Prophecy Resource Corp
gut analysiert
Ohne Öffentlichkeitsarbeit (NEWS) geht im Börsengeschäft so gut wie nichts. Weil schon früh die Trommel gerührt wurde, war PCY bekannt wie ein "bunter Hund", die z. T. irreführenden Empfehlungen haben einige Anleger ebenso früh in den Wert gezogen, sie haben Geld verloren, weil das Timing von "NEWS-Flow" und verlässlichem Inhalt (z.B. bedingt kommuniziertes Genehmigungsproblem) nicht zusammenpassen wollte. Zwar liegt bislang auch "nur" eine mündliche Genehmigung vor, doch scheint diese nur eine Formsache zu sein.
21.10.10 21:59 Uhr
0,78 CAD (entspricht ca. 0,546 EUR)
+1,30% [0,01]
Jede Konferenz schafft mehr Aufmerksamkeit. Der Präsentationstermin zur Investment Conference in New Orleans vom 27. bis 30. Oktober dürfte weitere Investoren mit ins Boot holen. Wen es interessiert, hier ist der Plan bis März 2011. Übrigens präsentiert man sich vom 5. bis 7. November auf der 12. Small Cap Conference in Speyer. Doch ehrlich, mir scheint das eher etwas für "Nicht-Vernetzte" (ohne Internet). Die kurzen Wege des www nutzen die "hier" Vernetzten bestimmt zu ihrem Vorteile.
Liebe Profiteers,
Ende September 2010 haben wir Ihnen noch einmal nachdrücklich Prophecy Resource (WKN: A1CW6T) ans Herz gelegt. Wir schrieben: "Jetzt oder nie". Mittlerweile notiert die Aktie mehr als 40 Prozent höher! Ein Chart sagt mehr, als 1.000 Worte:
Was ist passiert?
Die Inspektion des Ulaan Ovoo Kohleprojekts (244,7 Mio. Tonnen Kraftwerkskohle, davon 174,5 Mio. Tonnen in der höchsten Kategorie; Kapitalwert des Projekts liegt unter Berücksichtigung eines 10%igen Abschlages bei 250 Mio. USD) durch die mongolische Bergbaukommission ist problemlos über die Bühne gegangen. Dies war der finale Schritt vor Erteilung der schriftlichen Produktionsgenehmigung!
Da die mongolische Presse bereits darüber berichtete, sah sich Prophecy gezwungen, eine diesbezügliche Pressemitteilung zu veröffentlichen. Nach South Gobi Resources wäre Prophecy das zweite kanadische Unternehmen, welches eine Abbaugenehmigung in der Mongolei erhält.
Die mongolischen Offiziellen forderten Prophecy bereits zu einer Testlieferung über 10.000 Tonnen Kohle an die Kraftwerke in Darkhan und Erdenet auf. Dies bestätigt, dass die schriftliche Erteilung der Produktionsgenehmigung nur noch ein Pro-forma-Akt ist.
Wie Sie wissen, sind die Blue Sky Projekte von PCY aber die Kohleprojekte Chandgana Tal und Chandgana Khavtai, die sich im Nyalga-Kohlebecken befinden, in dem es eine Reihe von großen Kohlevorkommen gibt. Beide Projekte umfassen gemäß NI 43-101 sage und schreibe 1,25 Mrd. Tonnen qualitativ hochwertiger Kohle, davon 819 Mio. Tonnen in der höchsten Kategorie.
Mit einem Investment in Höhe von 5 Mio. USD könnte die Produktion ebenfalls nach rund sechs Monaten starten. Aus gut informierten Quellen war zu erfahren, dass sich Prophecy in weit fortgeschrittenen Verhandlungen mit einem starken JV-Partner (aus China?) befindet! Das würde unseres Erachtens den nächsten Schub der Neubewertung einleiten!
Außerdem hat Prophecy das Bohrprogramm beim Wellgreen-Projekt abgeschlossen. Hier sollten weitere Bohrergebnisse nicht mehr lange auf sich warten lassen.
FAZIT: Immer mehr Institutionelle werden auf unsere Top-Empfehlung Prophecy Resource (WKN: A1CW6T) aufmerksam. Sprott Asset Management hat in den letzten Wochen substanziell über den Markt gekauft. Weitere werden folgen, denn der CEO von Prophecy, John Lee, präsentiert sein Unternehmen demnächst bei einer Reihe von großen Investmentkonferenzen auf der ganzen Welt.
Anfang November ist er bei der Small Cap Konferenz des Börsengurus Heiko Thieme in Deutschland zu Gast! Die Chance, ein paar Worte mit John Lee zu wechseln, werden wir uns natürlich nicht entgehen lassen!
Eine Übersicht der Konferenzen finden Sie hier:
Der Börsenwert von Prophecy Resource (WKN: A1CW6T) liegt bei rund 100 Mio. CAD. Nachdem Prophecy kürzlich ein Runaway-Gap gerissen hat, gehen wir davon aus, dass die Aktie den Kursanstieg weiter fortsetzt und das Gap nicht mehr schließt.
Wir erwarten zudem, dass die in Hongkong ansässige Investmentbank Eurasia Capital ( und das mongolischen Brokerhaus Frontier Securities ( in Kürze ihre Kursziele für Prophecy anheben werden.
Auf dem derzeitigen Niveau ist die Prophecy-Aktie immer noch ein glasklarer Kauf. Stocken Sie ihre Prophecy Resource Position auf oder steigen Sie neu ein! Kaufen Sie alles unter 0,60 Euro. Unser 6-Monats-Kursziel liegt bei 1,50 Euro. Die Aktie kann liquide in Frankfurt bzw. im Xetra gehandelt werden.
Mit besten Grüßen
Denken Sie unbedingt daran, von Zeit zu Zeit unsere Website zu besuchen.
Press Release, October 25, 2010
Prophecy Announces Amendment to $2,030,000 Private Placement
Vancouver, British Columbia, October 25, 2010: Prophecy Resource Corp. (?Prophecy? or the ?Company?) (TSX-V:PCY, OTCQX: PRPCF, Frankfurt: 1P2) reports that, further to the Company?s news release dated September 21, 2010, the Company has amended the terms of its previously announced non-brokered private placement.
The Company has arranged for the placement of 3,830,189 flow through units (each a ?Unit?) at a price of $0.53 per Unit to raise aggregate proceeds of $2,030,000. Each Unit is comprised of one flow through common share and one share purchase warrant (a ?Warrant?). Each Warrant entitles the holder to acquire one additional common share for a period of two years at a price of $0.66.
Proceeds of the placement will be applied to the Company?s Lynn Lake Property in Manitoba and the Wellgreen Property in Yukon Territory.
Russian Railway Launches New Route for Mongolian Coal to Russian Pacific Coast
October 28 - A goods train left Ulan Bator station for Russia?s Vostochny port for the first time, with 30 wagons carrying coal from Mongolia?s Tavan-Tolgoi mine, to be delivered to countries of the Asia-Pacific region.
Up to this point, all freight routes from Mongolia via Russia went only to the West. The launch ceremony was attended by Russian Railways President Vladimir Yakunin, Mongolian Minister of Roads, Transport, Construction and City Planning Khaltmaa Battulga, and other officials.
Russian Railways President Vladimir Yakunin said in his speech at the ceremony: "Today we are witnessing an historic event. This is the result of a colossal amount of work carried out jointly by Russia and Mongolia. We and our Mongolian colleagues have developed the whole transport chain ? from creating a modern, powerful locomotive and rebuilding infrastructure to setting competitive tariffs. The launch of rail freight services from Mongolia to Far East ports is a clear demonstration of the potential for diversifying sales of Mongolian products on world markets."
Prophecy Reports Multiple 1g/t Rhodium and 10g/t Platinum Group Metals Chip Samples From Extensive 2.5km Tunnel Sampling
VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA -- (Marketwire) -- 11/03/10 -- Prophecy Resource Corp. ("Prophecy" or the "Company") (TSX VENTURE: PCY)(OTCQX: PRPCF)(FRANKFURT: 1P2) reports results from extensive underground sampling program from its 100% owned Wellgreen Project located in the Yukon, Canada.
Wellgreen East Zone has seen substantial historic development, with almost 4,300 metres of underground development on seven levels, three internal shafts and over 500 surface and underground drill holes.
800 previously unreported chip channel samples taken at 2 metre intervals along the underground workings were assayed for Platinum (Pt) and Palladium (Pd) at ALS Chemex Labs in Vancouver, B.C. Of these, 174 samples where Platinum or Palladium grades exceeded 1g/t were thereafter assayed for Gold (Au), Rhodium (Rh), Osmium (Os), Iridium (Ir), and Ruthenium (Ru). The 2007 sampling program was overseen by Rory Calhoun, P. Geo., now an employee of Prophecy. Concentrations of Rhodium, Osmium, Iridium, and Ruthenium were present in all of the follow-up samples. Assays where Rhodium exceeded 0.5g/t are listed in the following table:
Wellgreen underground samples.
LENGTH Pt Pd Os Ru Ir Rh Au PGM+Au
SAMPLE NO. (m) (g/t) (g/t) (g/t) (g/t) (g/t) (g/t) (g/t) (g/t)
C509697 1.55 2.26 0.9 0.85 0.66 1.77 0.729 1.07 8.239
C509698 1.55 2.03 1.3 0.68 0.83 1.59 0.754 1.12 8.304
C509701 2.15 1.5 0.76 0.54 0.51 1.23 0.591 0.131 5.262
C509704 2.00 1.5 0.53 0.66 0.67 1.45 0.677 0.297 5.784
C509811 11.60 1.6 1 0.5 0.73 0.919 0.567 0.08 5.396
C509813 2.00 0.83 1.1 0.81 1.2 1.11 0.758 0.053 5.861
C509814 2.20 1.9 2.07 0.92 1.4 1.06 0.839 0.092 8.281
C509087 1.90 1.6 0.66 1.17 1.5 1.41 0.795 0.309 7.444
C509089 0.85 1.4 2.7 1.32 1.8 1.6 1.14 0.199 10.159
C509092 0.70 1.9 1.4 0.97 1.4 1.39 0.971 0.238 8.269
C509097 0.65 3.7 2.24 1.27 1.9 1.72 0.895 0.379 12.104
C509098 1.55 2.15 3.54 0.7 0.84 0.983 0.629 0.193 9.035
C509101 0.60 2 0.85 0.73 1.1 0.876 0.551 0.236 6.343
C509104 1.05 2.25 2.36 0.63 0.8 0.776 0.698 0.12 7.634
C509111 0.60 3.61 1.1 1.03 1.4 1.12 0.966 0.426 9.652
C509112 0.40 2.59 2.88 0.91 1.1 0.99 0.853 0.271 9.594
C509114 1.70 3.67 3.87 0.7 0.91 0.999 0.643 0.726 11.518
C509131 0.55 4.77 1.8 0.88 1.3 1.13 0.675 0.495 11.05
C509140 0.65 3.01 3.55 0.78 1 1.12 0.672 0.655 10.787
C509145 0.40 1.4 1.2 0.94 1.5 1.32 0.653 0.053 7.066
C509146 1.45 1.8 0.76 1.39 2 2.08 0.827 0.139 8.996
C509147 1.60 3.29 1.2 0.76 1 1.08 0.725 0.341 8.396
C509150 1.55 2.89 3.67 0.49 0.76 0.721 0.516 0.242 9.289
The results are consistent with the 265-page 1997 Bulletin of the Geological Survey of Canada entitled "Geology and Metallogeny of the Kluane Mafic-Ultramafic Belt, Yukon Territory. Canada: Eastern Wrangellia - A New Ni-Cu-PGM Metallogenic Terrane" By: L.J. Hulbert. Dr. Hulbert commented on page 55:
"Rhodium is present in anomalous concentration compared to other Canadian Ni-Cu ores. In fact the only other Ni-Cu cores with comparable values are the near age equivalent Noril'sk ores in Russia. Average massive sulphides contain 400 ppb Rh (0.4g/t) where values in the 0.3 g/t - 1g/t range are not uncommon in the basal portion of the massive sulphide orebodies."
With these highly encouraging results, Prophecy is assaying 470 drill core samples for all 6 Platinum Group Metals from drill programs by Northern Platinum Ltd. and Coronation Minerals Ltd. since 2006. Those core samples were previously assayed for Platinum and Palladium and yielded results over 1g/t of Platinum and Palladium combined.
John Lee, CEO of Prophecy comments: "The underground sampling demonstrates the widespread occurrence of all 6 Platinum Group Metals. Particularly noteworthy is the discovery of (previously unknown) widespread occurrences of rhodium. Platinum Group Metals are highly valuable and this encouraging discovery should significantly enhance the economics and appeal of Wellgreen."
Prophecy also advises that it has started receiving results from Northern Platinum Ltd.'s summer drill program and Prophecy's fall drill program; the company will release them once data is received in full.
More details about Wellgreen
The Wellgreen claims are 7km strike and over 22 square kilometers. Wellgreen is 15 km from the paved 2 lane Alaska Highway and 402 km from Alaska's Haines deep sea port. It is part of Kluane Ultramafic Nickel belt, which is second largest behind the Thompson Belt in Canada and remains vastly unexplored.
Since 1952 exploration at Wellgreen was almost entirely focused on high-grade underground massive sulphide nickel and copper deposits. In 1972 Hudbay Minerals Inc. milled 171,652 tons grading 2.23% Copper and 1.39% Nickel at Wellgreen and while Platinum Group Metals and other valuable minerals were present they were neither assayed for nor credited.
A historic (non NI 43-101 compliant) resource of 55 million tonnes grading 0.35% Cu, 0.36% Ni, 0.82 g/t Platinum and Palladium. (prefeasibility study by WGM April 21, 1989) was estimated at Wellgreen, which equates to over 1.4 million oz of Platinum Group Metals and 400 million pounds of Nickel in situ.
An independent NI 43-101 report prepared for Prophecy by Wardrop Engineering ("Wardrop") dated July 2010 indicates that the potential of the Wellgreen property ranges between 77 to 254 million tonnes at 0.26 to 0.38% Nickel, 0.26% to 0.36% Copper, 0.55 to 0.85 g/t Platinum and Palladium, based on a strike length range of 4,000 to 7,000m and a width of 30 to 35m.
Past drill results from Coronation Minerals/Northern Platinum included:
Length Cu Ni Pt Pd Au PGM+Au Value(i)
144 38.7 m 0.64% 0.27% 0.85 g/t 0.41 g/t 0.27 g/t 1.53 g/t $183.56/t
145 158.8 m 0.54% 0.25% 0.61 g/t 0.30 g/t 0.19 g/t 1.10 g/t $151.53/t
149 92.2 m 0.38% 0.26% 0.61 g/t 0.40 g/t 0.11 g/t 1.12 g/t $138.96/t
2010 Wellgreen drill program from surface:
Length Cu Ni Co Pt Pd Au PGM+Au Value(i)
177 525.9 m 0.17% 0.26% 0.020% 0.248g/t 0.248g/t 0.054g/t 0.55 g/t $95.79/t
178 566.8 m 0.16% 0.23% 0.014% 0.247g/t 0.219g/t 0.051g/t 0.52 g/t $87.20/t
(i)Rock value calculation is based on the spot market price for Nov 2, 2010.
Au $1,357.50/oz, Pt $1,709/oz, Pd $644/oz, Cu $3.82/lb, and Ni $10.53/lb.
These results are very important as they demonstrate the high precious metal content of the continuous disseminated sulphide mineralization. Prophecy is targeting Wellgreen to be a large scale deposit that could be mined by open pit and large tonnages. Drill locations of Hole 177 and Hole 178 can be viewed at
To view the figure associated with this release, please visit the following link:
Platinum Group Metal and Gold Pricing
Platinum Palladium Osmium Ruthenium Iridium
Rhodium (Rh) (Pt) (Pd) (Os) (Ru) (Ir) Gold (Au)
$2,200/oz $1,700/oz $650/oz $380/oz $175/oz $745/oz $1,350/oz
Note that the above prices are dated Nov 2, 2010.
The lesser known of the aforementioned Platinum Group Metals', all of which can be by-products of nickel and copper mining, are summarized as follows:
Osmium is obtained commercially as a by-product from nickel and copper mining and processing; twice as strong as lead it is often alloyed with other metals and utilized in high-wear applications.
Rhodium usage is dominated by automotive catalyst applications where it is used together with platinum and palladium to control exhaust emissions in addition to many other applications.
Iridium is used in the manufacture of rayon and is used in long-life aircraft engine parts and other industrial applications in addition to medical applications.
Ruthenium is used primarily for wear-resistant electrical contacts and the production of thick-film resistors; it is also used in some platinum alloys.
Complete assays of the entire 800 samples and the 174 samples where Platinum or Palladium grades exceeds 1g/t can be downloaded from
The technical information in this news release has been reviewed and approved by Mel De Quadros, P. Eng. and Rory Calhoun, P. Geo., both Prophecy employees and Qualified Persons as defined by NI 43-101.
About Prophecy Resource
Prophecy Resource Corporation is an internationally diversified company engaged in developing energy, nickel and platinum group metals projects. The company controls over 1.4 billion tons of open-pittable thermal coal in Mongolia (839 Mt Measured, 579 Mt Indicated). Prophecy's Mongolian Ulaan Ovoo Coal Mine is in production. In Canada Prophecy owns Wellgreen PGM Project in Yukon, Lynn Lake Nickel Sulphide Project in Manitoba, and a 10% equity stake in Victory Nickel. Mineral resources that are not mineral reserves do not have demonstrated economic viability.
John Lee, Chairman
Prophecy Resource Corp. (TSX:PCY)
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Heute : Wednesday 3 November 2010
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Prophecy Retracts gross metal value in previous November 3 news release
Prophecy Resource Corp. has provided a report that subject to TSX Venture Exchange disclosure regulations the company hereby retracts the gross metal value as reported in its prior press release (November 3, 2010). Cautionary statements have been added regarding disclosure of historical resources and geologic potential.®ion=C
Wir werden sehen!!
Wenn ich es richtig verstehe, hat die Investment Industry Regulatory Organization of Canada (IIROC) und nicht PCY den Trading Halt aktiviert. Das ist üblich und dient zum Schutz von Unternehmen und uns Aktionären.
Gruß, M.
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