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http://www.evwind.es/noticias.php?id_not=8488 über die erneuerbaren Energien Solar und Wind aber mit größerem Akzent auf die Windenergie.
Hier ein Auszug über die Windturbinenbranche:
Wind energy
Peter Hauge Madsen and Flemming Rasmussen, Risø
The use of wind energy to generate electricity for the grid is quite a recent phenomenon following the modern development of wind energy starting in the late 1970s in the wake of the oil crises. Since then, wind energy has grown at spectacular rates thanks to concerns about energy security, environmental protection and climate change, and economics.
Thus, over the past 25 years global wind energy capacity has doubled every three years, corresponding to a tenfold expansion every decade. By the end of 2009, global installed wind capacity was approximately 160 GW and in 2010 is expected to produce more than 331 TWh, or 1.6% of global electricity consumption. Approximately 2% of the capacity installed during 2009 was offshore, bringing total offshore capacity to 2.1 GW, or 1.3% of total global wind energy capacity.
Future developments for wind power are described in the advanced scenario of the 2008 report by the Global Wind Energy Council (GWEC), by the German Aerospace Centre (DLR) [2], and in the 2008 report to the IEA by the Risø DTU National Laboratory for Sustainable Energy.
These suggest that global wind energy penetration could be 10% by 2020, 20% by 2030 and 25-30% of electricity demand by 2050. These scenarios are based on growth rates of 27% in 2008, declining to 22% in 2010, 12% by 2020 and 5% by 2030. Targets of this order are realistic, and the available wind resource is not the limiting factor: Current global electricity consumption corresponds to that generated by a wind farm measuring 1,000 kilometres square. Long-term plans should therefore be based on these growth rates.
Es gibt viel mehr über die Windenergie, aber es ist zu lange um es reinzukopieren.