SAN JOSE, Calif. ? Obducat AB is quietly showing its next-generation, nano-imprint lithography machine for mass production. The system from Obducat (Malmo, Sweden) is a 200-mm tool said to handle resolutions of 30-nm and below. Unlike its current manual systems, the new tool incorporates FOUPs for batch processing. The tool has an overall throughput of 30 wafers an hour, said Ken Mason, business development manager for North America at Obducat. It also includes what the company calls soft press and stamp protection technology. Shipments are due by year?s end, according to Mason. Obducat, the leading supplier of nano-imprint tools in terms of installed base, is focusing more on non-semiconductor applications. Recently, for example, Obducat entered into an agreement with Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd. on the production of stamping machines for DVD optical discs. Obducat said it would drop other projects to pursue its opportunities with Samsung.