hier kann man """kohle"""machen
gut analysiert
EBR Staff Writer
Published 20 June 2012
Prophecy Coal Corporation has signed an agreement to acquire assets relating to certain Tugalgatai coal exploration licenses from Tethys Mining.
The Tugalgatai licenses are adjacent to the company's Chandgana licenses which have confirmed a measured resource of 650 million tons and 540 million tons of thermal coal indicated resources.
Prophecy Coal chairman and CEO John Lee said, "By consolidating the Chandgana coal basin of approximately 300 squared kilometers, Prophecy is looking for greater economies of scale to potentially produce low-cost electricity at the Chandgana mine mouth power plant, and further develop coal to chemicals and coal gasification projects."
Under the agreement, Prophecy will pay $10m upfront and an 8.5% royalty on future coal sales from both the Chandgana and Tugalgatai licenses.
An earlier exploration work on the Tugalgatai licenses indicated a large coal occurrence within the Tugalgatai licenses that is similar to Prophecy's Chandgana licenses.
The coal seam moved northwest and was continuous across the Nyalga Basin with the main coal seam measuring 30m thick.
On March 15 2011, the company applied to register a resource estimate of 2.33 billion tons of thermal coal for the Tugalgatai licenses with the Minerals Resource Council of Mongolia, but they are not NI 43-101 compliant.
Prophecy plans to undertake work to prepare its own NI 43-101 estimate of the contained resource at Tugalgatai going ahead.
Prophecy also noted plans to further increase the coal resource in the basin through future exploration programs.
The transaction is expected to close in the third quarter of 2012 following the approval from the Minerals Resource Authority of Mongolia.
Prophecy Platinum Arranges $11.25 Million Non-Brokered Private Placement
Möglicher Grund zum Freudensprung: Der ursprüngliche Plan, 20 Mio CAD zu platzieren, wurde revidiert. Kurzfassung: 5 Mio Aktien bei 2,25 CAD mit Optionen für weitere 5 Mio Aktien zu 3,00 CAD innerhalb der nächsten 24 Monate. Somit ist die Verwässerung um 40 Prozent geringer ausgefallen.
Dazu passt in gewisser Weise John Lee's Brief, der nach Aufbruchsstimmung klingt. Er kommt zum Schluss, dass sich der Markt nahe an seinem Umkehrpunkt befindet. Naja, endlich einen Boden erreicht zu haben, das hoffen wir schon lange, ist ja kaum mehr auszuhalten. Anderseits, wenn wir uns beim Gold am Umkehrpunkt befinden, darauf hebe Lee ab, dann muss das noch lange nichts gutes für die Weltwirtschaft bedeuten, sondern ist noch immer Zeichen für massiven Liquiditätszuwachs. Gold steht eben noch immer für „Fluchtwährung“. Hätte mich mehr gefreut, wenn er von gesteigerter Nachfrage bei Kohle gesprochen hätte. Doch auch bei PC tut sich einiges, nur eben nicht in der gewünschten Geschwindigkeit. Gruß, mad
By: John Lee June 25, 2012
The last 18 months have been gut-wrenching for mining equity investors.
As we seemingly come out of the Euro crisis and with world governments eager to again embark on unlimited monetary easing, there are reasons to be again bullish on gold as it completes the current 18 months consolidation.
My conclusion is that the degree of flight to safety today and risk aversion is no less than the case in 2008. The dollar and U.S. bonds were the main beneficiary during the 2008 crisis and as they are in the current crisis. Post 2008 crisis, gold and gold equities were the big winner, registering triple digit gains. There are preliminary signs of gold and gold equity market bottoms if one considers the bottoming ratios of TSX to Dow and gold equity to gold, and the blow off of U.S. bonds.
I am reminded of two old famous adages: never catch the falling knife, and a market bottom is only known in hindsight. For me, successful investing means buying 20% from the bottom and selling 20% from the top. If we are not currently 20% from the bottom, I'd say we are darn near.
John Lee
Chairman and Interim CEO of Prophecy Platinum
ich hoffe das eine neue Regierung kein Problem ist für die PPA Verhandlung. Nicht das man von vorne beginnen muss. Andererseits dürfe es egal sein welche Regierung an der Macht ist den der Energie bedarf ist ja trotzdem voranden.
Kohle wird überwiegend von der stahlverarbeitenden Industrie benötigt und auch darauf geht Bates ein, ebenso wie auf die unterschiedlichen Weltmarktpreise und Lieferanten.
viel spaß beim lesen.
Wednesday, July 18, 2012 by Erin Sugar
Prophecy Coal Corp. (TSE:PCY)(OTCQX:PRPCF) said late Monday that it has arranged a $10 million secured debt facility with Waterton Global Value, to complete the purchase of the Tugalgatai, Mongolia coal licenses.
"We appreciate Waterton Global’s continuing support. The proceeds will fully fund completion of the acquisition of Tugalgatai coal licenses which are expected to significantly increase our coal resources,” said Prophecy’s CEO, John Lee.
The company announced last month that it entered into an agreement to acquire assets relating to certain Tugalgatai coal exploration licenses from Tethys Mining LLC.
The Tugalgatai licenses are contiguous to the company's Chandgana licenses, which host a measured resource of 650 million tonnes and an indicated resource of 540 million tonnes of thermal coal.
The $10 million loan will be used to complete the purchase of the licenses on which a large coal resource is known to exist. The loan has a one year term, and bears interest at 14 per cent per annum.
A structuring fee of 2.5 per cent plus a bonus of $600,000 is payable through the issuance of 2,735,617 company common shares on closing of the loan. The shares are subject to a four month hold period.
"We look forward to working with Prophecy Coal to finance the company as they continue to expand in the Chandgana Coal Basin," said Waterton’s portfolio manager, Cheryl Brandon.
"The Waterton Global facility provides the required capital to complete the recently announced $10 million coal license acquisition and implement the company’s production growth strategy in the region."
According to records reviewed by Prophecy, on March 15 of last year, Tethys applied to register a resource estimate of 2.33 billion tonnes of thermal coal for the Tugalgatai licenses with the Minerals Resource Council of Mongolia. The resources registered by Tethys are not NI 43-101 compliant.
Since 2005, Tethys has performed "detailed exploration" on the Tugalgatai licenses including drilling and geophysical methods, Prophecy said, and conducted geotechnical, hydrogeological, environmental and topographic studies.
The terms of the agreement between Prophecy and Tethys include the US$10 million upfront payment and an 8.5 percent royalty on future coal sales from both the Chandgana and Tugalgatai licenses.
The royalty can be extinguished by paying Tethys US$20 million before 2021 or US$25 million from 2021 onwards. Of the purchase price, $2 million will be immediately deposited in escrow.
The total payment will be paid to Tethys upon the transfer of the licenses.
Prophecy Coal is engaged in developing energy projects in Mongolia. Its Ulaan Ovoo mine is in production.
The company's proposed 600 megawatt mine-mouth power plant adjacent to the Chandgana coal deposit has been permitted by the Mongolian government. Negotiations on financing, power purchase agreement and construction management are underway.
Shares of Prophecy Coal traded at 76 cents Tuesday Morning
Die Zeiten für Explorationsunternehmen mit hohem Kapitalbedarf sind sehr sehr schwer geworden. Ich fürchte eh, dass sich hier auf Sicht der nächsten Jahre nur noch wenig tut.
Vor 1 Jahre hört es sich noch so an, als ob Prophecy Coal durch den Aufbau einer Kohlemine Geld verdienen wolle und könnte. Heute scheint man meilenweit davon entfernt. Man hört nur noch wenig vom Aufbau einer Kohlemine und stattdessen will man Energieerzeiger werden. Das kostet noch viel mehr Kapital und wird für Aktionäre auf Jahre hin ein Desaster. solange die Weltwirtschaft ssich nicht berappelt.
Meiner Meinung nach ist das Ding einfach zu groß, als das es hier schnell gehen könnte.
Solche Werte muß man reifen lassen. Aber ich sehe natürlich auch das Problem, das solch lange Zeiträume auch finanziell durchgehalten werden müssen.
Ich hoffe, das gelingt.
solche Projekte in Zeiten der Wirtschaftskrise nicht leicht zu realisieren sind. Zudem sind auch die Kohlepresie überall im Keller...auch in China. Es wäre besser gewesen, Prophecy hääte erst mal versucht ein profitables Kohlegeschäft aufzubauen. 2 Mio Tonnen/ Jahr hätte auch ein bisschen Cash ind ie Kasse gebracht.
Das scheint aber gar nicht zu funktionieren obwohl vor 1 Jahr immer davon gesprochen wurde wo man alles Kohle hin verkaufen wolle.. Russland, China, Mongolei.
VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwire - July 27, 2012) - Prophecy Coal Corp. ("Prophecy" or the "Company") (TSX:PCY)(OTCQX:PRPCF)(FRANKFURT:1P2) is pleased to announce the following appointments:
Harald Batista to Prophecy's Board of Directors
Mr. Batista is an accomplished entrepreneur with over two decades of international sales and marketing experience. He holds an MBA degree from Santa Clara University in California and is a member of the prominent Batista family in Brazil that includes Eliezer Batista, the founder of Vale do Rio Doce Company (now Vale) and Eike Batista, the founder of EBX Group. EBX Group focuses on investment opportunities in infrastructure and natural resources, sectors in which Brazil is a global leader in innovation and competitive differentials. EBX investments are focused on MMX (iron-ore mining), MPX (energy), LLX (logistics), OGX (oil and gas), AUX (gold mining), CCX (coal mining) and OSX (oil services). MMX, OGX, MPX, CCX and LLX are listed on Brazil's Novo Mercado - at the Sao Paulo Stock Exchange (BOVESPA). The combined market capitalization of the EBX Group of companies exceeds US $20 billion.
V.P. Sharma to Prophecy's Advisory Board
Mr. Sharma has over 40 years of experience in the Energy Industry. His experience covers all aspects of power generation, including operations and maintenance, construction, planning, engineering, business development, safety, and project management.
Mr. Sharma joined China Light and Power Group ("CLP") in 1978 and, after holding various positions within CLP power stations, retired in 2011 as Director of Operations and Construction in charge of acquisition, operation and maintenance of existing generation assets, and construction of new generation projects across Australia, South East Asia and India. Mr. Sharma was instrumental in establishing CLP Group's presence in India and from 2002 to 2005, he managed CLP business in the country. He held the positions of CEO of CLP Power India, Managing Director of Gujarat Paguthan Energy Corporation (GPEC), Regional Business Manager, and Business Development Manager in CLP Power Asia. During this time, he established excellent contacts, and an impeccable personnel reputation with government officials, the investment community and consultants in India's rapidly growing power sector.
Mr. Maree Roos to Prophecy's Advisory Board
Maree Roos is an independent energy consultant with a deep understanding of the electricity industry, gained from involvement in numerous major projects across Africa, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand and now Mongolia. Mr. Roos' expertise extends to energy market designs, pricing policy development, economic regulation, PPA structuring, costing, and risk management.
He obtained his Engineering degree from the University of Pretoria in 1985 and began his engineering career with Eskom in South Africa. During this time, he worked as a commissioning engineer and later as maintenance engineer at Eskom's largest coal-fired power station (3,840 MW indirect dry cooling).
In 1992, Mr. Roos obtained an MBA from Samford University in the US, subsequently returning to Eskom where he was responsible for maintenance and production planning. After holding several managerial and professional positions, he resigned in 2000 to start his own consultancy business, working with both public and private sector clients.
Ms. Lynia Lau as Prophecy's External Counsel
Ms. Lau is a Hong Kong based partner in the international law firm Clyde & Co. and the Asian Head of Energy & Resources for the firm. She specializes in acquisition, development, financing, operation, sales and governmental regulation of large-scale infrastructure projects including power plant, oil & gas, refinery, and LNG. Prior to joining Clyde & Co., she was with BP Amoco and Sinopec, acting as Senior Commercial Director. During this time, Ms. Lau accumulated over 10 years of industrial experience in M & A transactions, project development, project finance and government regulatory related matters. Her background in the power sector includes the following roles:
-- Lead lawyer advising Shanghai Power Group Ltd (Shanghai A-share listing)
in its proposed acquisition of a 4 x 150 MW IPP coal fired power project
in Indonesia, which covered the drafting and negotiation of LOI, project
framework agreement, due diligence, refinance framework agreement, sales
and purchase agreements, and project finance related documentations.
-- Lead lawyer advising Yudean Group Limited (listed in Shanghai Exchange),
one of the largest PRC power groups, in its investment in a 2 x 1,000 MW
IPP project in Indonesia. This will be the first 1,000 MW unit in
Indonesia and one of the largest power projects in which a PRC entity
has invested.
-- Lead lawyer advising China Three Gorges Group (listed in Shanghai
Exchange) in its first overseas investment of a 2,100 MW hydropower
project in South America.
-- Core team member advising Electricite de France and GEC Alstom on the
first foreign-invested power BOT project in China, the 2 x 360 MW Laibin
B BOT power project (FIGLEC, as project sponsors). The work extended
from the early bidding stage to the winning and completion stage,
including advising the JV on dealing with the Guangxi Government and
other Chinese authorities in relation to the concession agreement, power
purchase agreement, loan agreements, investor equity transfer
agreements, and settlement agreement.
-- Lead lawyer advising China General Technology (Group) Holding, Limited
and its wholly owned subsidiary China National Machinery Import & Export
Corporation in the first PRC sponsored integrated 3 x 150 MW coal fired
power and coal mine BOT projects in Pakistan, covering all the project
documents including MOU, leasing agreement, concession agreement, and
the relevant project financing structure.
-- Lead lawyer advising Datong Power International (listed in Hong Kong) in
its overseas power project investments and the related feasibility
studies including the hydro-power project investments in Laos.
John Lee, Chairman and CEO of Prophecy states: "Our expert team of staff and advisors has been working to implement the Chandgana mine mouth power project ("Chandgana") in Mongolia. Chandgana is the most mature and the only fully licensed 600 MW independent power project in Mongolia. Significant advances have been made in the areas of EPC, PPA, developer sponsorship, and project financing. A progress update will be provided shortly."
Prophecy also announces that Mr. Paul Venter and Mr. Paul McKenzie have resigned from the Board of Directors, effective immediately, to pursue other interests. Mr. McKenzie was the founder of Red Hill Energy, which merged with Prophecy Resource (now Prophecy Coal) in 2010. Mr. Venter was instrumental in the commissioning of the Ulaan Ovoo mine in 2011. The Company appreciates their dedication and service.
The Company also wishes to announce that it has granted options to acquire an aggregate of 5,000,000 common shares at a price of $0.18 per share for a period of five years to directors, officers, employees and consultants of the Company. The above grant is subject to regulatory approval, including the approval of the TSX Exchange.
About Prophecy Coal
Prophecy Coal Corp. is a Canadian listed company engaged in developing energy projects in Mongolia. Prophecy controls the Chandgana basin, one of the country's largest coal deposits and has received a permit from the Mongolian government to construct a 600 MW (Phase 1) mine-mouth power plant directly adjacent to the resource. Negotiations on financing, power purchase agreement and construction management are underway. Prophecy's second project, the Ulaan Ovoo thermal coal mine is fully-licensed and was commissioned in 2010.
Mineral resources that are not mineral reserves do not have demonstrated economic viability.
Further information on Prophecy Coal can be found at www.prophecycoal.com.
JOHN LEE, CEO/Chairman
Forward-Looking Statements: This news release includes certain statements that may be deemed "forward-looking statements". All statements in this release, other than statements of historical facts, including, without limitation, statements regarding future plans and objectives of the companies are forward-looking statements that involve various risks and uncertainties. Although Prophecy believes the expectations expressed in such forward-looking statements are based on reasonable assumptions, such statements are not guarantees of future performance and actual results or developments may differ materially from those in the forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements are based on a number of material factors and assumptions. Factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those in forward-looking statements include general economic, regulatory, market or business conditions, and other risks detailed herein and from time to time in the filings made by the companies with securities regulators. Mineral exploration and development of mines is an inherently risky business and large infrastructure projects such as power plants require huge amounts of capital which may not be available to Prophecy on terms which will allow its shareholders to realize a reasonable return or on any terms at all. Accordingly the actual events may differ materially from those projected in the forward-looking statements. For more information on Prophecy and the risks and challenges of its business, investors should review filings that are available at www.sedar.com.
“We look forward to working with Prophecy Coal to finance the company as they continue to expand in the Chandgana Coal Basin.
Ganzer Artikel: http://tinyurl.com/btxooj6
wer ohne schuld ist werfe den ersten stein
Prophecy Coal Debuts Its Power Division
VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA -- (Marketwire) -- 08/07/12 -- Prophecy Coal Corp. ("Prophecy" or the "Company") (TSX: PCY)(OTCQX: PRPCF)(FRANKFURT: 1P2) is pleased to debut Prophecy Power Corp. ("Prophecy Power"), the Company's wholly-owned Mongolian subsidiary focused on the power sector in Mongolia. Prophecy Power, formerly known as East Energy Corp, was incorporated in 2010 with the specific business objective of supplying power to Mongolia through the construction of the Chandgana Thermal Power Plant. Prophecy Coal's Chandgana LLC in parallel will develop the Chandgana coal project to ensure fuel supply to Prophecy Power.
Power Plant Licences
Power Purchase Agreement ("PPA")
Coal Supply Agreement
Engineering, Procurement and Construction ("EPC") of Thermal Power Plant
Project Financing and Financial Advisors
Prophecy Power is in active Project Financing discussions with a number of interested parties.
Debt Financing
Equity and Developer JV Financing
August 09, 2012 09:08 ET
Prophecy Coal Corp.: Ulaan Ovoo Update
VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwire - Aug. 9, 2012) - Prophecy Coal Corp. ("Prophecy" or the "Company") (TSX:PCY)(OTCQX:PRPCF)(FRANKFURT:1P2) announces that Ulaan Ovoo, Mongolia, coal mining operations have been temporarily suspended since July 2012 because the current stockpile of coal (187,000 tonnes) is sufficient to meet contractual supply obligations through the balance of 2012. Approximately 80 mining staff were laid-off and paid aggregate severance of approximately $100,000 to comply with local employment laws. Some 15 staff members remain on site for equipment and site maintenance, shipping and security operations during the shutdown. With little local employment competition, the local labour force is expected to remain available for prompt rehire when needed. The shutdown is expected to run for approximately 6 months but could end sooner if any significant new coal sale agreements are entered into. Start-up can be effected in a matter of weeks. Management is using the downtime to work with Mongolian officials to seek road and bridge improvements, and to open Zeltura border to facilitate Russia export sales. The overall effect of the suspended operations will be modestly cash flow positive as Ulaan Ovoo operations had not yet achieved break-even levels. The Company's priority is to conclude Chandgana power plant JV discussion. Please refer to August 6, 2012 press release for the Chandgana project update.
About Prophecy Coal
Prophecy Coal Corp. is a Canadian listed company engaged in developing energy projects in Mongolia. The Company's wholly-owned subsidiary Prophecy Power is advancing plans for a proposed 600 MW mine-mouth power plant, which has been permitted by the Mongolian government, adjacent to its Chandgana coal deposit. Negotiations on financing, power purchase agreement and construction management are underway. Substantially all of the Company's resources are not mineral reserves and hence do not have demonstrated economic viability.
Further information on Prophecy Coal can be found at www.prophecycoal.com.
JOHN LEE, CEO/Chairman
Forward Looking Statements: This news release includes certain statements that may be deemed "forward-looking statements". All statements in this release, other than statements of historical facts, including, without limitation, statements regarding future plans and objectives of the companies are forward-looking statements that involve various risks and uncertainties. Although Prophecy believes the expectations expressed in such forward-looking statements are based on reasonable assumptions, such statements are not guarantees of future performance and actual results or developments may differ materially from those in the forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements are based on a number of material factors and assumptions. Factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those in forward-looking statements include general economic, regulatory, market or business conditions, and other risks detailed herein and from time to time in the filings made by the companies with securities regulators. Mineral exploration and development of mines is an inherently risky business and large infrastructure projects such as power plants require huge amounts of capital which may not be available to Prophecy on terms which will allow its shareholders to realize a reasonable return or on any terms at all. Accordingly the actual events may differ materially from those projected in the forward-looking statements. For more information on Prophecy and the risks and challenges of its business, investors should review filings that are available at www.sedar.com.
"Neither the TSX nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release."
Durch den Rohstoffboom stehen der Mongolei enorme Umwälzungen bevor. Getrieben vom hohen Tempo des Minenbaus muss die Regierung schnell definieren, was für ein Land die Mongolei sein soll – welche Rechte sie etwa Investoren, Arbeitern oder dem Naturschutz einräumen will. Die nötige Gesetzgebung hinkt den Entwicklungen im Rohstoffsektor hinterher.
Für das Land spricht, dass es eine der wenigen Demokratien Zentralasiens ist. Doch die ist nicht perfekt: Zwei Parteien beharken einander bis aufs Blut – die Demokraten von Präsident Tsakhia Elbegdorj und die postkommunistische Volkspartei seines Vorgängers Nambaryn Enkhbayar. Letzterer steht zurzeit unter Korruptionsverdacht. Und er ist nicht der Einzige: Auf dem Korruptionsindex der Organisation Transparency International belegt die Mongolei unter 182 Staaten den wenig ruhmreichen Rang 120; bei Wahlen ist häufig von Betrug die Rede.
Daher ist noch völlig unklar, wie gut das Land die aus dem Rohstoffboom entstehenden Herausforderungen in den Griff bekommen wird. Ob es etwa das Gespenst einer Rohstoffökonomie besiegen kann, da diese Form der Wirtschaft einseitig von Ressourcen abhängt und zu wenig in andere Branchen investiert. Zudem treibt das aus den Rohstoffexporten ins Land fließende Kapital leicht Inflation und Wechselkurs nach oben. Profitiert die Bevölkerung nicht vom Rohstoffboom, drohen Konflikte zwischen Arm und Reich – in einem Land, in dem nach Angaben der Weltbank noch ein Drittel der Menschen unter der Armutsgrenze leben. Und die Regierung muss die richtige Balance zwischen Bergbau und Naturschutz finden.
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