Cline Mining CP ( CMK ) nach Rücksetzer

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01.11.11 19:32

1724 Postings, 5358 Tage Arriba1Cline Mining CP ( CMK ) nach Rücksetzer

Cline Mining Corp. (CMK)  

Prod. bereits angelaufen.  Nach Rücksetzer wieder interessant.

weitere Projecte in Arbeit - auf Sicht von 2-3 Jahren

Jennings von 04-2011 ,
* Jennings raises Cline Mining Corp price target to C$6.50 from C$5.50





0 Postings ausgeblendet.

01.11.11 22:19

1724 Postings, 5358 Tage Arriba1Berichte Cline MNG

Stock options und

Overview and Corporate History
Cline is in the business of locating, exploring and developing mineral resource properties and substantially all of the efforts
of the Company are devoted to these activities. Cline?s corporate goal is to become a profitable, growth-oriented
international producer of mine product resources of merit. Cline owns, or holds an interest in, metallurgical coal and gold
properties in Canada, coal properties in the U.S.A. and uranium and iron ore properties in Madagascar. Cline is presently

ramping up production at its New Elk metallurgical coal mine in southern Colorado, U.S.A. and anticipates reaching a rate
of production equivalent to 3.0 million tonnes annually by the first quarter of 2012.

Toronto, Ontario, Canada October 3, 2011. Cline Mining Corporation (?Cline Mining? or the ?Company?) (TSX:CMK) is pleased to announce that it has entered into a binding term sheet (the ?Term Sheet?) with Marret Asset Management Inc. (?Marret?) on behalf of a syndicate of lenders (the ?Lenders?) providing for the issuance of up to US$50 million senior secured notes (the ?Notes?). The Notes may be issued to the Lenders, at the Company?s option, in integral amounts of US$25 million for a maximum of US$50 million at any time prior to the first anniversary of the signing of the Term Sheet subject to completing definitive documentation. The Notes have a maturity date that is two years from the date Cline Mining first exercises its right to issue any Notes to the Lenders and bear a coupon of 10% per annum, payable semi annually in arrears in equal instalments.
In consideration for the Lenders? commitment under the Term Sheet (the ?Commitment?), the Company has agreed to issue to the Lenders 7.5 million common share purchase warrants of the Company (the ?Commitment Warrants?). Each Commitment Warrant will allow its owner to purchase one common share of the Company at a price of C$1.75 and will expire on the date that is the third anniversary following the execution date of the Term Sheet.\WPDOCS\mc\CLINE\SEDAR\11Q3-PR.pdf

The loss for third quarter 2011 of $992,755 ($0.00 per share) compares with a loss of $7,530,237 ($0.07
per share) for the third quarter 2010. Cash used in operating activities of $691,667 for the third quarter
2011 compares with $478,868 for the third quarter 2010.............

Cash and Liquidity
As at August 31, 2011 the Company had cash and cash equivalents of $57,353,320 compared with
$43,758,330 at November 30, 2010.....................

komplette Berichte unter Sedar link s.o.

04.11.11 17:29

1724 Postings, 5358 Tage Arriba1Cline Mining CP ( CMK ) fester

bei  2,15 - 2,20 c$  befinden sich starke Widerständslinen aus früheren Zeiten, wenn diese überwunden sind, ist der Weg zunächst bis ca. 2,50 und dann bis ca. 2,70 c$ frei.


keine kauf - oder verkaufempfehlungen

04.11.11 18:02

1724 Postings, 5358 Tage Arriba1Cline MNG

hier gehts zur Kohle,  aktuelle Preise , Listen und Vergleiche

Cline, Prophecy und viele andere im Vergleich..


06.01.12 11:42

12 Postings, 4868 Tage h3nr1k+ 37.37 %

nicht schlecht, geht's noch weiter hoch?  

08.01.12 02:18

1724 Postings, 5358 Tage Arriba1@h3

wie oben gesagt, es gibt widerstandslinien

für trades zwischen 1,40  bis  2,20 cad   (vola ) durchaus  geeignet

auf long bleibt das KZ  bestehen , obs dann erreicht wird muß man abwarten ?


02.04.12 20:38

318 Postings, 4580 Tage zaubermaus12News

Cline takes over New Elk management from TK

2012-04-02 10:30 ET - News Release

Mr. Ken Bates reports


Effective May 1, 2012, New Elk's senior management shall take full management control of all mining operations at Cline Mining Corp.'s New Elk coal mine in Trinidad, Colo. It is anticipated there will be no changes with respect to the status or security of the company's valued miners and mine staff, all of whom are expected to remain and continue in place on the New Elk team with no changes in their personal employment terms or arrangements.

The responsibility for the mining operations for the opening and initial development of the mine was provided by TK Mining Services LLC under a mining services agreement. The company expresses its thanks to TK for its contribution to the mine project, including the provision of experienced coal miners and for the development and training of new miners from the company's mine city of Trinidad in southern Colorado.

We seek Safe Harbor.  

03.04.12 16:17

318 Postings, 4580 Tage zaubermaus12Förderausfälle könnten Anstieg des Kohlepreises zu

BHP Billiton: Massive Probleme in australischen Kohleminen
BHP Billiton plc RTE London/Melbourne - ( - In Australien läuft es für den britisch-australischen Bergbau-Riesen BHP Billiton derzeit alles andere als gut. Denn der Konzern hat mit erheblichen Problemen in seinen Kohleminen zu kämpfen.

Im australischen Bowen Basin, wo der Konzern diverse Kohleminen betreibt, ist es bereits seit einem Jahr immer wieder zu Ausständen aufgrund eines harten Arbeitskampfes gekommen. Dieser könnte sich nun noch zuspitzen, da die Gewerkschaften bereits angekündigt hatten, den Arbeitskampf weiter verschärfen zu wollen. Mittlerweile befinden sich etwa 3.500 Mitarbeiter im Ausstand, so dass die Produktion still steht. Die Verhandlungen mit Arbeitnehmer-Vertretern ziehen  sich bereits seit einem Jahr hin. Erschwerend hinzu kommt der massive Regen, der die Kohle-Förderung in der Region momentan belastet.

Förderausfälle könnten Anstieg des Kohlepreises zur Folge haben

Die Lagerstätten, welche die Briten in der Region betreiben, zählen zu den wichtigsten Kohle-Minen weltweit. Ein größerer Anteil der hier geförderten Kohle kommt vor allem in der Metall-Industrie zum Einsatz. Daher gehen mittlerweile einige Experten davon aus, dass aufgrund der Stillstände in den Minen und der daraus resultierenden Förderausfälle der Kohle-Preis deutlich anziehen könnte.

Für BHP Billton ist der momentane Zustand in den australischen Minen naturgemäß eine harte Belastungsprobe. Man kann nur hoffen, dass sich die Lage zeitnah wieder entspannen wird und die Briten ihre Arbeiten wieder aufnehmen können. Ansonsten müsste sich das Unternehmen verstärkt Gedanken um Alternativen machen müssen.  

05.04.12 12:50

318 Postings, 4580 Tage zaubermaus12Arbeitskampf geht weiter

BHP Billiton - Neue Streiks sind angekündigt

Eine australische Gewerkschaft hat die nächste Runde im Arbeitskampf eröffnet. Wichtige Kohleminen sollen zwei Tage lang bestreikt werden.

Der seit langem schwelende Arbeitskampf auf australischen Kohleprojekten der Kooperationspartner BHP Billiton (WKN: 850524) und Mitsubishi geht in die nächste Runde. Ankündigungen der verhandelnden Gewerkschaft Construction, Forestry, Mining and Energy Union zufolge werden die Arbeiter in Kürze erneut die Arbeit niederlegen. Der Streik soll am 12. April beginnen und zwei Tage andauern, heißt es.

Die fortdauernden Streiks auf den Minenprojekten haben durchaus Einfluss auf den Weltmarkt für Kohle. Zusammen werden hier rund 58 Millionen Tonnen Kohle pro Jahr gefördert, die in der Metallindustrie zum Einsatz kommt. Es ist rund ein Fünftel des jährlichen Marktvolumens in diesem Bereich, das aus den Bergwerken des Joint Ventures von BHP Billiton und Mitsubishi bedient wird. Dort sind rund 10.000 Arbeiter beschäftigt, davon sind etwa 35 Prozent in der Gewerkschaft organisiert, die nun zum Streik aufgerufen hat. Am Montag hatte sich BHP Billiton bereits gezwungen gesehen, unter anderem aufgrund der Streiks „force majeure" auszurufen.  

07.04.12 11:08

318 Postings, 4580 Tage zaubermaus12Case Study

New Elk Coal Company

In the late 1800s and early 1900s, Trinidad, Colo., was a hotbed of underground coal-mining activity. The region was one of the best sources in the US for high-quality, clean-burning, metallurgical-grade coal (usually referred to as met coal or coking coal), which is used in the steel-making process. But by 1950, most of the easy-to-get coal was gone, and so were most of the coal mines.

Now, coal mining has returned to Trinidad with the reopening of the New Elk mine. New Elk, which was previously owned by a Pueblo steel company, was the last Trinidad mine to open (1951) and the last to close (1981). The fact that it was the newest mine in the region meant some of the infrastructure was still usable, which made it more feasible to reopen when Canada-based Cline Mining went looking for new sources of met coal.

“Cline Mining bought the New Elk mine primarily to be a source of met coal for the Asian steel market,” said New Elk Mine Manager Ron Thompson. “The cost to reopen the mine is substantial, but far less than it would have been to open a brand-new mine here or somewhere else.”

Cline Mining bought the property in 2008 and began redeveloping it. New Elk coal is described in a Cline news release as a “high-volatile, high-fluidity, high-FSI (free swelling index) and low-sulfur product.” With an estimated 388 million tons of coal at the property, there's enough recoverable coal there to last for many decades.
Early production

Today, the New Elk mine is still under construction, but it's also already producing coal.

“We're in what I'd call 'early' production,” said Thompson. “We've sent a preliminary shipment to a potential customer for evaluation. We're confident it meets all specs and will be fully accepted. We expect to be in full production at the mine this summer, at a rate of 3 million tons per annum. Our intent is to stay at that level going forward, increasing as demand warrants it.”

Thompson said they will initially mine an upper seam that's near the surface and, therefore, relatively accessible. They'll use proceeds from that to spearhead development to advance into other available seams.

“Generally speaking, most of the seam heights we're targeting range from about four feet to seven feet, whereas former seams from during the mining heyday here were probably more like seven to nine feet. Obviously, the larger the seam, the easier it is to mine and the better the return. That's why the early mine companies left the seams they did. They were less profitable. We're able to mine them today because our equipment is more productive and because the high quality of the coal brings a premium price. Those factors make it a cost-effective proposition today.”

Currently, trucks are hauling coal from the mine down to the Jansen Rail Yard near Trinidad (while the mine office is located in Trinidad, the mine itself is west of town, near Weston, Colo.). From there, the coal is transported by rail to the Gulf of Mexico for shipping overseas. Back in the day, there was a rail line connecting the mine to the rail yard — a distance of about 30 miles. The old track has been removed but the right-of-way remains. New Elk is in the process of reinstalling track, and hopes to restore the rail service by the end of this year, which will provide a significant savings in transportation costs.
Plenty of mining experience

New Elk is a 24/7 mining operation. Currently, 350 people are employed at the mine. That number is expected to increase to about 500 when it reaches full production later this year. In addition to Thompson, key people include Mine Engineer Steve Smith, Safety Manager John Lewis, Purchasing Director Al Weaver, Assistant Mine Manager Danny Miller, Plant Coordinator Gary Wright, Surface Superintendent Bobby Steele, Production Coordinator JP Boldt and TK Mining Mine Manager Terry Davis (New Elk contracted with TK to operate the mine).

“Our top personnel all have significant mining experience throughout Colorado and elsewhere,” noted Thompson. “All of the TK staff are highly professional as well. We're confident in our ability to do what we say and to meet our production goals this year and beyond.”
Top equipment and Power Motive support

New Elk is an underground mine but needs mobile equipment for handling the coal after it reaches the surface. Most of that mobile fleet consists of Komatsu machines, including three WA500 wheel loaders and a WA380, two dozers (D155 and D85), a GD655 motor grader and a PC450 hydraulic excavator. The mine is also renting three 35-ton Komatsu HM350 articulated haul trucks.

“We use wheel loaders primarily to handle the coal after it comes out of the ground — from stockpile to prep plant to loading trucks,” explained Thompson. “Also, about 30 percent to 50 percent of the material that comes out of the mine is reject material (refuse rock) and we use our Komatsu front-end loaders to handle that material.

“We've been very pleased with the performance of all our Komatsu machines,” he added. “We went with Komatsu because it's quality equipment, but equally important, because of the trust we have in Power Motive as a dealer. I was very impressed with the program Power Motive put together for us, which included a favorable lease option for the machines. It also included a service program (RAMP) whereby they are responsible for all our maintenance and repairs. It means we don't have to have our own shop or staff of mechanics for mobile equipment. If there's a problem, we call Power Motive and they take care of it — period.”

Thompson says he's also a fan of the KOMTRAX machine-monitoring system.

“With KOMTRAX, we and Power Motive can forecast machine problems before they become evident, even to the operator. It can also be valuable in monitoring such items as idle time and fuel consumption.”

New Elk Assistant Mine Manager Danny Miller says the vast majority of his operators love the Komatsu equipment.

“They're productive machines and they're holding up really well. It's an excellent product and that's one of the main reasons we got Komatsu equipment. But, from my point-of-view, the biggest factor in buying equipment is the service we get from the dealer and how they take care of issues that arise. Frankly, for what I want and need, Power Motive blows away the other guys when it comes to service.

“What I really like is that it just takes one call to our Power Motive Sales Rep Dan Tafoya, and that's all I have to do. Whether it's a new machine, a rental machine, a mechanic or a part — I call Dan and he takes care of it. No hassles. No finger pointing. No passing the buck. No excuses. Power Motive makes doing business with them easy.”
Full speed ahead

For Cline Mining, the reopening of the New Elk mine is a big step, but it's just the first step of what they anticipate will be many. Prior to this project, Cline was known primarily for exploration and development. The New Elk mine is its first venture as a producer. Cline President Ken Bates told Coal Age magazine that the 3 million tons-per-year target is just the beginning.

“We're aiming to go further with New Elk by doubling its production over time to 6 million tons per year,” said Bates. “During the next few years, we're looking to develop other properties in Colorado and elsewhere to reach at least 10 million tons per year.”

He added that Trinidad city leaders and the business community are big supporters of Cline's efforts at New Elk as well. And although Trinidad may never again be the boom town it was 100 years ago, 500 high-paying mining jobs will certainly be a huge economic boost to the community of 10,000.  

13.04.12 10:09

318 Postings, 4580 Tage zaubermaus12WOW

Handel vom 12.04.12     19.523.795 Aktien           22.347.048 CAD


27.04.12 17:28

1724 Postings, 5358 Tage Arriba1kommt jetzt erneut der rebound

cline heute über 2mio shares bis jetzt gehandelt



27.04.12 20:58

1724 Postings, 5358 Tage Arriba1enormer handel von 6mio shares

ohne news,

ich vermute das hier Übernahmegerüchte oder sogar schon  -gespräche im Hintergrund stattfinden.

hier ein Bericht vom Nov-11


30.04.12 18:15

1724 Postings, 5358 Tage Arriba1Cline Mining issues second round of bonds

in principal amount of US$25 million

Finanzierung durch und schon geht der Kurs durch die Decke.

bis jetzt  über 3mio shares auf TSX  bei  1,16c$

wenn die 1,19c$  überwunden werden kann es bis  1,30-1,33c$  gehen.

auf jeden Fall liegen die Tiefs jetzt hinter uns.


30.04.12 22:53

226 Postings, 4569 Tage sarioarriba danke

gute arbeit  

11.05.12 15:03

1724 Postings, 5358 Tage Arriba1CMK Kurs was war los

hab mir hierzu mal einen Beitrag vom WO-Forum ausgeliehen (danke Tommy)

HV am 30.05.12
Q1-Zahlen am 15.05.12 erwartet
Bis dahin große Unsicherheit!
Das Handelsvolumen ist immer noch relativ gering, so dass daraus keine Schlüsse gezogen werden können.
CMK soll Absatzprobleme haben, da die potenziellen Kunden durch andere Lieferanten ausreichend versorgt sein sollen. Neue Lieferverträge können zurzeit nur mit einem Preisabschlag geschlossen werden, da die Kunden einen Rabatt von CMK als neuer Lieferant fordern. Preisnachlässe bringen jedoch Probleme, da die Produktionskosten noch sehr hoch sein sollen, und bei einem zu niedrigen Verkaufspreis kein oder nur unzureichender Cashflow entstehen würde. Obiges ist nur vom "Hören-Sagen" und somit unter die Rubrik "Gerüchte" einzustufen.

Schlussfolgerung: Die Flüsterprognosen für Q1 sind grottenschlecht. Ob der Kurs-Abschlag dieses nun schon voll eingepreist hat, wird sich erst dann zeigen, wenn die offiziellen Zahlen genannt werden.

Früher wurden die Produktionszahlen vor den Finanzzahlen veröffentlicht. Der übliche Termin für die Prod.zahlen wäre der 30.04. gewesen. Da diese Zahlen nicht genannt worden sind, erhärtet das den Verdacht, dass das erste Quartal und der Ausblich nicht so günstig ausfallen werden.

M. E. besteht bei CMK immer noch erhebliches Risiko! Definitiv werden wir wohl erst in der nä. Wo. schlauer sein ...

Für mich wie folgt:  Es gab Finanzierung, gleichzeitig hatten wir extreme Marktbedingungen in allen Rohstoffmärkten,  
gleichzeitig ist der Coal spot price Rotterdam von 97$  auf jetzt  87$  gefallen.

Tja und wenn dann noch Absatprobleme , wenn auch nur gerüchteweise , einhergehen, dann soll wohl der Kurs fallen.

Damit hatte ja nun wirklich niemand gerechnet.


15.05.12 10:21

318 Postings, 4580 Tage zaubermaus12News vom 14.05.2012

Cline Mining Acquires Additional Properties
TORONTO, May 14, 2012 /CNW/ - New Elk Coal Company LLC (the "Company"), a wholly owned subsidiary of Cline Mining Corporation ("Cline") (TSX:CMK) has entered into an Agreement with the Department of Wildlife of the State of Colorado ("DOW") significantly extending its present DOW coal mining property area at its New Elk coal mine in Las Animas County, southern Colorado.

The initial New Elk DOW coal mine lease covers an area of 15,553 acres, and the extension area will add a further 14,387 contiguous acres to the initial DOW lease, resulting in a new total coal lease property area of 29,940 acres.

The extended lease area is coal bearing and the Company has commissioned AGAPITO Associates Inc. to prepare a National Instrument 43 101 Report of coal resources on the extended area.  A resource report is expected by May 24, 2012 with the full report to be published within the regulatory 45 day period.

The initial DOW lease area contains 330.3 million tons of coal resources out of the total of  388.5 million tons of coal resources on all of the New Elk property, as reported in the updated National Instrument 43-101 - Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects ("NI 43-101") report titled "NI 43-101 Technical Report, New Elk Mine Project, Los Animas County Colorado, USA Prepared for New Elk Coal Company LLC, subsidiary of Cline Mining Corporation" dated May 27, 2011 (the "2011 Technical Report") by AGAPITO Associates Inc.

Dennis Z. Mraz, P.Eng. a qualified person under NI 43-101 has reviewed and approved the technical information in this news release.

About Cline: Cline has significant metallurgical coal property interests in North America with NI 43-101 compliant independent Technical Reports. Cline Mining Corporation is a mine development company focused on the exploration and development of metallurgical steel making coals in North America, iron ore in Madagascar and the Cline Lake Gold Mine Property in northern Ontario, Canada.


Ken Bates, President and Chief Executive Officer  

11.07.12 16:20

1724 Postings, 5358 Tage Arriba1Cline news

intended to maximize short-term production values and ensure the viability and NPV growth of the New Elk coal mine ("New Elk") (see Cline press release dated July 3, 2012), the Company will be temporarily suspending production at New Elk to manage costs. Cost efficiency, the preservation of the ....


21.07.12 11:08

318 Postings, 4580 Tage zaubermaus12CMK

Cline Mining announces filing of second quarter 2012 Financial Statements and its Management Discussion and AnalysisCline Mining Corporation CMK 7/16/2012 9:45:00 PMCline Mining announces filing of second quarter 2012 Financial Statements and its Management Discussion and Analysis
TORONTO, July 16, 2012 /CNW/ - Cline Mining Corporation ("Cline Mining" or the "Company") (TSX: CMK) announced today its second quarter unaudited Financial Statements ("Financials") in conjunction with its Management Discussion and Analysis ("MD&A") for the interim period ended May 31, 2012. The following highlights portions of the Financials and MD&A. A complete copy of the Company's financial statements for the period, together with the MD&A, can be accessed under the Company's profile on and on the Company's website at

Second Quarter Financial Results

For the second quarter 2012, coal production reached a quarterly total of 48,779 short tons. At the end of June, year-to-date production was 213,091 ROM tons and 85,528 clean tons of coal, of which approximately 70,000 tons constitute metallurgical grade coal, with the remaining coal being higher-ash production more suited for sale in the thermal market. Higher yield in June was predominantly due to cleaning at higher gravity, slightly improved mining conditions, and also lowering the cutting height to 5.5 ft., especially in the Allen seam. The Company currently retains a workforce capable of maintaining the asset and to load the stockpiled product should a sale agreement be made. As a cash conservation measure, the Company has temporarily suspended further production of coal at the New Elk Mine until the review process is completed and the current coal stockpile is sold.

The Company's working capital position at May 31, 2012 was $19.6 million compared to $48.4 million at November 30, 2011 and cash and cash equivalents consisted of $29.0 million. The Company's current cash position is $16.9 million as at July 13, 2012. The Company's capital and operating expenditures in the first two quarters amounted to $82.8 million. With the temporary stoppage of production activity at the New Elk Mine, the Company anticipates its capital and operating expenditures per month to be approximately $0.9 million, down from an average of approximately $13.8 million per month in the first two quarters; a reduction of 93%. The Company expects to be able to maintain its working capital position at this rate from the combination of reduced capital and operating spending. Relative to peer companies, Cline Mining has a low debt load with a conservative debt to equity coverage ratio at 22%. Over the mid-term, the Company believes it can meet its financial obligations.

Ken Bates, President, CEO & Director of Cline Mining commented: "Current market conditions for coal producers in the United States are challenging and the Company is being mindful of its cash position to navigate the current market. We have a large and expanded coal resource base that we believe will increase in value as the market readjusts in coming months. Our objective is to build our production capability in tandem with an eventual upswing in commercial demand and proactively address the cyclical downturn in demand with substantial reductions in operating and capital spending. At the same time, we are continuing with our mine review process to consider longwall mining. Securing sustainable sales contracts remains a major near-term priority for the Company, and we are actively engaged in achieving this goal."

2nd Quarter Ended
May 31, 2012 1st Quarter Ended
February 29, 2012 2nd Quarter Ended
May 31, 2011
C$ C$ C$
Cash and cash equivalents 29,000,416 43,865,313 5,146,924
Total assets 296,530,236 258,398,207 124,205,768
Total liabilities 54,288,208 18,872,326 1,674,226
Total net equity 242,242,028 239,525,881 122,531,542

As part of the previously announced New Elk Mine review process (see press release dated July 3, 2012) and due to challenging market conditions for the U.S. metallurgical coal sector, the Company is taking all necessary steps to ensure the long term viability and growth of the New Elk Mine including short-term volume optimization, cost containment and securing sustainable and long-term sales contracts for the product. The Company is concurrently reviewing strategic alternatives for its portfolio of assets, including a potential financing. The following actions summarize recent Company activities:

•Announced the executive appointment of David Stone, COO of New Elk Coal Company LLC, who is responsible for the mine plan review and the executive appointment of Darren Nicholls as Deputy Chief Operating Officer. Both individuals bring strong experience to the project in underground coal mine planning, engineering and operations.

•Temporarily reduced its employee count to preserve costs during this review process, resulting in aggregate cost savings of approximately 93%.

•Temporarily halted production to achieve cash conservation; all equipment remains on the property and is presently idled. The management team is ensuring the integrity of the asset and property so that it can quickly move into production when management determines conditions have improved.

•Capital spending has been deferred until completion of the review, at which time the Company will provide an update on project spending for the balance of the year and for 2013, subject to more favourable market conditions.

•Initiated a process to review production methods including using the longwall mining method.

•The Company has formally filed a claim for compensation from the British Columbia government for $274 million with respect to the Lodgepole coal mine property plus $235 million for the Sage Creek coal mine property. The amounts claimed represent the net present value ("NPV") assessment and calculation made by independent Canadian engineering companies compliant with and pursuant to NI 43-101 technical reporting standards.
Industry Trends

The global seaborne coking coal market is presently weak. The Asian market, which comprises over 60% of the world's blast furnace produced steel production, has been relatively quiet. Recent reports suggest growing stockpiles of coal at Chinese ports and declining demand for coal within China. The reported settlements between the major Japanese mills and major Australian suppliers for the next quarter are basically rollover at $220/225 for the highest grade coking coals. There have been published reports saying prices $10/15 below that level have been on offer to Indian producers. Lesser quality coals are trading as low as $ 115/125 FOB into China. Japan continues to be the largest importer of coking coal with an estimated intake in excess of 65 million tons, followed by China with imports of coking coal estimated at 44 million tons in 2011. While steel production in Asia has increased compared to 2011 they are still working down high coking coal inventories, which translate into a weak spot market.

The salient statistic this past six months has been the German steel industry's report that steel production in the first six months of this year are down 6% compared to the same period in 2011. The German steel sector has historically been the bellwether of European steel production. This reduction is evidence of the macro-economic uncertainty that pervades the present global steel and coal markets. While Asia continues to achieve moderate growth it becomes apparent that the remediation of the European fiscal difficulties must be successfully concluded to restore these markets to their prior supply/demand level. Looking at Asia, several large Indian publicly owned steel mills tendered and concluded substantial coking coal tonnages at this time. The Company shares the view of these steel mills that the market has reached its lowest level and will strengthen going forward.

Cline has not been immune to market forces as evidenced by its 86% decline in share price from its 52 week high. This reduction in share price has been mirrored by other coal mining companies and challenging market conditions have not been insular, either. The following is an overview of share price declines for some of the major U.S. coal miners as a percentage of their 52-week high: CONSOL down 44%, Peabody down 63%, Alpha down 85%, Arch down 79%, Patriot down 99% and James River down 90%.


With the inclusion of the additional resources at the New Elk Mine, it was prudent to ensure the life of mine plan sequencing and process was optimal. This necessitated a revision of the mine plan and schedule, which has commenced. The resource now has the capacity to support longwall operations into the future. The detailed study has commenced and will not sterilize any resource and expects to optimize the NPV of the operation. Coal production capacity at the operation is currently being driven by sales rather than the internal production capacity. This has led to a temporary suspension of production activities in order to optimize working capital. At the present time the supply side of the metallurgical coal market exceeds demand for new entry coals, resulting in weaker coal pricing. Market forces must guide the productive capacity at the New Elk Mine during weaknesses in the demand cycle, and the Company's expectation of sales and production guidance for the remainder of the year is therefore governed principally by demand factors, rather than productive capacity. It is not possible to predict the timing, extent or turnaround of the economic and recessionary pressures currently affecting the coal market but we believe the market will rebound over time.

Metallurgical coal has moved from a seller's market to a buyer's market in the seaborne trade; where our primary target markets are China, Japan, India, Brazil and Europe. In April 2011 the 'benchmark' price for premium hard coking coal was $330 a metric tonne since and has decreased to the present reported price of $220/225. Reports out of China point to declining demand for coal in China and growing inventories of coal.

On May 1, 2012, the Company took over direct management of all mining and operations related to the New Elk Mine; previously provided by TK Mining Services on a contract basis. The strategic decision was made by the Company to integrate the miners into the mainstream culture of our organization. The transition was accomplished successfully and the change beneficial for the long-term operation of the business. At present the operation has 255 employees of whom only 36 are engaged at the mine site, with the remainder idled while the completion of the revised plan is achieved and the coal shipments commence. Upon the acceptance of an appropriate sales profile the operation is immediately ready to recommence production with the only lag factor being the procurement of labour and the associated training. With the current issues in the steam coal market, the procurement of skilled additional labour is believed to be achievable.

The Company is now focused on its New Elk Mine review process and denoting the potential for the mining areas and operations of super sections. The Company is also actively seeking sales agreements for its product.

About Cline: Cline has metallurgical coal property interests in British Columbia and in Colorado, U.S.A. with NI 43-101 independent Technical Reports. Cline Mining Corporation is focused on the exploration and development of metallurgical steel making coals in Canada and the U.S., and on its iron ore property in Madagascar and its Cline Lake gold property in northern Ontario, Canada.

Forward-Looking Statements: This press release contains forward-looking statements (including "forward-looking information" within the meaning of applicable Canadian securities legislation and "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of the US Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995) relating to, among other things, the operations of the Company, the environment in which it operates and the Company's future financial and operating performance. Generally, forward-looking statements can be identified by the use of words such as "plans", "expects" or "does not expect", "is expected", "budget", "scheduled", "estimates", "forecasts", "intends", "anticipates" or "does not anticipate", or "believes", or variations of such words and phrases or statements that certain actions, events or results "may", "could", "would", "might" or "will be taken", "occur" or "be achieved". Such statements are based on assumptions, estimates, forecasts and projections made in light of the trends, conditions and expected developments that are considered to be relevant and reasonable in the circumstances at the date that such statements are made. Forward-looking statements are not guarantees of future performance and such information is inherently subject to known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors that are difficult to predict and may be beyond the control of the Company. A number of factors and assumptions may cause actual results, level of activity, performance or outcomes of the Company to be materially different from those expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements including, without limitation, the future price of coal, the estimation of mineral reserves and resources, capital, operating and exploration expenditures, costs and timing of future exploration, requirements for additional capital, government regulation of mining operations, environmental risks, reclamation expenses, title disputes or claims, limitations of insurance coverage and the timing and possible outcome of pending litigation and regulatory matters and other risks set forth in other public filings of the Company. Consequently, undue reliance should not be placed on such forward-looking statements. In addition, all forward-looking statements in this press release are given as of the date hereof. The Company disclaims any intention or obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, save and except as may be required by applicable securities laws.

Head office: Brookfield Place, 181 Bay Street, 3rd Floor, Clarkson Gordon Heritage Building, Toronto, ON, M5J 2T3  

18.12.12 21:26

1724 Postings, 5358 Tage Arriba1ich glaub das wars


Cline unable to pay

vielleicht kommt ja nochmal ein retter in der Not - take over or so.


24.01.13 20:24

1724 Postings, 5358 Tage Arriba1oder ? Restrukturierung oder der

letzte Versuch......

Cline bemüht sich zusehends doch noch eine adequate Lösung mit Finanzierung hin zu
bekommen.  muß man sehen , obs klappt ist noch die Frage.


01.03.13 07:18

1115 Postings, 5315 Tage alexis62S&P DJ Indices Announces March

23.01.14 16:33

226 Postings, 4569 Tage sarioKohle lebt wieder?

schau das mal an!  

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