geht hier was
gut analysiert
in Händen halten an den big Pharma nicht vorbei kommt ! :-)
Ad hoc announcement pursuant to Art. 53 LR
Relief Therapeutics Reports the Successful Conclusion of the Patent Examination
Procedure for the Patent Application Entitled, “Vasoactive Intestinal Peptide
(VIP) for the Use in the Treatment of Drug-induced Pneumonitis”
Geneva, Switzerland, December 28, 2021 – RELIEF THERAPEUTICS Holding SA (SIX: RLF, OTCQB: RLFTF,
RLFTY) (“Relief”), a biopharmaceutical company seeking to provide patients therapeutic relief from
serious diseases with high unmet need, reported today that the Swiss Patent Office IPI has announced
that it expects to conclude the patent application procedure by January 24, 2022 and to issue the patent
entitled, “Vasoactive Intestinal Peptide (VIP) for the Use in the Treatment of Drug-induced Pneumonitis,”
as applied for by Relief’s subsidiary, AdVita Lifescience GmbH, in 2020. The patent will be formally issued,
at the earliest, one month after the conclusion of the patent examination procedure.
“The pending grant of this Swiss patent for the inhaled version of RLF-100™ (aviptadil) represents another
important milestone for the Company and further solidifies our growing intellectual property portfolio,”
stated Raghuram (Ram) Selvaraju, Chairman of Relief. “The potential benefits of this inhaled formulation
of RLF-100™ are intriguing and a number of studies to assess its advantages remain ongoing, including a
clinical program in Europe as well as the National Institutes of Health (“NIH”)-sponsored ACTIVE-
3b/TESICO study and the I-SPY trial sponsored by Quantum Leap.”
Immune checkpoint inhibitor therapy has become a new therapeutic option for several types of cancer,
but immune related negative adverse events can limit their use. Outside of clinical studies, pneumonitis
develops in as many as 10% to 20% of patients who are treated with immune checkpoint inhibitors, a
complication that leads to discontinuation of treatment and to immunosuppressive therapy. Moreover,
these patients suffer from recurrent pneumonitis even after immune checkpoint inhibitor treatment
discontinuation and receipt of glucocorticoid treatment, according to current guidelines. Respiratory
symptoms are demonstrated on computed tomography showing widespread consolidations and are
denoted on Quality of Life Questionnaires. Patients experience severe lymphocytosis with a decreased
number of regulatory T cells. As a result, there is an urgent need for an effective, safe treatment of
checkpoint inhibitor–induced pneumonitis.
The unexpected finding that the synthetic form of Vasoactive Intestinal Peptide (aviptadil) administered
via inhalation was well tolerated and led to dampening of alveolar inflammation, radiological and clinical
improvement of pneumonitis resulting from a checkpoint inhibitor therapy for melanoma, was the basis
for this issued Patent.
Ad hoc announcement pursuant to Art. 53 LR
Inhalation is the preferred route of aviptadil administration in that it, (1) acts quickly, minimizing
potentially undesired negative side effects (2) avoids the hepatic first-pass metabolism, and (3) acts locally
in the lungs. As the size variability among adult lungs is smaller than overall body size variability, the dosing
reliability is also improved via inhalation.
This finding appeared in a Case Report Publication in the highly prestigious New England Journal of
Medicine (Frye et al., 2020).
Relief focuses primarily on clinical-stage programs based on molecules with a history of clinical testing
and use in human patients or a strong scientific rationale. Relief’s drug candidate, RLF-100™ (aviptadil), a
synthetic form of Vasoactive Intestinal Peptide (VIP), is in late-stage clinical testing in the U.S. for the
treatment of respiratory deficiency due to COVID-19. As part of its pipeline diversification strategy, in
March 2021, Relief entered into a Collaboration and License Agreement with Acer Therapeutics for the
worldwide development and commercialization of ACER-001. ACER-001 is a taste-masked and immediate
release proprietary powder formulation of sodium phenylbutyrate (NaPB) for the treatment of Urea Cycle
Disorders and Maple Syrup Urine Disease. In addition, Relief's recently completed acquisitions of APR
Applied Pharma Research SA and AdVita Lifescience GmbH bring to Relief a diverse pipeline of marketed
and development-stage programs.
RELIEF THERAPEUTICS Holding SA is listed on the SIX Swiss Exchange under the symbol RLF and quoted in
the U.S. on OTCQB under the symbols RLFTF and RLFTY. For more information, visit Follow us on LinkedIn.
Jack Weinstein
Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer
Rx Communications Group
Michael Miller
Vasoaktive intestinale Peptide bei Checkpoint-Inhibitor-induzierter Pneumonitis
Die Therapie mit Immun-Checkpoint-Inhibitoren hat sich zu einer neuen therapeutischen Option für verschiedene Krebsarten entwickelt, aber immunbedingte unerwünschte Ereignisse können ihren Einsatz einschränken.1 Außerhalb klinischer Studien entwickelt sich bei 10 bis 20 % der Patienten, die mit Immun-Checkpoint-Inhibitoren behandelt werden, eine Pneumonitis, eine Komplikation, die zum Abbruch der Behandlung und zu einer immunsuppressiven Therapie führt.
Ein 68-jähriger Mann, der wegen eines fortgeschrittenen Melanoms mit Pembrolizumab behandelt wurde (ein Fallbericht findet sich im ergänzenden Anhang, der zusammen mit dem Volltext dieses Briefes auf verfügbar ist), hatte eine rezidivierende Pneumonitis, selbst nach Absetzen der Behandlung und Erhalt einer Glukokortikoid-Behandlung gemäß den aktuellen Leitlinien.1 Seine Atemwegs- und Allgemeinsymptome wurden mit dem King's Sarcoidosis Questionnaire quantifiziert, und es wurde festgestellt, dass seine Werte in den Bereichen allgemeiner Gesundheitszustand und Lunge abnahmen. Die Computertomographie zeigte ausgedehnte Konsolidierungen (Abbildung 1A), ein Befund, der mit einer rezidivierenden Immun-Checkpoint-Inhibitor-Pneumonitis vereinbar ist. Die Analyse der bronchoalveolären Lavageflüssigkeit (BAL) schloss eine Infektion aus, zeigte jedoch eine Lymphozytose mit verminderten regulatorischen T-Zellen, wie sie bei Immun-Checkpoint-Inhibitor-Pneumonitis beschrieben wurde.3 (Einzelheiten zu den in diesem Bericht erwähnten Gesundheitsbeurteilungen, Lungenfunktionsmessungen, bildgebenden Verfahren und zytometrischen Analysen vor der Behandlung und während der Nachbeobachtung finden sich in den Abbildungen S1 bis S5 im ergänzenden Anhang).
Die Behandlung mit einer inhalativen Formulierung von synthetischem vasoaktivem intestinalem Peptid (Aviptadil, Bachem) wurde in einer Dosis von 70 μg dreimal täglich als alternative Behandlung eingeleitet, um glukokortikoidbedingte Nebenwirkungen und systemische Immunsuppression zu vermeiden. Vasoaktives intestinales Peptid dämpft nachweislich Typ-1-Helfer-T-Zell-Reaktionen (Th1), indem es Effektor-T-Zellen hemmt und regulatorische T-Zellen über seine G-Protein-gekoppelten Rezeptoren (VPAC1 und VPAC2) fördert. Seine inhalative Anwendung bei Sarkoidose erhöht die alveolären regulatorischen T-Zellen und reduziert proinflammatorische Zytokine, was zu einer klinischen Verbesserung führt.4
Die Behandlung mit inhalativem vasoaktivem intestinalem Peptid führte zu einer klinischen und radiologischen Verbesserung der Lunge (Abbildung 1B). Die Analyse der BAL-Flüssigkeit zeigte eine verringerte alveoläre Lymphozytose mit reduzierter CD28-Expression und vermehrten regulatorischen T-Zellen. Die spontane und Lipopolysaccharid-induzierte Freisetzung von Tumornekrosefaktor, die das entzündliche Alveolarmilieu widerspiegelt, wurde während der Behandlung gedämpft. Vasoaktives intestinales Peptid wurde nicht mit toxischen Wirkungen in Verbindung gebracht und hatte keinen Einfluss auf Lymphozyten-Subtypen im peripheren Blut (Tabelle S1). Acht Wochen nach Beendigung der Behandlung kam es bei dem Patienten zu einer systemischen, nicht pulmonalen Progression der Melanomerkrankung.
Unsere Ergebnisse unterstützen inhalierte vasoaktive intestinale Peptide als lokale Therapie zur Verringerung der alveolären Entzündung bei Patienten mit Immun-Checkpoint-Inhibitor-Pneumonitis. Ob diese Therapie einen Einfluss auf die Tumorprogression hat, lässt sich anhand dieses Falles nicht feststellen. Es sind jedoch weitere Studien angezeigt, um zu untersuchen, ob vasoaktives intestinales Peptid eine therapeutische Option für die Immun-Checkpoint-Inhibitor-Pneumonitis sein kann.
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Ad hoc announcement pursuant to Art. 53 LR
Relief Reports that its U.S. Collaboration Partner has Announced it has Filed a
Breakthrough Therapy Designation Request for Aviptadil in Patients at
Immediate Risk of Death from COVID-19 Despite Treatment with Remdesivir
and Other Approved Therapies
Geneva, Switzerland, December 30, 2021 – RELIEF THERAPEUTICS Holding SA (SIX: RLF, OTCQB: RLFTF,
RLFTY) (“Relief”), a biopharmaceutical company seeking to provide patients therapeutic relief from
serious diseases with high unmet need, reported today that the parent company of its collaboration
partner, NRx Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (Nasdaq: NRXP) (“NRx”), has announced it has filed for a new
Breakthrough Therapy Designation (“BTD”) request with the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (“FDA”)
focused on patients with Critical COVID-19 and respiratory failure who are at immediate risk of death
despite treatment with Remdesivir and other approved therapies. According to the press release, the BTD
request is based on an FDA request for clinical data on the effectiveness of aviptadil compared to
Remdesivir and other approved therapies. The press release also reported patients treated with aviptadil
vs. placebo demonstrated a statistically significant (P=.03) 2.8-fold increased odds of being alive and free
of respiratory failure at day 28 and day 60 and a highly significant (P=.006) four-fold increased odds of
survival is seen in these patients. The related NRx press release can be accessed through the following
Relief focuses primarily on clinical-stage programs based on molecules with a history of clinical testing
and use in human patients or a strong scientific rationale. Relief’s lead drug candidate, RLF-100™
(aviptadil), a synthetic form of Vasoactive Intestinal Peptide (VIP), is in late-stage clinical testing in the U.S.
for the treatment of respiratory deficiency due to COVID-19. As part of its pipeline diversification strategy,
in March 2021, Relief entered into a Collaboration and License Agreement with Acer Therapeutics for the
worldwide development and commercialization of ACER-001. ACER-001 is a taste-masked and immediate
release proprietary powder formulation of sodium phenylbutyrate (NaPB) for the treatment of Urea Cycle
Disorders and Maple Syrup Urine Disease. In addition, Relief's recently completed acquisitions of APR
Applied Pharma Research SA and AdVita Lifescience GmbH, bring to Relief a diverse pipeline of marketed
and development-stage programs.
RELIEF THERAPEUTICS Holding SA is listed on the SIX Swiss Exchange under the symbol RLF and quoted in
the U.S. on OTCQB under the symbols RLFTF and RLFTY. For more information, visit Follow us on LinkedIn.
Ad hoc announcement pursuant to Art. 53 LR
Jack Weinstein
Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer
Rx Communications Group
Michael Miller
Disclaimer: This communication expressly or implicitly contains certain forward-looking statements
concerning RELIEF THERAPEUTICS Holding SA. Such statements involve certain known and unknown risks,
uncertainties and other factors, including (i) whether aviptadil will ever be approved in the U.S., the U.K.,
or the E.U. for the treatment of respiratory failure in patients with COVID-19, and (ii) those risks discussed
in RELIEF THERAPEUTICS Holding SA's press releases and filings with the SIX, which could cause the actual
results, financial condition, performance or achievements of RELIEF THERAPEUTICS Holding SA to be
materially different from any future results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by such
forward-looking statements. RELIEF THERAPEUTICS Holding SA is providing this communication as of this
date and does not undertake to update any forward-looking statements contained herein as a result of
new information, future events or otherwise.
mal wieder nur, um die vergütungen für den vr von 1.5 mio auf 2.5 mio anzuheben???
Relief Therapeutics to Participate in Virtual Investor Conferences in January
Geneva, Switzerland, January 5, 2022 – RELIEF THERAPEUTICS Holding SA (SIX: RLF, OTCQB: RLFTF, RLFTY)
(“Relief”), a biopharmaceutical company seeking to provide patients therapeutic relief from serious
diseases with high unmet need, today announced participation in the following virtual investor
conferences in January.
• January 10-13: H.C. Wainwright BioConnect Virtual Conference. Jack Weinstein, Chief Financial
Officer and Treasurer of Relief, will present a company overview at the conference. The on-demand
presentation will be available for viewing beginning January 10, at 7:00 am ET. An audio webcast of
the presentation will be available on the Relief website at:
and-events and will be archived for a period of 90 days after the conference.
• January 10-13, 17-19: Biotech Showcase 2022. Mr. Weinstein will present a corporate overview of
Relief which can be viewed on demand throughout the conference. Interested parties can register to
watch the presentation at
Relief focuses primarily on clinical-stage programs based on molecules with a history of clinical testing
and use in human patients or a strong scientific rationale. Relief’s drug candidate, RLF-100™ (aviptadil), a
synthetic form of Vasoactive Intestinal Peptide (VIP), is in late-stage clinical testing in the U.S. for the
treatment of respiratory deficiency due to COVID-19. As part of its pipeline diversification strategy, in
March 2021, Relief entered into a Collaboration and License Agreement with Acer Therapeutics for the
worldwide development and commercialization of ACER-001. ACER-001 is a taste-masked and immediate
release proprietary powder formulation of sodium phenylbutyrate (NaPB) for the treatment of Urea Cycle
Disorders and Maple Syrup Urine Disease. In addition, Relief's recently completed acquisitions of APR
Applied Pharma Research SA and AdVita Lifescience GmbH bring to Relief a diverse pipeline of marketed
and development-stage programs.
RELIEF THERAPEUTICS Holding SA is listed on the SIX Swiss Exchange under the symbol RLF and quoted in
the U.S. on OTCQB under the symbols RLFTF and RLFTY. For more information, visit Follow us on LinkedIn.
Jack Weinstein
Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer
Rx Communications Group
Michael Miller
Disclaimer: This communication expressly or implicitly contains certain forward-looking statements
concerning RELIEF THERAPEUTICS Holding SA. Such statements involve certain known and unknown risks,
uncertainties and other factors, including those risks discussed in RELIEF THERAPEUTICS Holding SA's press
releases and filings with the SIX, which could cause the actual results, financial condition, performance or
achievements of RELIEF THERAPEUTICS Holding SA to be materially different from any future results,
performance or achievements expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. RELIEF
THERAPEUTICS Holding SA is providing this communication as of this date and does not undertake to
update any forward-looking statements contained herein as a result of new information, future events or
Ad hoc announcement pursuant to Art. 53 LR
Relief Reports that its U.S. Collaboration Partner has announced that it has
Submitted an Application to the FDA seeking Emergency Use Authorization for
Aviptadil to Treat Patients at Immediate Risk of Death from COVID-19 Despite
Treatment with Remdesivir and Other Approved Therapies
Geneva, Switzerland, January 6, 2022 – RELIEF THERAPEUTICS Holding SA (SIX: RLF, OTCQB: RLFTF, RLFTY)
(“Relief”), a biopharmaceutical company seeking to provide patients therapeutic relief from serious
diseases with high unmet need, reported today that the parent company, NRx Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
(Nasdaq: NRXP) (“NRx”), of its collaboration partner with respect to aviptadil, NeuroRx, Inc. ("NeuroRx")
has announced that it has submitted an application to the FDA seeking emergency use authorization
("EUA") for the use of aviptadil to treat patients with critical COVID-19 who are at immediate risk of death
from respiratory failure despite treatment with approved therapy including Remdesivir and who are
ineligible for enrollment into the ACTIV-3b NIH-sponsored trial. The related NRx press release can be
accessed through the following link.
Relief also updated the market on recent activities in its pending lawsuit against NeuroRx and NeuroRx's
CEO, Jonathan Javitt (collectively, the "Defendants"), relating to the parties' collaboration agreement with
respect to the development and commercialization of aviptadil. Relief reported that the Defendants have
filed two motions with the Court: (i) a motion to dismiss seeking the dismissal of Jonathan Javitt from the
case for lack of personal jurisdiction, or, in the alternative, on the merits, and (ii) a motion to strike certain
statements made in Relief's complaint. Relief has begun its review of the defendants' filings and will
respond at a future time in an appropriate filing with the Court. While there can be no assurance, Relief
remains confident in the statements made in its complaint and in the validity of its claims against NeuroRx
and Jonathan Javitt. Relief also reported that its previously announced mediation with the Defendants
seeking to amicably resolve the litigation is currently scheduled for late February 2022.
Relief focuses primarily on clinical-stage programs based on molecules with a history of clinical testing
and use in human patients or a strong scientific rationale. Relief’s lead drug candidate, RLF-100™
(aviptadil), a synthetic form of Vasoactive Intestinal Peptide (VIP), is in late-stage clinical testing in the U.S.
for the treatment of respiratory deficiency due to COVID-19. As part of its pipeline diversification strategy,
in March 2021, Relief entered into a Collaboration and License Agreement with Acer Therapeutics for the
worldwide development and commercialization of ACER-001. ACER-001 is a taste-masked and immediate
release proprietary powder formulation of sodium phenylbutyrate (NaPB) for the treatment of Urea Cycle
Disorders and Maple Syrup Urine Disease. In addition, Relief's recently completed acquisitions of APR
Ad hoc announcement pursuant to Art. 53 LR
Applied Pharma Research SA and AdVita Lifescience GmbH, bring to Relief a diverse pipeline of marketed
and development-stage programs.
RELIEF THERAPEUTICS Holding SA is listed on the SIX Swiss Exchange under the symbol RLF and quoted in
the U.S. on OTCQB under the symbols RLFTF and RLFTY. For more information, visit
Follow us on LinkedIn.
Jack Weinstein
Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer
Rx Communications Group
Michael Miller
Disclaimer: This communication expressly or implicitly contains certain forward-looking statements
concerning RELIEF THERAPEUTICS Holding SA. Such statements involve certain known and unknown risks,
uncertainties and other factors, including (i) whether NeuroRx's recently submitted application to the FDA
seeking for EUA for aviptadil to treat patients with critical COVID-19 who are at immediate risk of death
from respiratory failure despite treatment with approved therapy including Remdesivir and who are
ineligible for enrollment into the ACTIV-3b NIH-sponsored trial will be approved, (ii) whether RELIEF
THERAPEUTICS Holding SA will be successful in its lawsuit against NRx's subsidiary, NeuroRx, and
NeuroRx's CEO, Jonathan Javitt, (iii) whether the mediation will be successful, (iv) whether aviptadil will
ever be approved in the U.S., the U.K., or the E.U. for the treatment of respiratory failure in patients with
COVID-19 or any other disease, and (v) those risks discussed in RELIEF THERAPEUTICS Holding SA's press
releases and filings with the SIX, which could cause the actual results, financial condition, performance or
achievements of RELIEF THERAPEUTICS Holding SA to be materially different from any future results,
performance or achievements expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. RELIEF
THERAPEUTICS Holding SA is providing this communication as of this date and does not undertake to
update any forward-looking statements contained herein as a result of new information, future events or
mit einem Franken in 2024 wenn es in Rente geht als zusätzliche Alters-
vorsorge . Geht mehr freuen sich die Kinder und Enkel !! Dir und allen
Anderen wünsche ich natürlich nen riesigen Schluck aus der Pulle ! Das
Jahr 2022 bleibt spannend und Relief ist und bleibt ein Krimi erster Sahne !! :-)
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