Aus Waalstreet-online #94 von Quadian vom 16.12.04 08:49:19
This post is for new shareholders and potential shareholders. Combimatrix has four key business areas. They are drug development, custom microarrays, nanotechnology, and homeland security (chem/bio detector). The company website is a great place to start also to get a feel for the company. The company revolves around its core technology that uses semiconductor-based in situ electochemical synthesis platform. There have been much product development in all four areas for many years. Recently, Custom array chips have been commercialized. The current quarter will be the first full quarter of array sales. The array sales will be a significant product revenue producer in 2005. Below I listed my conservative view on possible sales in 2005: 1. Customarray sales could range from 15-30 million in revenues for 2005. 2. An array synthesizer will be launched in 2005 with the collaboration of a Japanese company called Furuno. Milestones payments of 2 million by Furuno and royalty revenues of 1 to 5 million dollars from product sales. 3. The Chem/bio detector will be closer to being finished and roughly 10 million will be payed as deffered revenue to combimatrix from US Dept of Defense. Potential distributor/manufacturing may be announced as well. Perhaps product launch in 2006 and revenues? 4. Matrixarray may be launched by partner Roche Diagnostics in early part of 2005. Expect to see royalty payments in later part of 2005. Revenue of 1 - 10 million? Deffinately will increase in 2006. 5. Nano workstation sales with NDC. Revenue of 1 million? 6. Intel is working with CBMX on a confidential project. Hard to figure out how much will come from it. It could be similar to a Roche relationship of milestone payments and product revenues. Revenues of 1 to 15 million in 2005? 7. Toppan involved with CBMX on the development of electrochemical detection using microarrays. Perhaps an extension of the relationship and milestome payments. 1-4 million in revenue. The drug area for CBMX is still a few years down the road from any product revenue. Perhaps a drug company will partner with CBMX to bring the HIV siRNA cocktail through clinical trials. Or maybe CBMX will license the drug to a larger drug company. So you can see that CBMX is transitioning into a company that is selling many products or will begin to. Revenues could be easily 25 - 50 million next year if not more. I would expect 2006 to really be even bigger based on product penetration. It takes time to ramp sells. Hope this helps get a bigger picture of the company in terms of potential revenues next year. Good Luck!
-------------------------------------------------- Sowie Beitrag Nr. #93 von mystreet vom 14.12.04 Top-News für eine Top-Aktie ==> Kurspotential: kurzfristig 4 ? und Ende 2005 5-6 ? Wetten das!
-------------------------------------------------- Ein Sptzen-Überblick von den nahezu unbegrenzten Möglichkeiten. Es scheint so, als wird in 2005 - spätestens 2006 richtig Kohle gemacht und auch hohe Gewinne eingefahren...
Meine Einschätzung: Umsatz Gewinn 2005 30 Mio ? 3 Mio ? 2006 60 Mio ? 10 Mio ? 2007 100 Mio ? 20 Mio ? ==> Kursziel 2007: M.kap von (20 Mio? mal KGV 20) = 400 Mio ? ==> Kurs ca 12?