Ich denke man sollte auf jeden Fall gemeinsam gegen diese Enteignung vorgehen. Gibt es denn jemanden, der eine konkrete rechtliche Beurteilung durchführen kann, ob der Steuerabzug nach diesem Split rechtens ist?
Ich denke, alle Betroffenen sollten definitiv Google Investor Relations schreiben.
@ysor123: Ich habe deinen Text an zwei drei Stellen korrigiert und etwas entschärft an directors@google.com. Ich hoffe, es ist okay, wenn wir deinen Text als Vorlage verwenden, je mehr Leute schreiben, umso eher reagiert man bei Google. Danke für deine Mühe. Hier meine abgeänderte Version:
Dear Sir or Madam,
the Google stocks split causes a tremendous loss for German shareholders. You could help them by making it clear, that this corporal action was a split, which yields no income. Everyone in Germany, owning the Google shares immediately lost 26,35% of its total value by flat rate withholding tax, having actually no income!
Our exchequer differ between capital return, dividend, split and spin-off. The shares were issues as dividend, and not capital return and there is no clear statement, it is effectivly a split with no income.
Unlike you would expect, we can not clear it using losses from the halved nominal value of the Google-a shares. This would only be possible with losses from same type of income, which would be dividend. As a consequence, Google split resulted in a serious loss for German shareholders - although you guaranteed the split will cause no trouble. You could help to solve this problem with almost no effort: Shareholders in Germany need a clear, offical statement from Google about what the corporal action actually was in order to avoid tax payment on the split.
I appreciate your support in this case.
Sincere regards,
--- Je mehr schreiben, umso besser! Email: directors@google.com