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11.12.07 18:43

1353 Postings, 6851 Tage RöttgenELORO RES LTD (WKN: 909833)

Wer beobachtet noch diesen Wert?

-Ich bin ca.vor einem Jahr auf diese Aktien gestossen.
-Seit 2006 immer wieder Insiderkäufe!
-Wer ist Insider (Thomas Larson NFX Gold)!
-Hat jemand infos ,wieviel Larson gekauft hat?
-Es gibt ein kleines Forum bei Wallstreet.


11.12.07 18:47

246516 Postings, 7131 Tage buranätsch muss man da einfach sagen

Ein paar Wochen früher und Dir wäre sicher geholfen worden.Nun wie Du ja nun selber siehst ist die Kacke schon lange nicht mehr am Dampfen.
hm ,null Ahnung ,Gruss buran  

20.12.07 19:16

1353 Postings, 6851 Tage RöttgenWeitere Käufe

Eloro Resources Ltd. (ELO) As of December 19th, 2007
Filing Date  Transaction Date  Insider Name  Ownership Type  Securities  Nature of transaction  # or value acquired or disposed of  Unit Price  
Dec 18/07  Dec 13/07  LARSEN, THOMAS  Control or Direction  Common Shares  10 - Acquisition in the public market  2,000  $0.465  
Dec 18/07  Dec 13/07  LARSEN, THOMAS  Control or Direction  Common Shares  10 - Acquisition in the public market  4,000  $0.465  
Dec 18/07  Dec 13/07  LARSEN, THOMAS  Control or Direction  Common Shares  10 - Acquisition in the public market  5,000  $0.450  
Dec 18/07  Dec 13/07  LARSEN, THOMAS  Control or Direction  Common Shares  10 - Acquisition in the public market  5,000  $0.430  
Dec 06/07  Nov 27/07  LARSEN, THOMAS  Control or Direction  Common Shares  10 - Acquisition in the public market  5,000  $0.490  
Dec 06/07  Nov 26/07  LARSEN, THOMAS  Control or Direction  Common Shares  10 - Acquisition in the public market  4,500  $0.495  
Dec 05/07  Nov 29/07  ANKCORN, PAUL RUSSELL  Direct Ownership  Common Shares  10 - Acquisition in the public market  5,000  $0.460  
Nov 27/07  Nov 22/07  LARSEN, THOMAS  Control or Direction  Common Shares  10 - Acquisition in the public market  5,000  $0.490  
Nov 27/07  Nov 22/07  LARSEN, THOMAS  Control or Direction  Common Shares  10 - Acquisition in the public market  5,000  $0.480  
Nov 27/07  Nov 22/07  LARSEN, THOMAS  Direct Ownership  Common Shares  10 - Acquisition in the public market  21,000  $0.480  

23.01.08 11:32

13215 Postings, 6806 Tage Koch27Stock Targets: Introduces Eloro Resources

to our Canadian Juniors Watch List    

Jan 23, 2008 (M2 PRESSWIRE via COMTEX News Network) --

International Stock Targets provides investors with the opportunity to cultivate the so-often- taken-for-granted knowledge of the markets and its many drivers. We work closely with all our clients, whether new to the trading sphere or veterans of a world dictated by greed and fear, in order to enter into gainful equities and experience returns in any market environment. International Stock Targets, www.internationalstocktargets.com, will take you on a journey of unique opportunities and exciting investment rendezvous. It will be like going for that dream-tour with the best guide the tour has to offer, and on www.internationalstocktargets.com we will always provide you with the best tools to make this crossing a success. One of the company's we will be tracking as the market opens with new prospects is Eloro Resources Ltd. (TSX-V: ELO). Eloro is a junior exploration company focused on discovering and developing precious and base metal quality resources in James Bay and uranium resources in the Otish Basin districts of northern Quebec, as well as base and precious metals in the Timmins Camp of northern Ontario.

For future reports on Eloro Resources and other growth stocks sign up to www.internationalstocktargets.com for a 3 month trial subscription.

"We at international stock targets have made it our goal to partner with as many of the top research firms and analysts to provide you the investors top quality research. Becoming a member to www.internationalstocktargets.com will give you free access to many different investment reports including analysis of most of the companies you hold in your portfolio. See how working with us today can expand your net worth tomorrow," Stefen Gorgin CEO and Head Analyst International Stock Targets

Eloro Resources closed even on Tuesday with a volume of 20,000.

On Tuesday, January 22nd, 2008, Eloro Resources Ltd. announced that a surface diamond drilling program has commenced on its 100% owned Lemoyne North Property by the Company's option and joint venture partner NFX Gold Inc. ("NFX").

The 100 km2 Lemoyne North Property is located within the La Grande Belt in the James Bay district of Quebec and straddles the northern border of Virginia Mines Inc.'s Poste Lemoyne property where Virginia Mines Inc. has outlined a 95,000 ounce gold resource grading 14.5 g/t gold, that included intersections of up to 43.09 g/t gold over 11.65 m (Source: Virginia Mines Inc. website).

About us:

International Stock Targets is a world renowned research firm, specializing in identifying undervalued growth companies and walking members through the life-cycle of an equity's most aggressive growth periods. IST has been honoured the "Best International Research Team Award" three years in a row, and has been praised in many of the top publications globally and is recognized for their research, accuracy and professionalism.

Information contained in this release was extracted from publicly available sources deemed reliable. This document may contain forward-looking statements, particularly as related to the business plans of the Companies, within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933 and Sections 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, and are subject to the safe harbor created by these sections. Actual results may differ materially from the Company's expectations and estimates. The companies mentioned in this publication have not approved the content or timing of the information being published unless otherwise noted. No investor should assume that reliance on the views, opinions or recommendations contained herein will produce profitable results. International Stock Targets may hold positions in securities mentioned herein, and may make purchases or sales in such securities featured on our web site or within our reports.

International Stock Targets may at some time effect transactions in the securities mentioned. Additional information is available upon request subject to duties of confidentiality. The report has been compiled for information purposes only and under no circumstances should be considered as a solicitation to buy or sell any securities or as investment advice. While the information contained herein has been obtained from sources we believe to be reliable, International Stock targets does not represent or warrant the accuracy or completeness of the report. Independent investment advice should be sought before relying on any research regarding a specific company. Risk factors and actual results may differ significantly from the information contained in the report. International Stock Targets have not received compensation for this coverage and is not affiliated with the Company mentioned in this report. Target Prices are based on our own proprietary methods and should not be considered as all-inclusive nor considered as price projections based on revenue or performance. We strongly advise seeking professional investment advice.

M2 Communications Ltd disclaims all liability for information provided within M2 PressWIRE. Data supplied by named party/parties. Further information on M2 PressWIRE can be obtained at http://www.presswire.net on the world wide web. Inquiries to info@m2.com.  

11.06.08 22:05

1353 Postings, 6851 Tage RöttgenMorgen + 50 % ?

12.06.08 20:43

1353 Postings, 6851 Tage RöttgenNews

Eloro Resources to acquire Charlevoix project from BRM

2008-06-12 12:39 ET - News Release

Mr. Thomas Larsen reports


Eloro Resources Ltd. has signed a letter of agreement (LOA) setting the terms for Eloro to acquire four oil and gas permits termed the Charlevoix property, located in the Charlevoix area (NTS map sheets 21M08 and 21M09) on the northern shore of the St. Lawrence River, 75 kilometres northeast of Quebec City, Que.

The property encompasses an area of 53,405 hectares or 534.05 square kilometres along a segment of the same Paleozoic basin that hosts the current gas play in the Utica shale.

The Charlevoix area was historically explored for hydrocarbons in the late 1980s and early 1990s by the GHK Corp. Based on GHK surface sampling, hydrocarbon analysis and extensive geophysical surveying, hydrocarbon seepage was identified at surface in a number of areas, in addition to occurrences of tar, anthracite and other carbon-rich compounds. More than 450 surface sites were sampled for hydrocarbons. Higher-than-background values in methane were also outlined in soils at 22 sites, one occurrence yielding up to 11,161 parts per million or 1.12 per cent methane. A soil fluorescence survey outlined the seepage of heavier hydrocarbons. Soils were also anomalous in iron, titanium, copper, manganese, vanadium, lead, barium and strontium, all known to be associated with hydrocarbons.

Thomas Larsen, Eloro's president and chief executive officer, states: "The shale gas play in Quebec is unique due to its potentially economic viability and scale. Management believes the Charlevoix property offers excellent upside leverage for Eloro in the near term, based on the significant gas play located further to the south in the Utica shale. Eloro has now capitalized on the opportunity to acquire a major and strategic landholding in an area known to contain hydrocarbons, supported by a substantial and intact database that includes exploratory drilling. Eloro plans to rapidly evaluate the hydrocarbon potential of the property, whether it is gas or oil, in light of favourable prices and the application of today's technology."

The Charlevoix property agreement

Eloro signed the LOA with the BRM Group, an arm's-length party, enabling the company to acquire a 100-per-cent undivided interest in the property by executing a definitive option agreement on or before June 26, 2008, making cash payments totalling $50,000 to the vendor, completing $500,000 in exploration expenditures over a two-year period and, upon receipt of all regulatory approvals, the issuance of 1.5 million shares of Eloro to the vendor. The vendor would retain a 2.5-per-cent gross overriding royalty, of which 1 per cent may be purchased by Eloro for $1.5-million.

Work completed on the property in 2007 and 2008, included geological compilation, field mapping with surface sampling and a ground structural study that identified the main structural breaks covered by the property, and an air-photo and LANDSAT satellite study to identify the main structures and alterations pertinent to the shale gas setting. Eloro is currently reviewing and compiling the technical information available for the property, and plans to proceed with a major geochemical survey, geological mapping and follow-up drilling in 2008.

Quebec's shale gas play in the St. Lawrence River Lowlands

According to a recently released equity research group report from Fraser Mckenzie on shale gas in Quebec, dated May 2, 2008, the Utica shale gas play in the St. Lawrence River Lowlands located between Montreal and Quebec City is a "sleeping giant" that was recently awakened with the announcement that Forest Oil Corp. had successfully fracture-stimulated and tested two vertical wells drilled in the Utica shale in Quebec on two of its permits. The report stated that the Utica shale exhibits excellent rock properties comparable with other more established shale gas formations, such as the Barnett shale in Texas, which hosts up to 250 trillion cubic feet of recoverable reserves. The report also indicated the economics of the Utica shale could be more attractive than other similar shale gas discoveries, because of its shallower depth, and close proximity to gas markets and their Barnett-type rock attributes. The Utica shale play encompasses a 1.5-million-acre area in the St. Lawrence Lowlands south of the St. Lawrence River between Quebec City and Montreal. The Utica shale is estimated to contain up to 24 trillion cubic feet of recoverable reserves. The report concludes that although the Utica shale gas play is still at an early stage of establishing commerciality, preliminary indications are very encouraging.

Stock option grant

The company has granted 450,000 stock options to an employee and a consultant to acquire up to 450,000 common shares of the company. Each stock option entitles the holder thereof to acquire one common share of the corporation at an exercise price of 35 cents per common share prior to the close of business on June 12, 2013.

We seek Safe Harbor.

13.08.08 15:36

4 Postings, 6915 Tage czujackhInfos auf einen Blick

Guten Morgen Zusammen,

dass man z.B. auf der Arbeit einfacher und schneller auf die wichtigen Daten von Eloro zugreifen kann, habe ich diese Aktie nun auch auf meine Homepage eingebunden:




Viele Grüße

20.07.09 13:55

13215 Postings, 6806 Tage Koch27Elo

beendet auch seinen Abwärtstrend wie es aussieht!!

Larsen könnte nicht schlecht verdienen.
Bahnfahrn macht Spaß!! Aber nicht mit Zugbegleitern aus dem Osten!!

20.07.09 13:57

13215 Postings, 6806 Tage Koch27............

Bahnfahrn macht Spaß!! Aber nicht mit Zugbegleitern aus dem Osten!!
Angehängte Grafik:
elororesltd.png (verkleinert auf 93%) vergrößern

20.07.09 14:13

7974 Postings, 6958 Tage louisanerLarsen bleibt am Ball...


Eloro Resources Ltd. (ELO)

As of July 19th, 2009
Filing Date Transaction DateInsider Name Ownership Type Securities Nature of transaction# or value acquired or disposed ofUnit Price
Jun 04/09 Jun 01/09 Larsen, Thomas Direct Ownership Common Shares 10 - Acquisition in the public market 248,000 $0.040
May 29/09 May 20/09 Sauve, Francis Direct Ownership Common Shares 10 - Acquisition in the public market 5,000 $0.030
May 29/09 May 20/09 Larsen, Thomas Direct Ownership Common Shares 10 - Acquisition in the public market 500,000 $0.030
May 29/09 May 19/09 Larsen, Thomas Direct Ownership Common Shares 10 - Disposition in the public market -2,500 $0.035
May 20/09 May 20/09 Ankcorn, Paul Russell Direct Ownership Common Shares 10 - Acquisition in the public market 60,000 $0.040
Apr 02/09 Mar 19/09 Langton, John Direct Ownership Options 00 - Opening Balance-Initial SEDI Report    
Feb 06/09 Jan 27/09 Nagamatsu, Miles Direct Ownership Common Shares 10 - Acquisition in the public market 80,000 $0.050
Jan 06/09 Dec 22/08 Hussey, Joseph Jeffrey Direct Ownership Common Shares 10 - Acquisition in the public market 43,000 $0.065
Jan 06/09 Dec 19/08 Hussey, Joseph Jeffrey Direct Ownership Common Shares 10 - Acquisition in the public market 2,000 $0.050
Jan 06/09 Oct 03/07 Hussey, Joseph Jeffrey Direct Ownership Common Shares 00 - Opening Balance-Initial SEDI Report  





27.08.09 16:53

13215 Postings, 6806 Tage Koch27News!!

Aug 27, 2009 10:44 ET
Eloro Acquires Claims Adjacent to Lithium One Inc.'s Cyr Lithium Discovery, in the James Bay Mining District of Northern Quebec

TORONTO, ONTARIO--(Marketwire - Aug. 27, 2009) - Eloro Resources Ltd. (TSX VENTURE:ELO) (the "Company" or "Eloro") is pleased to announce the acquisition of two claim groups (the "Agreement"), from arm's length vendors (the "Vendors"), the Cyr East and Cyr West claim groups (the "Property") comprising 146 claims totaling 7,710 hectares (or 77.1 km2) in the James Bay Mining District of northern Quebec. The Cyr East claim group consists of 109 claims covering 5,755 hectares (or 57.6 km2); whereas the Cyr West claim group consists of 37 claims covering 1,955 hectares (or 19.5 km2). The registration of the claims by the Quebec government is still pending, but should be confirmed shortly.

The Property is located adjacent to the east and west of the Lithium One Inc. -property containing the Cyr Lithium discovery which hosts significant drill intersections of 1.59% Li2O over 10.27 m (JBL09-01). 1.72% Li2O over 9.87 m (JBL09-02) and 1.43% Li2O over 22.50 m (JBL09-11) (www.lithium1.com); and is also 75 km due south of Goldcorp's Eleonore Gold Deposit (2.3 million ounces of Gold in Indicated Mineral Resources at a grade of 10.05 g/t Gold and 3 million ounces of Gold in Inferred Mineral Resources at a grade of 12.75 g/t Gold; www.goldcorp.com), and finally 80 km west of Eastmain Resources Clearwater Gold Project (310,00 ounces of Gold grading 9.46 g/t Gold in Indicated Mineral Resources and 680,000 ounces of Gold grading 6.90 g/t Gold; www.eastmain.com). In addition, Eloro's Delta/Eastmain 1, Eastmain 2 and Eastmain 3 base and precious metal properties are located 30 km east, 30 km northwest and 45 km west, respectively, from the Property. All are situated in the prolific Eastmain Greenstone Belt.

Boisvert (1989) describes the region as containing biotite schists and gneisses; volcanic and sedimentary lithologies and mafic intrusive rocks; as well as granites and particularly pegmatites. The Property area hosts pegmatites, occurring as irregular but generally continuous lenses within the biotite schists. Individual pegmatites can attain up to 60 m in width and more than 100 m in length, collectively forming part of a much larger bodies having kilometric lengths and widths up to 300 m. Additional work by the Ministere des ressources naturelles et de la faune Quebec (the "MRNFQ") uncovered a number of lithium showings in the region with a similar metallogenic context to that of the Cyr Lithium Discovery of Lithium One Inc. linked to spodumene (a lithium bearing aluminum silicate) pegmatites. This type of pegmatite is also associated with the Preissac-Lacorne Batholith located further south in the Abitibi Greenstone Belt (near Val-d'Or, Quebec) where Canada Lithium Corporation is developing the Quebec Lithium Project containing historical ore reserves(i) of 15,612,300 tonnes at a grade of 1.14% Li2O.

Historical work on Lithium One Inc.'s Cyr Lithium Discovery has demonstrated significant lithium potential, identifying a resource potential(i) of 12 million tonnes (45,000 m2 by 100 m deep) grading 1.7% Li2O (www.lithium1.com).

Thomas Larsen, President and CEO of Eloro commented, "As stated by the Fraser Institute, Quebec is one of the best places in the world for exploration based on its geological endowment, title and land ownership, and fiscal regimes and that is why Eloro is focusing on the James Bay region. The sector hosts a variety of metals, from Gold, Copper, Zinc, Uranium and Lithium. We are fortunate to find key mineral claims so close to a major lithium discovery. Eloro plans a field program in the near term to rapidly evaluate the lithium targets on the Property.

Pursuant to the Agreement, Eloro will acquire a 100% ownership in the Property by; i) making cash payments of $30,000 within 6 months of the Agreement date and ii) upon receipt of of all required regulatory approval, including that of the TSX Venture Exchange, issue a total of 1.65 million Eloro shares to the Vendors, subject to the required hold period. The Vendors will retain a 2% Net Smelter Returns Royalty (the "NSR") of which 1% can be purchased by Eloro for $1 million. The Agreement is subject to the claims being registered with the Quebec government.
Bahnfahrn macht Spaß!!

Piratenpartei ich komme!!!!!
Angehängte Grafik:
elo.gif (verkleinert auf 63%) vergrößern

27.08.09 17:35

1353 Postings, 6851 Tage RöttgenKoch

da habe Wir lange drauf gewartet.


27.08.09 17:47

1353 Postings, 6851 Tage RöttgenAus dem Wo

Eloro Resources and Megastar Development Announce $4 Million Joint Venture Agreement on Megastar's Simkar Gold Project Near Val d'Or, Quebec

TORONTO, ONTARIO, Jun 16, 2009 (Marketwire via COMTEX News Network) --

Eloro Resources Ltd. (TSX VENTURE:ELO)(FRANKFURT  2Q) ("Eloro") and Megastar Development Corp. (TSX VENTURE:MDV)(FRANKFURT:M5Q) ("Megastar") are pleased to announce that they have entered into a Letter of Agreement (the "Agreement") for a $4 million joint venture on Megastar's wholly-owned Simkar Gold Project (the "Project"), located approximately 20 km east of Val-d'Or (Quebec). The Project, a former gold producer, consists of two contiguous mining concessions in Louvicourt Township, covering 225.63 hectare. The Project is not encumbered with any royalties.

The Agreement provides Eloro with the option to earn a 50% undivided interest in the Project by completing $4 million in exploration work on the Project over a 3 year period, whereby $750,000 would be incurred in the first year, $1.25 million in the second year and $2 million in the third year; paying Megastar $350,000 cash over a three year period, and issuing 4.5 million common shares of Eloro to Megastar as follows: (1) 750,000 common shares upon execution of a definitive option agreement (the "Option Agreement") and TSX Venture Exchange approval, (2) 750,000 common shares on the first year anniversary of the Option Agreement, (3) 1.5 million common shares on each the second and third anniversary of the Option Agreement. Eloro would be the project manager and operator. This transaction is subject to the receipt of all required regulatory and board approvals.

Thomas Larsen, President and CEO, Director of Eloro stated, "Eloro's venture into the Malartic/Val-d'Or Mining Camp is a major milestone in the Company's efforts of focusing on quality gold projects in well established gold camps of eastern Canada. The Malartic/Val-d'Or segment of the Cadillac-Larder Lake Break has already yielded in excess of 25 million ounces of gold since the 1920's, and has witnessed a resurgence in activity with the development of Osisko Mining Corporation's 8 million ounce Canadian-Malartic Gold Deposit in Malartic. At the Simkar Gold Project, Eloro and Megastar are of the opinion that a high quality gold resource is present and will be actively exploring in the near term to develop this resource."

Dusan Berka, P. Eng., President and CEO, Director of Megastar added, "As a former gold producer, we are excited about our Simkar Gold Project's future potential and bringing new opportunities to fruition with Eloro via the joint venture. Both companies have agreed to create a joint technical committee to review and approve the exploration programs. As such, both companies will profit from the input of technical experts from both Megastar and Eloro. Megastar is pleased to have Eloro join the exploration and development effort at Simkar. Eloro and Megastar's proposed aggressive exploration programs should help bring quality gold ounces closer to feasibility level in the near term."

The Project is located within the Abitibi Greenstone Belt and hosts a thick sequence of east-west trending, near vertical dipping volcanic flows and pyroclastics of the Malartic Group (the "North Rhyolite") that also includes quartz-feldspar porphyry dykes and sills, closely associated with the lode gold vein mineralization and the, little-investigated to date, Noranda- or Matagami-type volcanogenic massive sulphide (or "VMS") deposits. The higher gold grade, intrusion-centered gold-quartz-tourmaline vein system is similar to the 9 million ounce Sigma-Lamaque Gold Deposit in Val-d'Or and many other gold deposits in the Abitibi Belt. Prior gold production on the Project (1946-1949) came from extensive underground workings along three main zones (A, B and C Zones). More recent exploration outlined three new gold zones (Pillar Zone, F Zone, and Montana Zone) and identified one high potential structure, the East Zone Shear.

The Project has been the subject of two National Instrument ("NI") 43-101 compliant technical reports, one in 2004 and a second in 2008. The first was titled "Technical Report (NI 43-101 F1) on the 2004 drilling Program, Simkar Property (Val-d'Or, Quebec), Louvicourt Township, Province of Quebec, Canada (NTS: 32C04)", by C. Pelletier, B. Sc., P. Geo. (of InnovExplo Inc.), dated December 6, 2004. The 2008 report was titled "Technical Report (NI 43-101) Simkar Property, Val d'Or, Quebec" (the "Report") was prepared by M. Bourgoin, P. Geo., of MRB & Associates, and R. Sandefur, P. Eng., of Chlumsky, Armbrust and Meyer LLC. Both reports are available on SEDAR at www.sedar.com (under Megastar Development Corp).

Following the original discovery, the Project produced 261,590 tons of ore grading 0.123 oz/ton gold for 30,500 ounces of gold from 1947 to 1949. This production was from the A, B and C Zones. Operations were suspended due to increased mining costs at a time of fixed gold prices.

From 1987 to 1993, over $12 million of surface exploration and underground development work was completed on the Project. The exploration work successfully defined significant gold mineralization in the extensions of the previously mined A, B and C Zones, as well as defining new gold resources in three new gold bearing structures, the East, F, and Pillar Zones. Subsequently, the existing underground workings were dewatered and new underground development was completed to access the East Zone on two levels. This underground development work led to the extraction of 71,068 tonnes grading 8.42 g/t gold for approximately 20,000 ounces of gold.

Megastar acquired all rights, titles and interests of the Project in 1996. Since then, Megastar completed ground geophysics; surface diamond drilling totaling 8,000 m in 26 holes; and integrated the former Simkar Gold Mine underground workings into a GEMCOM(TM) GEMS 3-D mine model. This work led to the Report and mineral resource estimates in 2008 which are outlined in the following table to a vertical depth of -200 m:

(g/t gold) TONNES (g/t gold) GOLD OUNCES
1.0 1,482,000 3.01 143,160
2.0 641,050 5.10 105,100
3.0 347,400 7.32 81,800
5.0 188,750 10.23 62,100
(i) Numbers may be rounded for simplicity.

Eloro's plan going forward is to enhance the 3-D mine model with detailed interpretation work in preparation of a drill program to test the down plunge extension of all of the gold structures below the 200 m vertical depth, particularly on the East Zone Shear, where the gold grades are higher than those defined elsewhere on the Project. Eloro is of the opinion that the presence of higher grade tension veins intersected by Megastar in the 2007 surface diamond drilling work (140.0 g/t gold over 0.5 m, 99.8 g/t gold over 0.3 m, 33.9 g/t gold over 1.0 m, and 31.0 g/t gold over 0.5 m) represents strong evidence of the similarities of the Simkar Gold Deposit with the 9 million ounce Sigma-Lamaque Gold Deposit located 20 km to the west.

The information contained in this news release was prepared and revised by Martin Bourgoin, P. Geo., Eloro's Executive VP, and a Qualified Person as defined by National Instrument 43-101.

About Eloro Resources Ltd.

Eloro is a junior exploration company focused on discovering and developing precious and base metal quality resources in the James Bay region of northern Quebec, and base and precious metals in the Timmins Camp of northern Ontario. Eloro currently has eleven gold-copper-silver properties (1,062 claims) covering 548 km2 in the La Grande and Eastmain Greenstone Belts, proximal to Goldcorp's Eleonore Gold Project. Eloro also has an option to earn a 50% interest in 31 claims held by Virginia Mines Inc. also located in James Bay, Quebec. The Timmins area holdings include both the prospective Hurdman Property, and the 30 km2 McArthur Lake Nickel Property under option to Fletcher Nickel Inc.

For all Eloro investor relations needs, investors are asked to visit the Eloro Resources IR Hub at http://www.agoracom.com/ir/eloro where they can post questions and receive answers within the same day, or simply review questions and answers posted by other investors. Alternatively, investors are able to e-mail all questions and correspondence to elo@agoracom.com where they can also request addition to the investor e-mail list to receive all future press releases and updates in real time.

About Megastar Development Corp.

Megastar Development Corp. is an emerging resource company engaged in the acquisition, exploration and development of mineral properties in Canada. Megastar owns gold and base metal properties in Quebec and British Columbia, including the Simkar Gold Project in Val d'Or, Quebec for which a NI 43-101 compliant independent Technical Report concludes that the Project is estimated to have a remaining (post-historic mining) Inferred Resources of about 140,000 ounces, based on parameters appropriate for a reasonable underground mining scenario. For further information, investors and shareholders are invited to visit the Company's website at www.megastardevelopment.com or call the office at 604-683-6648.

SOURCE: Megastar Development Corp.

Eloro Resources Ltd. Thomas G. Larsen President and CEO (416) 868-9168 (416) 361-1333 (FAX) www.elororesources.com Megastar Development Corp. Dusan Berka, P. Eng. President and CEO (604) 683-6648 (604) 683-1350 (FAX) www.megastardevelopment.com
Copyright (C) 2009 Marketwire. All rights reserved.

..Explorationskosten für Eloro's Summit-Gaber Property durch LOI mit Kapital-Pool-Company tlws. gesichert.... nun kann es bald weitergehen!

Eloro Options Summit-Gaber Property to Shield Gold

TORONTO, ONTARIO--(Marketwire - Aug. 5, 2009) - ELORO RESOURCES LTD. (TSX VENTURE:ELO) (the "Company" or "Eloro") is pleased to announce that it has entered into a Letter of Intent ("LOI") with Shield Gold Inc. ("Shield"), a capital pool company, granting Shield an option to acquire a 50% interest (the "Option") in Eloro's Summit-Gaber Property (the "Property") in the La Grande Greenstone Belt, northwestern Quebec.

Pursuant to the LOI, the Option will be earned over a 3 year period (the "Transaction") and initially requires a payment of $75,000 by Shield to Eloro and the issuance of 100,000 common shares of Shield to Eloro. Thereafter Shield is required to incur aggregate exploration and development expenditures of $1,500,000 and issue to Eloro a total of 500,000 common shares of Shield over the next three years. The Transaction will serve as Shield's Qualifying Transaction, as defined in Policy 2.4 of the TSX Venture Exchange (the "Exchange") and is subject to the approval of the Exchange.

Information about the Property

The Property is centered on NTS map sheet 33F/09 in the La Grande Greenstone Belt, northwestern Quebec. Eloro wholly owns the 100 contiguous claims (5,109 hectares or 51.09 square kilometers) comprising the Property.

Five mineral occurrences (Summit 1 to 5) were discovered in 1996 by Noranda. These Copper-Silver showings are associated with pyrite-rich bands hosted by mafic volcanics. In 1997 four other mineralized occurrences were discovered. The latter are associated with calcite-hematite veins and pyrite-rich bands. Very high copper and silver assay results were obtained from grab samples. Moreover, three grab samples grading between 1.62 and 35.8 g/t Gold, 0.34 and 15.4 g/t Platinum, 0.19 and 10.5 g/t Palladium and, 768 and 1,500 g/t Silver, were collected on the Cartouche occurrence (Eloro, 2006). Some of the Summit Copper-Silver occurrences are related to volcanogenic massive sulphide ("VMS") mineralization. They are associated with a metric to decametric wide pyrite and pyrrhotite horizon that follows the contact between chloritic and epidotized basalts and dacites. These zones may represent remnants of black smoker chimneys typically found under VMS mounts. Another type of mineralizing event is related to Nickel-Cobalt-Silver found on Summit IV. This mineralization is possibly analogous to silver-rich deposits in the Cobalt Mining Camp. Both VMS and the Cobalt-type models are being proposed as guidelines for future exploration work.

To date, work performed on the Property includes; regional lake-bottom sediment sampling; regional scale (1:50,000) and detailed (1:5,000) mapping over the central portion of the Property; Airborne Electro-magnetic and Magnetic surveys; ground Electromagnetic and Magnetic surveys over 40 line-kilometers; lineament study; followed by lithogeochemical sampling; extensive litho-geochemical and grab sampling (1,725 samples); portable Winkie drilling (± 330m) on the Summit IV and Cartouche Copper-Silver occurrences, and finally, a high resolution Heliborne Magnetic survey which was completed over the entire Property in April 2009.

The Property is at an early stage of exploration as the Summit occurrences are covering only 4km out of 13km of prospective lithologies (for the VMS model) and structures (Cobalt-type model containing Bismuth-Cobalt-Nickel-Silver-Uranium). As a comparative, the entire Cobalt Mining Camp covers approximately 5 square kilometers, which is about one-half the area covered by the Summit-Gaber favorable mineralization corridor. For this reason, a two-phase exploration program is recommended on the Property. During the Phase 1 exploration, an extensive B Horizon soil sampling survey is recommended covering the Property along the extensions of the Summit occurrences. This type of survey was successfully used by Virginia Mines Inc. in the La Grande Greenstone Belt as it helped generate new drilling targets.

Phase 2 will consist mostly of detailed prospecting work (mapping, channel sampling) around the Summit occurrences, and ultimately, the completion of a surface diamond drilling program designed to test all geochemical and geophysical anomalies.

A National Instrument 43-101 compliant Technical Report (the "Report") is currently being prepared for the Property and will summarize the historic work, geology, mineralization, upside potential and final recommendations. The Report is being prepared by J.P Berube, P.Eng of MRB & Associates Geological Consultants, and will be available for review on SEDAR at www.sedar.com.

The technical information contained in this news release was prepared and revised by Martin Bourgoin, P. Geo., Eloro's Executive VP, and a Qualified Person as defined by National Instrument 43-101.

About Eloro Resources Ltd.

Eloro is a junior exploration company focused on discovering and developing precious metal quality resources in eastern Canada. Eloro currently has eleven gold (-copper-silver) properties covering 548 km2 in the La Grande and Eastmain Greenstone Belts, proximal to Goldcorp's Eleonore Gold Project, in Quebec. Eloro also has an option to earn a 50% interest in 31 claims held by Virginia Mines Inc. also located in James Bay. The Timmins area holdings include both the prospective Hurdman Zinc-Silver Property, and the 30 km2 McArthur Lake Nickel Property under option to Fletcher Nickel Inc.

Statements in this news release that are not historical facts are "forward-looking statements", and readers are cautioned that any such statements are not guarantees of future performance, and that actual developments or results, may vary materially from those in these "forward-looking" statements.


Eloro Resources Ltd.
Thomas G. Larsen
President and CEO
(416) 868-9168

Eloro Resources Ltd.
Jorge Estepa
(416) 868-9168

The TSX Venture Exchange has not reviewed and does not accept responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.

Source: Marketwire Canada (August 5, 2009 - 8:30 AM EDT)

News by QuoteMedia

Interessanter Wert.
Insider haben in 2006 / 2007 massiv bis 0.60 CAD gekauft.
Jetziger Kurs 0.065 CAD bei einer MK von 3.83 Mio CAD.
Im Juli 09 hat sie jetzt mal kurz bis 0.14 CAD gezuckt... ein Test?

Die Grades der Samples von Eloro's Summit-Gaber Property können sich ja echt sehen lassen: "...three grab samples grading between 1.62 and 35.8 g/t Gold, 0.34 and 15.4 g/t Platinum, 0.19 and 10.5 g/t Palladium and 768 and 1,500 g/t Silver, were collected on the Cartouche occurrence (Eloro, 2006)."
(Quelle: Marketwire Canada (August 5, 2009 - 8:30 AM EDT), News by QuoteMedia)

Habe mich jedenfalls mal eingedeckt..  

17.09.09 18:51

1353 Postings, 6851 Tage Röttgenein hallo

dem neuen, der heute 8000 stk. gekauft hat.

viel glück  

26.10.09 12:19

1353 Postings, 6851 Tage RöttgenHot Stocks Investor

Endingen (aktiencheck.de AG) - Die Experten von "Hot Stocks Investor" raten, bei der Eloro Resources-Aktie (Profil) eine erste Position zu beziehen.

Das Rohstoffunternehmen betreibe mehrere Projekte im Norden Quebecs sowie in Ontario. Aktuell sei Simkar das Hauptprojekt des Explorers. Schon früher seien dort 55.000 Unzen Gold abgebaut worden. Nach Schätzungen auf Basis des NI 43-101-Standards lägen dort noch immer rund 140.000 Unzen bis zu einer Tiefe von 200 Metern. Doch darunter würden Insider immense Vorkommen vermuten, denn Simkar liege in einem Goldgürtel, indem Branchengrößen wie Iamgold oder Osisko Vorkommen von 16 Mio. Unzen Gold nachgewiesen hätten. Daher wolle Eloro Resources in den nächsten Monaten Testbohrungen in einer Tiefe von mehr als 200 Metern vornehmen.

Sollten sich die Vermutungen der erheblich größeren Goldressourcen bestätigen, stünde der Titel vor einer Kursvervielfachung. Allein die nachgewiesenen Reserven von 140.000 Unzen Gold würden nach Meinung der Experten schon eine gut doppelt so hohe Bewertung rechtfertigen.

Die Experten von "Hot Stocks Investor" raten, bei der Eloro Resources-Aktie eine erste Position zu beziehen. Aufgrund des dünnen Handels solle man seine Order unbedingt limitieren. (Analyse vom 26.10.2009)

27.10.09 19:06

1353 Postings, 6851 Tage RöttgenUmsätze nehmen zu

Bin bald nicht mehr alleine hier.  

09.11.09 17:04

1353 Postings, 6851 Tage Röttgen38 % in Canada

kann wegen mir so weiter gehen.  

20.11.09 17:32

1353 Postings, 6851 Tage Röttgengeht es hier bald mal los

umsätze ziehen an  

20.11.09 20:18

13215 Postings, 6806 Tage Koch27Ja die Nachfrage ist schon der Hammer

Last Market by Price Update: 20 Nov 2009 12:46 ET

Orders Volume Price Range
22 2,642,000 0.080-0.100
Price Range Volume Orders
0.105-0.125 410,500 17
Bahnfahrn macht Spaß!!

Piratenpartei nur 2%!?

20.11.09 20:21

13215 Postings, 6806 Tage Koch27Wurde veil zu uns Transveriert!!

Zeit Kurs Stück
19:56:49 0,069 50.000
19:55:22 0,068 10.000
19:51:17 0,069 30.000
19:21:49 0,071 50.000
18:57:03 0,069 60.000
18:46:05 0,069 20.000
18:03:08 0,07 15.000
17:52:58 0,07 40.000
17:02:04 0,072 9.000
16:41:25 0,06 50.000
16:36:41 0,059 1.691.500
16:26:30 0,065 50.000
16:25:57 0,065 50.000
16:25:40 0,065 50.000
16:24:22 0,06 75.000
16:23:46 0,07 25.000
16:22:59 0,061 25.333
16:19:14 0,061 18.000
16:17:58 0,07 20.000
16:17:08 0,061 16.667
16:15:40 0,07 20.000
15:38:22 0,078 15.000
09:03:47 0,062 0
Bahnfahrn macht Spaß!!

Piratenpartei nur 2%!?
Angehängte Grafik:
elo.gif (verkleinert auf 63%) vergrößern

23.11.09 11:07

13215 Postings, 6806 Tage Koch27Die waren das am Freitag!!

Nov 20/09   Nov 11/09   Larsen, Thomas   Direct Ownership   Common Shares   10 - Disposition in the public market   -1,500,000   $0.100
Nov 20/09 Nov 16/09 Sauve, Francis Direct Ownership Common Shares 10 - Disposition in the public market -500,000 $0.100
Nov 20/09 Nov 16/09 Sauve, Francis Direct Ownership Common Shares 10 - Disposition in the public market -2,000 $0.105
Nov 20/09 Nov 11/09 Sauve, Francis Direct Ownership Common Shares 10 - Disposition in the public market -136,000 $0.100
Nov 20/09 Nov 11/09 Sauve, Francis Direct Ownership Common Shares 10 - Disposition in the public market -20,000 $0.105
Bahnfahrn macht Spaß!!

Piratenpartei nur 2%!?

23.11.09 14:43

13215 Postings, 6806 Tage Koch27280.0 0.12 0.12 199.5 0.115

Die trend wende steht bevor!!
Bahnfahrn macht Spaß!!

Piratenpartei nur 2%!?
Angehängte Grafik:
elororesltd.png (verkleinert auf 92%) vergrößern

23.11.09 14:54

1353 Postings, 6851 Tage Röttgen@Koch

hoffe ich mal. habe am freitag nochmal nachgelegt.  

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