/12 08:48:48
#457 About 10 milion float and 0018 pps. Looks momo engine 08/03/12 08:35:29
#456 Down from $0.4. Bounce potential. Good chance to momo engine 08/03/12
#455 CBZFF with huge potential. Watch for monsta breakout. l2 hunter 08/03/12
#454 L2 205k@0019 14.8k@017 5k@018 5k@023 boomschakalakaaaaaa pinky1 08/
#453 GM all CBZFF looking good. 0024 create a pinky1 08/03/12 07:38:16 AM
#452 good morning hunter 100% agree with you. CBZFF xfirex 08/03/12 06:
#451 CBZFF coming from $0.4 without any dilution. Last l2 hunter 08/03/12 05:24
#450 Price Support Pivot Point Resistance l2 hunter 08/03/12 05:03:26 AM
#449 Long Term Indicators Average: 33% Buy l2 hunter 08/03/12 05:02:32 AM
#448 CBZFF 50 - 100 Day MACD Oscillator Sell l2 hunter 08/03/12 05:01:35 AM
#447 CBZFF 100 Day Moving Average vs Price Buy l2 hunter 08/03/12 05:00:31
#446 CBZFF 60 Day CommodityChannel Index Buy l2 hunter 08/03/12 04:59:17
#445 CBZFF Medium Term Indicators Average: 25% Buy l2 hunter 08/03/12 04:58:14
#444 CBZFF 50 Day Parabolic Time/Price Sell l2 hunter 08/03/12 04:50:04 AM
#443 CBZFF 20 - 100 Day MACD Oscillator Hold l2 hunter 08/03/12 04:47:43 AM
#442 CBZFF 50 Day Moving Average vs Price Buy l2 hunter 08/03/12 04:45
#441 CBZFF 40 Day CommodityChannel Index Buy l2 hunter 08/03/12 04:44:43
#440 CBZFF Short Term Indicators Average: 80% Buy l2 hunter 08/03/12 04:43:26
#439 CBZFF 20 Day Bollinger Bands Hold l2 hunter 08/03/12 04:42:25 AM
#438 CBZFF 20 - 50 Day MACD Oscillator Buy l2 hunter 08/03/12 04:40:42 AM
#437 CBZFF 20 Day Moving Average vs Price Buy l2 hunter 08/03/12 04:29:11 AM
#436 CBZFF 10 - 8 Day Moving Average Hilo l2 hunter 08/03/12 04:26:45 AM
#435 CBZFF 7 Day Average DirectionalIndicator Buy l2 hunter 08/03/12 04:25:46
#434 CBZFF TrendSpotter Hold l2 hunter 08/03/12 04:24:46 AM
#433 CBZFF Year to Date 6 times -21.74% 3 l2 hunter 08/03/12 04:22:17 AM
#432 CBZFF 12-Month 9 times -21.74% 4 times +1,700.00% l2 hunter 08/03/12
#431 CBZFF 6-Month 4 times -21.74% 4 times +1,700.00% l2 hunter 08/03/12 04:00
#430 CBZFF 3-Month 5 times -10.00% 2 times +800.00% l2 hunter 08/03/12 03:59
#429 CBZFF 1-Month 4 times -10.00% 3 times +500.00% l2 hunter 08/03/12 03:
#428 CBZFF 5-Day 2 times -10.00% 1 time +350.00% l2 hunter 08/03/12 03:56:07
#427 CBZFF Year to Date 0.0023 on 03/30/2012 0.0001 l2 hunter 08/03/12 03:53
#426 CBZFF 12-Month 0.0023 on 03/30/2012 0.0001 on 03/29/2012 l2 hunter 08/0
#425 CBZFF 6-Month 0.0023 on 03/30/2012 0.0001 on 03/29/2012 l2 hunter 08/
#424 CBZFF 3-Month 0.0020 on 07/30/2012 0.0002 on 05/16/2012 l2 hunter 08/
#423 CBZFF 1-Month 0.0020 on 07/30/2012 0.0003 on 07/24/2012 l2 hunter 08/
#422 CBZFF 5-Day 0.0020 on 07/30/2012 0.0004 on 07/27/2012 l2 hunter 08/03/12
#421 CBZFF 07/27/2012 0.0004 0.0010 0.0004 0.0010 +0.0007 +233.33% 1,600,600 l2 hunter 08/03/12 03:45:59 AM
#420 CBZFF 07/30/2012 0.0010 0.0020 0. 0.0014 +0.0004 +40.00% 4,259,100 l2
#419 CBZFF 07/31/2012 0.0015 0.0015 0.0006 0.0014 unch unch 330,400 l2 hunter
#418 CBZFF 08/01/2012 0.0013 0.0018 0.0013 0.0018 +0.0004 +28.57% 230,000 l2 h
#417 CBZFF 08/02/2012 0.0018 0.0019 0.0018 0.0018 unch unch 72,500 l2 hunter
#416 Awesome close ask 0019 up. CBZFF looks ready. pinky1 08/02/12 04:31:29
#415 Carbiz (PN) (CBZFF) l2 hunter 08/02/12 04:27:14 PM
#414 CBZFF could gap tomorrow l2 hunter 08/02/12 03:54:33 PM
#413 agree bud, big bids l2 hunter 08/02/12 03:54:00 PM
#412 Big 3.2 milion bid support and just 205k xfirex 08/02/12 03:52:50 PM
#411 de.advfn.com/p.php?pid=staticchart&s=USOTC:CBZFF&p=2&t=37&dm=2&vol=1[/img l2 hunter 08/02/12 03:38:10 PM
#410 CBZFF STRONG BUY @ 0019!!! $0.01 break with l2 hunter 08/02/12 03:27:44
#409 1x0019 and CBZFF going off. l2 hunter 08/02/12 03:26:43 PM
#408 small volume today but ask paper thin now. l2 hunter 08/02/12 03:25:50 PM
#407 35 min left and ask up tic 0019 xfirex 08/02/12 03:25:09 PM
#406 CBZFF L2: 205k@0019 14.8k@017 5k@018 5k@023 BLUE SKIES!!!! l2 hunter
#405 direction we are heading up 52 weeks. 0023 l2 hunter 08/02/12 03:16:15 PM
#404 today we take out 0018 so far. perhaps 0019? l2 hunter 08/02/12 03:14:51
#403 0019 close would be great. Who take out xfirex 08/02/12 03:13:07 PM
#402 strong bids building. ask printing and we will l2 hunter 08/02/12 02:52:39 PM
#401 we´ll see. not sure. l2 hunter 08/02/12 02:51:51 PM
#400 Power hour volume today? xfirex 08/02/12 02:51:02 PM
#399 CBZFF huge in buzz l2 hunter 08/02/12 02:50:18 PM
#398 Volume breakout only matter of time. CBZFF will xfirex 08/02/12 02:45:39
#397 just 205k@0019 left next 0.017 in L2. l2 hunter 08/02/12 02:44:09 PM
#396 Someone want get in big. Big ask printing xfirex 08/02/12 02:43:25 PM
#395 3.2 MILION BIDS vs. 205K ASK!!!!!! l2 hunter 08/02/12 02:42:09 PM
#393 check out 5 years chart >> 1000% and l2 hunter 08/02/12 02:34:32 PM
#392 this stock is still cheap. pop only matter l2 hunter 08/02/12 02:32:56 PM
#391 CBZFF waking slowly xfirex 08/02/12 02:29:15 PM
#390 CBZFF Short Term Indicators Average: 80% Buy l2 hunter 08/02/12 02:24:57
#389 CBZFF 20 Day Bollinger Bands Hold l2 hunter 08/02/12 02:24:33 PM
#388 CBZFF 20 - 50 Day MACD Oscillator Buy l2 hunter 08/02/12 02:24:16 PM
#387 CBZFF 20 Day Moving Average vs Price Buy l2 hunter 08/02/12 02:23:56 PM
#386 CBZFF 10 - 8 Day Moving Average Hilo l2 hunter 08/02/12 02:23:37 PM
#385 CBZFF 7 Day Average Directional Indicator Buy l2 hunter 08/02/12 02:23:18
#384 CBZFF TrendSpotter Hold l2 hunter 08/02/12 02:22:55 PM
#383 Year to Date 0.0023 on 03/30/2012 l2 hunter 08/02/12 02:21:42 PM
#382 CBZFF 12-Month 0.0023 on 03/30/2012 l2 hunter 08/02/12 02:21:18 PM
#381 CBZFF 6-Month 0.0023 on 03/30/2012 l2 hunter 08/02/12 02:21:00 PM
#380 CBZFF 3-Month 0.0020 on 07/30/2012 l2 hunter 08/02/12 02:20:41 PM
#379 CBZFF 1-Month 0.0020 on 07/30/2012 l2 hunter 08/02/12 02:20:22 PM
#378 CBZFF 5-Day 0.0020 on 07/30/2012 l2 hunter 08/02/12 02:20:01 PM
#377 CBZFF 07/27/2012 0.0004 0.0010 0.0004 0.0010 +0.0007 +233.33% 1,600,600 l2 hunter 08/02/12 02:19:35 PM
#376 CBZFF 07/30/2012 0.0010 0.0020 0.0008 0.0014 +0.0004 +40.00% 4,259,100 l2 hunter 08/02/12 02:19:15 PM
#375 CBZFF 07/31/2012 0.0015 0.0015 0.0006 0.0014 unch unch 330,400 l2 hunter
#374 CBZFF 08/01/2012 0.0013 0.0018 0.0013 0.0018 +0.0004 +28.57#0 l2 hunter
#373 CBZFF 08/02/2012 0.0018 0.0019 0.0018 0.0018 unch unch 67,500 l2 hunter
#372 52Wk High 0.0023 l2 hunter 08/02/12 02:17:46 PM
#371 looks like someone want more cheapy shares. come l2 hunter 08/02/12 02:
#370 3 milion bid --- 220k ask l2 hunter 08/02/12 02:15:02 PM
#369 tic toc nd bummmm CBZFF is hot. l2 hunter 08/02/12 02:14:36 PM
#368 still wait for huge pop. just 1 big l2 hunter 08/02/12 02:11:32 PM
#367 just 1 newbie. he want sell 220k. jesterday l2 hunter 08/02/12 02:08:26 PM
#366 who is the idiot whacking a 5000 share atotalbum 08/02/12 02:03:24 PM
#365 0019 up 1 left l2 hunter 08/02/12 01:53:58 PM
#364 de.advfn.com/p.php?pid=staticchart&s=USOTC:CBZFF&p=3&t=37& l2 hunter
#363 CBZFF Calm before storm? Ask looks ready to kabummmmmm xfirex 08
#362 CBZFF 5 YEARS CHART >> l2 hunter 08/02/12 11:53:00 AM
#361 CBZFF 6 MONTH CHART >> l2 hunter 08/02/12 11:51:17 AM
#360 CBZFF 2 MONTH CHART >> l2 hunter 08/02/12 11:50:34 AM
#359 L2: 27.5K@0018 245k@0019 5k@$2!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! l2 hunter 08/02/12
#358 1x0018 blue skies. l2 hunter 08/02/12 11:07:36 AM
#357 pps? l2 hunter 08/02/12 10:45:37 AM
#356 I'm still waiting,my 50k sell kmanfm 08/02/12 10:33:39 AM
#355 1@0018 in l2. Tic toc... Could explode suddenly l2 hunter 08/02/12 09:54:02
#354 Lets go CBZFF l2 hunter 08/02/12 09:25:41 AM
#353 225k@0018 AND BLUE SKIES TO PENNY IN L2. l2 hunter 08/02/12 09:14:34
#352 CBZFF coming from $0.4 without any dilution. Last l2 hunter 08/02/12 09:
#351 CBZFF de.advfn.com/p.php?pid=staticchart&s=NO^CBZFF&p=3&t=39 l2 hunter
#350 de.advfn.com/p.php?pid=staticchart&s=NO^CBZFF&p=1&t=39&vol=1 l2 hunter
#349 CBZFF rising north. Watch for 0023 break. Thats l2 hunter 08/02/12 08:51:16
#348 CBZFF #3 market forums. l2 hunter 08/02/12 08:36:06 AM
#347 CBZFF is a high flyer. l2 hunter 08/02/12 08:35:35 AM
#346 CBZFF is the ultimate R/M low float lotto. xfirex 08/02/12 08:31:17 AM
#345 Buy cheap / let it run / sell xfirex 08/02/12 08:29:50 AM
#344 REVERSE MERGER news will make me happy. xfirex 08/02/12 08:28:46
#343 CBZFF 68M OS -- ABOUT 10M FLOAT -- l2 hunter 08/02/12 08:19:08 AM
#342 Let is rip budy. CBZFF is starting up l2 hunter 08/02/12 08:05:18 AM
#341 CBZFF will make us rich with buyout news soon. xfirex 08/02/12 07:57:06
#340 Very interesting time coming xfirex 08/02/12 07:56:12 AM
#339 CBZFF ULTRA LOW FLOAT HOTSTOCK TODAY!!!!!! pinky1 08/02/12 07:
#338 Huge run for sure. pinky1 08/02/12 07:41:36 AM
#337 Last big run from 003-$0.15 up 5000%. Looks l2 hunter 08/02/12 07:29:34
#336 www.barchart.com/cache/8460dc31e380e9ac8ec283cbde72dcda.png l2 hunter
#335 de.advfn.com/p.php?pid=staticchart&s=NO^CBZFF&p=3&t=39&vol=1 l2 hunter
#334 Check out the Charts. Something up here! l2 hunter 08/02/12 07:24:39 AM
#333 CBZFF IS ON ALERT TODAY!!!! l2 hunter 08/02/12 07:21:52 AM
#332 CBZFF huge in buzz ticker and #2 @ xfirex 08/02/12 07:08:49 AM
#331 Hi hunter any NL alert ealy morning? xfirex 08/02/12 07:07:31 AM
#330 That's thin. Litle bit volume and we will fly. pinky1 08/02/12 07:00:49 AM
#329 Is it thin ? :-) l2 hunter 08/02/12 06:55:36 AM
#328 L2 yesterday finish: 5k@0015 225k@0018 and blue skies l2 hunter 08/02/12
#327 CBZFF #2 budy... Ready to make bummmmm l2 hunter 08/02/12 06:50:26
#326 CBZFF #3 multi penny shoot today? pinky1 08/02/12 06:45:46 AM
#325 CBZFF GAPPER TODAY? pinky1 08/02/12 06:43:47 AM
#324 Unreal. CBZFF #4 market forums and huge in pinky1 08/02/12 06:36:49
#323 0023 create 52 weeks high. CBZFF will fly l2 hunter 08/02/12 06:30:45 AM
#322 Have no curent float update. But based on l2 hunter 08/02/12 06:29:09 AM
#321 Keep an eye on CBZFF. Something happens. Think l2 hunter 08/02/12 0
#320 CBZFF could run few 1000% with a buyout. momo engine 08/02/12 06:22:02
#319 Float about 10 milion? momo engine 08/02/12 06:16:33 AM
#318 Good sound. momo engine 08/02/12 06:15:47 AM
#317 Check out L2. Paper thin on ask. Any l2 hunter 08/02/12 06:08:21 AM
#316 CBZFF complete oversold with chart and volume breakout. l2 hunter 08/02/12
#315 Hey momo good to see you l2 hunter 08/02/12 05:56:05 AM
#314 Hunter, What's up here? momo engine 08/02/12 05:43:22 AM
#313 CBZFF #5 Top 10 Active Stock Market Forums momo engine 08/02/12 05:
#312 36 month chart looks great. Big accumulate on pinky1 08/02/12 05:35:27
#311 CBZFF #6 pinky1 08/02/12 05:33:46 AM
#310 CBZFF coming from $0.4 5 years ago l2 hunter 08/02/12 05:29:58 AM
#309 Watch for big pop. l2 crazy thin. Chart l2 hunter 08/02/12 05:26:55 AM
#308 CBZFF # 8 martet forums l2 hunter 08/02/12 05:25:33 AM
#307 GM pinky agree CBZFF looks fantastic l2 hunter 08/02/12 05:24:41 AM
#306 CBZFF #10 Most active stock pinky1 08/02/12 05:20:28 AM
#305 CBZFF could pop every day. Great charts. Lets go pinky1 08/02/12 05:19:21
#304 Good morning hunter pinky1 08/02/12 05:18:07 AM
#303 Good morning hunter pinky1 08/02/12 05:18:00 AM
#302 5 years high $0.4!!!!! without any dilution. CBZFF l2 hunter 08/02/12 01:24:04
#301 36 MONTHS CHART l2 hunter 08/02/12 01:21:34 AM
#300 3 MONTHS CHART l2 hunter 08/02/12 01:20:34 AM
#299 2 MONTHS CHART l2 hunter 08/02/12 01:20:07 AM
#298 watch for 0023 break. 52 weeks high. CBZFF l2 hunter 08/02/12 01:19:32
#297 de.advfn.com/p.php?pid=staticchart&s=USOTC:CBZFF&p=1&t=3l2 hunter
#296 1 MONTHS CHART l2 hunter 08/02/12 01:18:31 AM
#295 intraday chart l2 hunter 08/02/12 01:17:50 AM
#294 100 Day Moving Average vs Price Buy l2 hunter 08/02/12 01:16:45 AM
#293 60 Day Commodity Channel Index Buy l2 hunter 08/02/12 01:16:30 AM
#292 50 Day Parabolic Time/Price Sell l2 hunter 08/02/12 01:16:16 AM
#291 20 - 100 Day MACD Oscillator l2 hunter 08/02/12 01:16:02 AM
#290 50 Day Moving Average vs Price Buy l2 hunter 08/02/12 01:15:49 AM
#289 40 Day Commodity Channel Index Buy l2 hunter 08/02/12 01:15:36 AM
#288 CBZFF Short Term Indicators Average: 80% Buy l2 hunter 08/02/12 01:15:03
#287 20 Day Bollinger Bands Hold l2 hunter 08/02/12 01:14:44 AM
#286 CBZFF 20 - 50 Day MACD Oscillator Buy l2 hunter 08/02/12 01:14:30 AM
#285 CBZFF 20 Day Moving Average vs Price Buy l2 hunter 08/02/12 01:14:13 AM
#284 CBZFF 10 - 8 Day Moving Average Hilo l2 hunter 08/02/12 01:13:57 AM
#283 CBZFF 7 Day Average Directional Indicator Buy l2 hunter 08/02/12 01:13:40
#282 CBZFF TrendSpotter Hold l2 hunter 08/02/12 01:13:23 AM
#281 Carbiz Inc (CBZFF) l2 hunter 08/02/12 01:12:58 AM
#280 Year to Date 6 times -21.74% 3 times +1,700.00% l2 hunter 08/02/12 01:1
#279 12-Month 9 times -21.74% 4 times +1,700.00% l2 hunter 08/02/12 01:12:18
#278 6-Month 4 times -21.74% 4 times +1,700.00% l2 hunter 08/02/12 01:12:04
#277 3-Month 5 times -10.00% 2 times +800.00% l2 hunter 08/02/12 01:11:49
#276 1-Month 4 times -10.00% 3 times +500.00% l2 hunter 08/02/12 01:11:35
#275 5-Day 2 times -10.00% 1 time +350.00% l2 hunter 08/02/12 01:11:21 AM
#274 Year to Date 0.0023 on 03/30/2012 l2 hunter 08/02/12 01:10:57 AM
#273 12-Month 0.0023 on 03/30/2012 l2 hunter 08/02/12 01:10:41 AM
#272 6-Month 0.0023 on 03/30/2012 l2 hunter 08/02/12 01:10:26 AM
#271 3-Month 0.0020 on 07/30/2012 l2 hunter 08/02/12 01:10:12 AM
#270 1-Month 0.0020 on 07/30/2012 l2 hunter 08/02/12 01:09:57 AM
#269 5-Day 0.0020 on 07/30/2012 l2 hunter 08/02/12 01:09:40 AM
#268 07/24/2012 0.0003 0.0003 0.0003 0.0003 -0.0001 -25.00% 3,000 l2 hunter 08/
#267 07/27/2012 0.0004 0.0010 0.0004 0.0010 +0.0007 +233.33% 1,600,600 l2 hunte
#266 07/30/2012 0.0010 0.0020 0.0008 0.0014 +0.0004 +40.00% 4,259,100 l2 hunter
#265 07/31/2012 0.0015 0.0015 0.0006 0.0014 unch unch 330,400 l2 hunter 08/
#264 08/01/2012 0.0013 0.0018 0.0013 0.0018 +0.0004 +28.57% 230,000 l2 hunter
#263 CBZFF 52Wk High 0.0023 l2 hunter 08/02/12 01:07:56 AM
#262 CBZFF +28% looks like breaking out very soon. xfirex 08/01/12 11:34:28
#261 Agree,very risky and people aren't biting.. kmanfm 08/01/12 05:17:42 PM
#260 CBZFF is the next multi penny stock. better l2 hunter 08/01/12 03:39:18 PM
#259 CBZFF possible 1.000-10.000% mover. xfirex 08/01/12 03:11:49 PM
#258 Awesome day. Something up. R/M news and we xfirex 08/01/12 03:10:39
#257 Just 1@0018 and kabumm L2 terrible thin. Pressure pinky1 08/01/12 02:5
#256 CBZFF is very buillish. someone collect. l2 hunter 08/01/12 02:43:10 PM
#255 1@0018 1@002 kabummmmm pinky1 08/01/12 02:15:41 PM
#254 CBZFF 28% UP nice ask printing. pinky1 08/01/12 02:14:55 PM
#253 230k volume 100% buying so far. nice up turn l2 hunter 08/01/12 01:54:44
#252 0018 up 1 left nice hits coming in. l2 hunter 08/01/12 01:52:46 PM
#251 Looks like a risky proposition, only a couple redlinestable 08/01/12 01:37:49 P
Antwort einfügen |
Boardmail an "nekro" |
#249 Reinstant -- R/M news and CBZFF will go xfirex 08/01/12 08:16:51 AM
#248 CBZFF just starting. $0.1 soon. Check out this xfirex 08/01/12 07:56:48
#247 GM hunter, hold my pos. $0.1 party soon pinky1 08/01/12 06:07:17 AM
#246 Ggood moning all, CBZFF ready for next pop. l2 hunter 08/01/12 05:26:02
#245 awesome accumulations day ending. 0014 unch. great base l2 hunter 07/31/12
#244 0014 1 left l2 hunter 07/31/12 03:36:03 PM
#243 CBZFF 2M BID -- 225k ASK l2 hunter 07/31/12 03:14:37 PM
#242 1x0011 ADTF want sell very cheap few shares. l2 hunter 07/31/12 03:14:09
#241 CBZFF is a huge 15-12g R/M play. Reverse pinky1 07/31/12 03:05:21 PM
#240 like this value. someone loading last few days. l2 hunter 07/31/12 03:03:33
#239 CBZFF ready. chart setting today. next breakout only l2 hunter 07/31/12 03:0
#238 CBZFF same thiny l2 complete afternoon. Tomorrow next pinky1 07/31/12
#237 L2: 5k@0014 75k@0015 320k@0016 AND BLUE SKIES!! PAPER THIN l2 hunter
#236 tic toc... CBZFF could explode every moment every l2 hunter 07/31/12 02:
#235 CBZFF is a possible 1000% mover pinky1 07/31/12 02:02:32 PM
#234 the trading volume last few days is more l2 hunter 07/31/12 01:45:33 PM
#233 this low floater is totaly undervalued @0015. l2 hunter 07/31/12 01:44:25
#232 hold for 10-20 bagger. CBZFF just warming up. l2 hunter 07/31/12 01:43:44
#231 0023 all time high. Could easy falling with pinky1 07/31/12 01:42:43 PM
#230 great time ahead for CBZFF!!!! l2 hunter 07/31/12 01:40:41 PM
#229 CHART >>> l2 hunter 07/31/12 01:40:10 PM
#228 Watch for possible Power hour buying. Breakout chart building. pinky1 07
#227 this stock is crazy undervalued and very cheap l2 hunter 07/31/12 01:31:38
#226 CBZFF will break $0.01 soon. L2 paper thin. l2 hunter 07/31/12 01:31:03 PM
#225 2 milion bids coming in. Someone collecting pinky1 07/31/12 01:27:43 PM
#224 5k@0014 left we going green l2 hunter 07/31/12 01:26:35 PM
#223 CBZFF is a probably high flyer. hold your l2 hunter 07/31/12 01:25:42 PM
#222 0014/0015/0016 will falling with next hit and now pinky1 07/31/12 01:24:58
#221 good to see you in pinky l2 hunter 07/31/12 01:21:19 PM
#220 Here we go. Next buys kick us up pinky1 07/31/12 01:20:24 PM
#219 CBZFF could run into. watc this thiny ask l2 hunter 07/31/12 01:17:32 PM
#218 1x0014 1x0015 1x0016 AND BUMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM l2 hunter 07/31/12
#217 mm's need to get it goin here or atotalbum 07/31/12 01:16:15 PM
#216 huge bids building. watch for bounce this afternoon. RADAR l2 hunter 07/31/12
#215 Hold my pos. Big move for sure soon. l2 hunter 07/31/12 11:51:27 AM
#214 If I didn't sell 400k shares yesterday kmanfm 07/31/12 11:38:02 AM
#213 Every time you speak, it goes lower kmanfm 07/31/12 11:13:16 AM
#212 Just 1 bid whacker. Going back up this l2 hunter 07/31/12 11:00:42 AM
#211 1@0007. l2 hunter 07/31/12 10:59:13 AM
#210 Thx. Few cheapy shares. Going back up. Wait l2 hunter 07/31/12 10:42:29
#209 pos done, sux b/c i thought it had more atotalbum 07/31/12 10:34:35 AM
#208 0015 complete undervalued. Next up for sure. l2 hunter 07/31/12 10:22:38
#207 0015 1 left smart ask hits. 300$ left @0015 l2 hunter 07/31/12 10:16:48 AM
#206 Thank you ..You know I'm watching..lol kmanfm 07/31/12 10:14:55 AM
#205 Tic toc.... L2 paper thin. Next pressure will l2 hunter 07/31/12 10:01:28 AM
#204 CBZFF 1@0015 1@0016 AND BUMMMM +7% l2 hunter 07/31/12 09:38:55
#203 0015 1 left l2 hunter 07/31/12 09:30:53 AM
#202 L2: 235k@0015 320k@0016 5k@002 xfirex 07/31/12 08:33:09 AM
#201 Chart looks more than bullish. xfirex 07/31/12 08:31:22 AM
#200 CBZFF is still cheap @0015. Could run hard. xfirex 07/31/12 08:30:26 AM
#199 fantastic chart building. Still cheap. But not for l2 hunter 07/31/12 07:32:53
#198 CBZFF with new record trading volume yesterday. Someone l2 hunter 07/31/12
#197 Good morning all, CBZFF ready for big run l2 hunter 07/31/12 06:38:15 AM
#196 3 MONTH CHART >> BREAKOUT MODE pinky1 07/31/12 04:27:35 AM
#195 Highest trade volume since 2010. looks like CBZFF pinky1 07/31/12 01:2
#194 Something in the air hunter. I like this pinky1 07/31/12 01:24:38 AM
#193 Long Term Indicators l2 hunter 07/31/12 01:11:36 AM
#192 Medium Term Indicators l2 hunter 07/31/12 01:11:22 AM
#191 Short Term Indicators Average: 80% Buy l2 hunter 07/31/12 01:10:55 AM
#190 20 Day Bollinger Bands Hold l2 hunter 07/31/12 01:09:50 AM
#189 20 - 50 Day MACD Oscillator Buy l2 hunter 07/31/12 01:09:25 AM
#188 20 Day Moving Average vs Price Buy l2 hunter 07/31/12 01:09:10 AM
#187 10 - 8 Day Moving Average Hilo Channel Buy l2 hunter 07/31/12 01:08:56
#186 7 Day Average Directional Indicator Buy l2 hunter 07/31/12 01:08:43 AM
#185 TrendSpotter Hold l2 hunter 07/31/12 01:08:29 AM
#184 CBZFF 52Wk High 0.0023 l2 hunter 07/31/12 01:08:05 AM
#183 de.advfn.com/p.php?pid=staticchart&s=NO^CBZFF&p=0&t=39&vol=1 l2 hunter
#182 de.advfn.com/p.php?pid=staticchart&s=USOTC:CBZFF&p=2&t=3l2 hunter 07/
#181 0014X0015 +40% close. Awesome day. CBZFF looks ready xfirex 07/30/12
#180 Good sign for a constantly up turn tomorrow. xfirex 07/30/12 03:54:17 P
#179 Major accumulate today. Great sound for tomorrow xfirex 07/30/12 03:5
#178 L2: 235k@0015 320k@0016 5k@002 BLUE SKIES!!!! HIGH ALERT l2 hunter 07/
#177 tomorrow gapper. watch L2. complete afternoon same ask l2 hunter 07/30/12
#176 CBZFF easy money next days. Strong hands pick xfirex 07/30/12 03:41:45
#175 new record trading volume for CBZFF l2 hunter 07/30/12 03:40:11 PM
#174 Carbiz (PN) (CBZFF) l2 hunter 07/30/12 03:39:43 PM
#173 agree bud, CBZFF just warm up today l2 hunter 07/30/12 03:38:45 PM
#172 CBZFF great low float play. Ready for 0.1$ xfirex 07/30/12 03:38:07 PM
#171 watch and lern :-) l2 hunter 07/30/12 03:36:29 PM
#170 Your in dream land... kmanfm 07/30/12 03:34:16 PM
#169 30 min left. still 230k@0015. niceeeeee l2 hunter 07/30/12 03:32:39 PM
#168 watch for penny land l2 hunter 07/30/12 03:06:56 PM
#167 tomorrow another big day l2 hunter 07/30/12 03:06:36 PM
#165 tomorrow gapper? L2 so thin. bid whackers out now l2 hunter 07/30/12 02:
#164 Take out 0015/0016 and we could close hood pinky1 07/30/12 02:56:52
#163 Power hour start now pinky1 07/30/12 02:55:59 PM
#162 0015 staying storng. 1 left l2 hunter 07/30/12 02:52:13 PM
#161 nice day bud l2 hunter 07/30/12 02:35:51 PM
#160 Chart indicartors very strong for CBZFF. pinky1 07/30/12 02:07:35 PM
#159 CBZFF Short Term Indicators Average: 80% Buy l2 hunter 07/30/12 02:06:09
#158 CBZFF 20 Day Bollinger Bands Hold l2 hunter 07/30/12 02:05:50 PM
#157 CBZFF 20 - 50 Day MACD Oscillator Buy l2 hunter 07/30/12 02:05:19 PM
#156 CBZFF 20 Day Moving Average vs Price Buy l2 hunter 07/30/12 02:04:46 PM
#155 CBZFF 10 - 8 Day Moving Average Hilo l2 hunter 07/30/12 02:04:27 PM
#154 CBZFF 7 Day Average Directional Indicator Buy l2 hunter 07/30/12 02:04:07
#153 Composite Indicators Signal l2 hunter 07/30/12 02:03:47 PM
#152 Historical Highs and LowsHistorical Quote - 1 Yr l2 hunter 07/30/12 01:58:26 P
#151 Detailed Quote - Past 5 DaysDaily Quotes l2 hunter 07/30/12 01:58:05 PM
#150 Big chart and trading volume. Ask very thin. pinky1 07/30/12 01:53:07 PM
#149 this stock never seen so awesome trading volume l2 hunter 07/30/12 01:49:18 P
#148 CBZFF INTRADAY CHART >>> l2 hunter 07/30/12 01:48:47 PM
#147 Big party start now. CBZFF next penny value pinky1 07/30/12 01:47:42
#146 STRONG BUY @ THIS RANGE l2 hunter 07/30/12 01:43:03 PM
#145 CBZFF is complete undervalued and cheap @0015. l2 hunter 07/30/12 01:4
#144 budy hold´n this baby. biggest low float play l2 hunter 07/30/12 01:41:57
#143 CBZFF looks fantastic. Huge move in the making. pinky1 07/30/12 01:40:36
#142 same buying pressure as this morning and we l2 hunter 07/30/12 01:37:30
#141 0015 falling very soon. check out L2 l2 hunter 07/30/12 01:36:33 PM
#140 L2 very thin. Great time coming for CBZFF pinky1 07/30/12 01:33:25 PM
#139 245k@0015 320k@0016 5k@002 AND BLUE SKIES!!!! CBZFF COULD l2 hunter
#138 CBZFF could close 002 and higher with next pressure pinky1 07/30/12 01:31
#137 think, CBZFF will see a huge week. l2 hunter 07/30/12 01:30:35 PM
#136 better in here. CBZFF @0015 complete undervalued l2 hunter 07/30/12 01:
#135 CBZFF could fly multi penny coming days. pinky1 07/30/12 01:29:27 PM
#134 agree pinky big move ahead. wait and see. l2 hunter 07/30/12 01:28:28 PM
#133 Wow nice traf volume with big accumulate. pinky1 07/30/12 01:27:51 PM
#132 de.advfn.com/p.php?pid=staticchart&s=NO^CBZFF&p=3&t=39&vol=1 l2 hunter
#131 nice volume today. looks for pop this week l2 hunter 07/30/12 01:03:03 PM
#130 Why are you pumping this trash ? kmanfm 07/30/12 12:49:24 PM
#129 0011 up 1 left big volume today l2 hunter 07/30/12 12:42:00 PM
#128 awesome trading volume and still huge bid and l2 hunter 07/30/12 12:36:30 P
#127 001X0011 2X1 HUGE 2.2 MILION BID. 001 BOTTOM. l2 hunter 07/30/12 12:20
#126 It's not good when my test order kmanfm 07/30/12 12:05:15 PM
#125 just the begining bud. watch the afternoon. someone l2 hunter 07/30/12 11:28
#124 0015 up 50%+ ask slapping start now. 0019 l2 hunter 07/30/12 11:25:18 A
#123 wow some idiot just whacked it. killed all atotalbum 07/30/12 11:24:33 AM
#122 but huge bids @001 2.2 milion.. and just l2 hunter 07/30/12 11:22:48 AM
#121 agree 1 player sell 500k into the bids l2 hunter 07/30/12 11:21:42 AM
#120 I don't have L2 ,but someone just kmanfm 07/30/12 11:01:03 AM
#119 2.2 milion major bids coming in l2 hunter 07/30/12 10:57:47 AM
#118 001x0015 1 left here wo go up l2 hunter 07/30/12 10:57:27 AM
#117 going back up. wait and see. l2 hunter 07/30/12 10:54:57 AM
#116 no was not a pump just a bid l2 hunter 07/30/12 10:52:38 AM
#115 1 bid seller. 0008x0009 major bids. 1x0009 1x0019 l2 hunter 07/30/12 10:51
#114 Be careful,looks like a pump job .. kmanfm 07/30/12 10:51:38 AM
#113 Strong intraday chart. Record volume for sure today. l2 hunter 07/30/12 10:2
#112 Very strong @ 002. Ready for next wave l2 hunter 07/30/12 10:19:46 AM
#111 CBZFF huge in buzz cload l2 hunter 07/30/12 10:17:30 AM
#110 Just the start from a huge run. Awesome l2 hunter 07/30/12 10:15:04 AM
#109 Just the begining l2 hunter 07/30/12 10:05:29 AM
#108 agree huge pop coming l2 hunter 07/30/12 10:04:46 AM
#107 I bought 250k for the ride THE GOLD STANDARD 07/30/12 10:04:41 AM
#106 What the heck, i take a 30 minute Abag 07/30/12 10:03:34 AM
#105 002 1 left. 100%+ 005 break with next l2 hunter 07/30/12 10:01:01 AM
#104 002 hitting hard. Falling now l2 hunter 07/30/12 09:53:42 AM
#103 01 break today. Watch for pop l2 hunter 07/30/12 09:50:54 AM
#102 1@002 1@0023 pop coming l2 hunter 07/30/12 09:48:49 AM
#101 002 1 left here we go l2 hunter 07/30/12 09:47:46 AM
#100 0019 l2 hunter 07/30/12 09:47:21 AM
#99 800k volume so far. We lift up hard today l2 hunter 07/30/12 09:44:47 AM
#98 0017 hitting. 002 break coming l2 hunter 07/30/12 09:43:53 AM
#97 CBZFF 00017 UP 1 LEFT l2 hunter 07/30/12 09:42:51 AM
#96 0016 up l2 hunter 07/30/12 09:42:23 AM
#95 0016x0017 1 left we going up l2 hunter 07/30/12 09:40:57 AM
#94 CBZFF 0011X0014 1 LEFT GOING l2 hunter 07/30/12 09:37:04 AM
#93 Big hits coming in 0011 up l2 hunter 07/30/12 09:34:51 AM
#92 Huge bids coming up....its go time..... Abag 07/30/12 09:32:28 AM
#91 0011 ask up gap? l2 hunter 07/30/12 09:25:28 AM
#90 yes bud, CBZFF is a must have on l2 hunter 07/30/12 08:58:36 AM
#89 Agree, this will be another record week, people Abag 07/30/12 08:53:06
#88 think CBZFF will see new record trading volume l2 hunter 07/30/12 08:47:51
#87 CBZFF, going to be bigger than icn*...... Abag 07/30/12 08:37:40 AM
#86 CBZFF is a must have value on this l2 hunter 07/30/12 08:14:57 AM
#85 think we'll see major breakout this week. $0.01 pinky1 07/30/12 07:49:17 A
#84 CBZFF extremly undervalued @001. $0.01 break this week probably pinky1
#83 CBZFF could see a new 52 weeks high today. xfirex 07/30/12 06:29:18
#82 Good morning, CBZFF big in buzz. Take it xfirex 07/30/12 06:08:10 AM
#81 GM abag, hold my shares for $0.1 very l2 hunter 07/30/12 05:24:26 AM
#80 Thx for update. pinky1 07/29/12 11:46:11 PM
#79 Yes, holding for at least 025 Abag 07/29/12 10:32:23 PM
#78 As of December 15, 2009, 104,560,373 common shares Mr_Stocks99 07
#77 CBZFF 3 month chart >>> l2 hunter 07/29/12 04:05:24 PM
#76 CBZFF 1 month chart l2 hunter 07/29/12 04:04:06 PM
#75 CBZFF 5 year chart >> l2 hunter 07/29/12 04:02:51 PM
#74 Board followers climbing pinky1 07/29/12 03:30:40 PM
#73 yes, with high volume breakout quick few 1000% l2 hunter 07/29/12 02:06:29
#72 233% up with just 1.6m shares. As far pinky1 07/29/12 02:03:52 PM
#71 CBZFF 52Wk High 0.0023 l2 hunter 07/29/12 01:51:25 PM
#70 abag you long too? l2 hunter 07/29/12 01:48:23 PM
#69 Still hold'n. 0.01 at least. pinky1 07/29/12 01:47:10 PM
#68 agree pinky, CBZFF looks very atractive @001. think l2 hunter 07/29/12 01:4
#67 think we will lift up next week. Short pinky1 07/29/12 11:51:23 AM
#66 Could run easy 1000-2000% with this OS. l2 hunter 07/29/12 10:37:22 AM
#65 Shares Outstanding 68,588,549 xfirex 07/28/12 04:25:48 PM
#64 My baby looks like wacking. pinky1 07/28/12 12:48:53 PM
#63 CBZFF will close 001 intraday high. Strong!! l2 hunter 07/27/12 03:52:23 PM
#62 CBZFF monday gapper. Going still under radar today. l2 hunter 07/27/12 03:4
#61 penny land next week. Someone loading today. l2 hunter 07/27/12 03:40:59 P
#60 Im all over this one like a hawk, Abag 07/27/12 03:38:34 PM
#59 Agree, looks like this stock starting next week. l2 hunter 07/27/12 03:33:56 P
#58 Wow, Wells Fargo owns all assetts, this can Abag 07/27/12 03:32:07 PM
#57 still 0009x001 200k left l2 hunter 07/27/12 03:29:31 PM
#56 could pop coming week. awesome trading volume l2 hunter 07/27/12 03:24:35
#55 could be huge if they run it atotalbum 07/27/12 03:23:02 PM
#54 L2: 220k@001 55k@0011 20k@0023 BLUE SKIES!! could fly l2 hunter 07/27/12
#53 Wells Fargo owns the shares to this company.... Abag 07/27/12 03:21:28 P
#52 Carbiz (PN) (CBZFF) l2 hunter 07/27/12 03:20:54 PM
#51 0009x0001 1 left volume coming in l2 hunter 07/27/12 03:01:34 PM
#50 awesome buying volume. whats up with CBZFF? l2 hunter 07/27/12 02:50:11 P
Antwort einfügen |
Boardmail an "nekro" |
1. Der OS beträgt nur 68 milionen Aktien
2. Der float ca. 10 milionen gibt es aber keine genaue Angabe zu. Also unter Vorbehalt. Anhand des extrem dünnen orderbuchs und zahlrechen getradeten low floatern ist dies meine Einschätzung.
3. Die Aktie stand vor 5 Jahren bei 0.4$ und ist bis 003 runter und dann wieder bis 0.15$ hoch gelaufen. Wahnsinn. Nun stehen wir bei 0017. Alleine der chart spricht für einen erneuten zock/
4. Die Aktie hat nie so viel gehandelte Aktien gesehen wie die letzte Woche. Spricht dafür das sich wer einkauft bevor es hoch geht. Ihub gurus borsenbrief oder Insider. Warum weis man nicht. Für einen zock oder einem Mantel Geschäft. Ist mir aber auch egal. Ich denke hier ist ein verzehnfacher und auch weit mehr möglich.
5. Der 3 Monats chart ist in breakout Stellung. Die Chancen überwiegen meiner Meinung nach dem Risiko deutlich.
6. Der chart und die geringe Zahl an ausstehenden Aktien ist schon Grund genug für mich hier zu investieren.
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Boardmail an "gtx380" |
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Boardmail an "andy0211" |
ja unser experte ist schon eine kraft- aber die ständigen wiederholungen, er scheint ganz schön nervös zu sein. ich habe mal geschaut bei seinen bisher gepushten aktien.
da hat es meist 1- 4 seiten im forum gebraucht bis er abtauchte bzw. alles vorbei war.
Waterpure war dabei bisher mit 30 seiten einsame spitze, ob wir das hier auch schaffen, grins. wir hätten es bestimmt schon durch seine wasserstandsmeldungen- nur es gab nichts zu melden.
Antwort einfügen |
Boardmail an "andy0211" |
siehe 02. 08. #285,#293; 03.08 #309, #354; 05.08 #387; 06.08 #424; 07.08 #466.
man könnte noch vieles andere zusammen suchen- und einer behauptet von sich, er sei kein pusher.
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Boardmail an "andy0211" |
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Boardmail an "gtx380" |
ich wiederhole mich- du bist einfach nicht zu toppen.
bei dir sind wohl wesentliche dinge, gleiche bilder und texte hier reinzustellen.
"Warte doch einfach mal die Zeit ab. " ihr habt wohl gesammelt um noch paar aktien zu kaufen? neuen plan erarbeitet?
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Boardmail an "andy0211" |
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Boardmail an "gtx380" |
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*Werbehinweise: Die Billigung des Basisprospekts durch die Bundesanstalt für Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht ist nicht als ihre Befürwortung der angebotenen Wertpapiere zu verstehen. Wir empfehlen Interessenten und potenziellen Anlegern den Basisprospekt und die Endgültigen Bedingungen zu lesen, bevor sie eine Anlageentscheidung treffen, um sich möglichst umfassend zu informieren, insbesondere über die potenziellen Risiken und Chancen des Wertpapiers. Sie sind im Begriff, ein Produkt zu erwerben, das nicht einfach ist und schwer zu verstehen sein kann.
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