Termine 2020: 6.April ------- Finale Ergebnisse PIP 01 (positive Results In Dose-finding) 15. Mai ------- Annual Meeting 25 Juni -------- Megapharm Distribution Agreement (ISRAEL AND THE PALESTINE) 7 Juli ----------- CLOSING OF $12 MILLION PUBLIC OFFERING 5.August -------- CLOSING OF $7 MILLION PUBLIC OFFERING 16.Nov ------------- Novo Lizenzdeal (Kompl. Rechte Mac US) 7. Dez. ------------- licensing agreement with Consilient Health, Ltd (Macrilen EU) Termine 2021 13 Jan ------------ material transfer agreement with the University of Queensland (für THEeatenFISH. JA, MAC ALS MEDI!) ;-)))
28. Jan ---------- Expansion development pipeline with targeted immunosuppressive therapeutics 2 Feb. ----- Evaluation and potential development of an oral prophylactic bacterial vaccine against COVID-19 16 Feb. --------- Bought Deal Offering mit Weinright 29,7Mio$
11.März ------------ Initiation of Its Preclinical Program for the Potential Treatment of Primary Hypoparathyroidism 16 März ------------- License Agreement with University Wuerzburg for Development of a Potential Oral Prophylactic Bacterial Vaccine Against COVID-19 angegeben Q2. ---------- Anfang PIP 02
5 Mai ----------- Hauptversammlung vermutlich Mai ---------- Q1 2021
Termine 2022 Juli 2022------- geplant Ende PIP 02 min Q3 2023 ------------- AEterna mögliche EMA/FDA Zulassung pediatric US / EU --------------------------------------------------
31.12.20 Cash 24,2 Mio$ Consilient Health / The Company received an upfront payment of ?1 million in January 2021.
Option Agreement /and made a payment of ?100,000 to the University of Wuerzburg
The Company will pay an up-front payment under the Wuerzburg License Agreement of ?140,000
for the potential therapeutic treatment of primary hypoparathyroidism and made a cash payment of £100,000.( 115154 ?) University of Sheffield, United Kingdom
February 16, 2021 Financing /net cash proceeds to the Company from the offering totaled $26.9 million
February 22, 2021 Financing / for gross proceeds to the Company of $4.5 million / the Company paid commissions and other expenses of $0.4 million
holders have exercised certain of our outstanding warrants / for gross proceeds of approximately $20.0 million
-------------------------------------------------- Ende Q1 um die 75 Mio Cash