Another great thought leadership piece about #neuromorphic by @sallywf via @eetimes - What Does ?Neuromorphic? Mean Today? Read more here:
All set up for the AI Hardware Summit. Will add more pictures as the day goes on. Stop by the BrainChip booth and meet the team and see some very cool demos. BrainChip also has 2 speaking slots. #neuromorphic #AIHardwareSummit
BrainChip's Rob Telson moderating the #AIHardwareSummit panel on - Lessons learned from edge aspects of autonomous driving. Speakers were from DENSO international, Ridecell, and Volkswagen.
Our Chief Development Officer, Anil Mankar will present ?Combining Neuromorphic Design Principles with Modern Machine Learning Algorithms? at tinyML Neuromorphic Engineering Forum at 10:55 a.m. PDT September 27 - Register here @tinyMLTalks
Don't miss Rob Telson's Lightning talk at Edge Impulse Imagine conference September 28th at 2:42pm PDT and the workshop with Nikunj September 29th PDT. Register here: @RobTelson @EdgeImpulse
Moderna, BrainChip Holdings, Infineon - The use of neuromorphic architecture, a type of artificial intelligence inspired by the biology of the human brain, makes all the difference.
Great read from @sallywf at @eetimes - Neuromorphic Computing Will Revolutionize the Edge - As biomimicry in computing becomes mainstream, it will start by changing everything about edge computing. #edge #neuromporphic
We're excited to hear from @BrainChip_inc at #2022Imagine about how the company's neuromorphic technology is bringing scalable and effective AI to the sensor and beyond.
BrainChip will be presenting at Edge Impulse Imagine about the company's innovative technology in person at the Computer History Museum in Mountain View, CA, and streaming worldwide September 28-30 register here: @EdgeImpulse
Only a couple hours away. Anil Mankar will present ?Combining Neuromorphic Design Principles with Modern Machine Learning Algorithms? at tinyML Neuromorphic Engineering Forum at 10:55 a.m. PDT September 27 - Register here: @tinyMLTalks
$BRCHF BrainChip Discusses Advanced Vision Systems with Luca Verre, CEO and co-founder of PROPHESEE on Latest ?This is our Mission? Podcast -The podcast will be available Tuesday, October 4, 2022, at 3 p.m. PDT on BrainChip?s website and across popular podcast platforms. @Prophesee_ai
BrainChip Discusses Advanced Vision Systems with Luca Verre, CEO and co-founder of PROPHESEE on Latest ?This is our Mission? Podcast @Prophesee_ai #AI #neuromorphic #podcast
Add #AI acceleration to your SoC! Join Bryon Moyer in person or online as he moderates a session on AI for SoCs w/ @BrainChip_inc, @ExpederaInc, @efpga, & @quadric_io at #processor22. In person & online.
Thanks to @BrainChip_inc and @RobTelson for an excellent interview with Luca Verre. A great overview of the history of Prophesee and how our neuromorphic engineering approach is helping change the paradigm in vision sensing.
BrainChip Fortifies Neuromorphic Patent Portfolio with New Awards and IP Acquisition #patent #neuromorphic #AI #artificialintelligence.
During their #2022Imagine workshop, @BrainChip_inc showed how to leverage MetaTF to convert traditional CNNs to SNNs with ease and apply them to real world use cases.
Our very own Rob Telson, Vice President of Ecosystem and Partnerships, will present ?Essential AI: Efficient, Effective, Everywhere? at #IoTWorld & The #AISummit Austin at the Austin Convention Center, November 2 at 12:30 p.m. CDT -Register here: