2008 Jahr für Ballard Power !
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Der Autohersteller General Motors [GM] rechnet für 2015 bis 2016 mit der Markteinführung des Brennstoffzellen-Autos.
Demoflotten sollen den Weg ebnen, sagte Rittmar von Helmolt [GM Europe Engineering] am Rande einer von der Austrian Agency for Alternative Propulsion Systems [A3PS] organisierten Konferenz über Wasserstoff und Brennstoffzellen.
Brennstoffzellen erzeugen Strom aus Wasserstoff und Sauerstoff, indem sie chemische Energie in elektrische Energie umwandeln. Dabei fallen Wasser und Wärme sozusagen als Abfallprodukte an.
Direkte Verwendung von Wasserstoff
Mittlerweile dürfte sich die direkte Verwendung von Wasserstoff zum Betrieb der Zellen durchgesetzt haben, so der Experte weiter. Konzepte mit eigenen "Reformern" an Bord, die den nötigen Wasserstoff etwa aus Alkohol laufend gewinnen, seien als zu kompliziert verworfen worden.
"Wenn wir nur 50 Prozent des jährlich europaweit bei der sogenannten Chlor-Alkali-Elektrolyse anfallenden Wasserstoffs nutzen, könnte rund eine Million Autos damit betrieben werden", so Helmolt. Weitere ungenutzte Energiequellen, die zur Wasserstoffproduktion genutzt werden könnten, seien etwa Windkraftwerke während Phasen von geringem Strombedarf.
Flextreme als Vorreiter
Als ersten Schritt in Richtung Markteinführung wasserstoffbetriebener Elektroautos hat GM kürzlich den Opel Flextreme präsentiert.
Dieses Elektroauto wird noch mit herkömmlichen Akkus betrieben und hat deshalb eine relativ geringe Reichweite von rund 50 bis 60 Kilometern. Das Spezielle an dem Fahrzeug ist aber, dass es einen kleinen Verbrennungsmotor als Generator besitzt, der bei Bedarf weiteren Strom liefert.
Der Flextreme könnte in weiterentwickelter Form dann auch Basis für ein Brennstoffzellen-Fahrzeug sein. Es müssten - vereinfacht gesagt - nur Batterie und Generator aus- sowie die Brennstoffzelle eingebaut werden.
Tankstellenumrüstung wird teuer
"Klar ist, dass wir für den Wasserstoffantrieb ein Tankstellennetz brauchen, aber auch das ist machbar", ist Helmolt überzeugt. Eine Umrüstung jeder zehnten der derzeit rund 13.000 Tankstellen in Europa würde insgesamt rund elf Mrd. Euro kosten.
Hydrogen fuel cells will never be a practical source of power, right? Wrong. The technology is set to take off sooner than you think. You may think hydrogen power is some futuristic fantasy, fit only for science-fiction writers. Or, at best, you might consider it a promising technology that won't be ready for prime time for another 40 to 50 years. If so, think again. In a special edition on "Best Inventions 2006," Time magazine praises the decision by Shanghai-based Horizon Fuel Cell Technologies "to design and market the H-racer, a 6-inch-long toy car that does what Detroit still can't. It runs on hydrogen extracted from plain tap water, using the solar-powered hydrogen station."
Hydrogen vehicles are not mere toys. More than 500 are on the road today. A BMW prototype with a hydrogen internal-combustion engine attained a top speed of 186 miles an hour. Mazda, Ford, Honda and GM are developing a variety of hydrogen-powered engines. Perhaps most exciting, Honda is now powering zero-emission vehicles with hydrogen derived from tap water in small stationary units that drivers can keep in their garages.
We believe the rapid pace of invention, testing and commercialization of fuel-cell technologies is a strong sign that we are entering the early stages of a hydrogen revolution. Instead of waiting half a century as critics suggest, the large-scale production of hydrogen fuel-cell cars could begin very soon. We have come to a crossroads where a single, courageous decision by a few world leaders could launch a new era of progress. That decision is, of course, to shift from our dependence on environmentally damaging fossil fuels to plentiful, renewable and clean-burning hydrogen fuel.
Not everyone sees the bright future of the hydrogen age. Some well-informed energy experts contend hydrogen will be viable only after 20 to 30 years of development. The respected environmental think tank Worldwatch Institute, cautions, "Despite recent public attention about the potential for a hydrogen economy, it could take decades to develop the infrastructure and vehicles required for a hydrogen-powered system." Joseph Romm, author of The Hype About Hydrogen, states that, "Hydrogen vehicles are unlikely to achieve even a 5 percent market share by 2030."
These predictions are needlessly pessimistic, based on common misconceptions about the cost, efficiency and technology of hydrogen. If we make hydrogen a national and international priority, as outlined below in a strategy for launching the hydrogen economy, we foresee the first affordable hydrogen fuel-cell cars coming to market starting between 2010 and 2012, and achieving 5 percent of the new car market share by 2020 or sooner.
Let's examine the critics' misconceptions about hydrogen.
Myth No. 1: A hydrogen industry needs to be built from scratch The production of hydrogen is already a large, mature industry, and the global hydrogen industry annually produces 50 million metric tons (50 billion kilograms) of hydrogen, worth about $150 billion. To put that into perspective, the current global output of pure hydrogen has the energy equivalence of 1.2 billion barrels of oil, or about a quarter of U.S. petroleum imports. The hydrogen industry is growing at 6 percent a year, thus doubling every 12 years. All this is happening without the incentives that would be provided by a growing fleet of hydrogen fuel-cell vehicles in need of fuel. If the hydrogen industry can expand so quickly "below the radar," it will have no problem expanding quickly enough to fuel the needs of hydrogen fuel-cell cars in the future.
Myth No. 2: Hydrogen is too dangerous for common use This myth begins with the hydrogen-filled German zeppelin, the Hindenburg, which blew up at Lakehurst, New Jersey, in 1937. Recently that event was revisited in a detailed analysis by National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) scientist Addison Bain. He found that it was not the hydrogen that originally combusted, but the dirigible's outer coating, a highly flammable material similar to that used in rocket propellants. In reality, the hydrogen industry has had an excellent safety record for decades. In 30 years, liquefied hydrogen shipments have logged 33 billion miles. During all this time, no product losses or fires were reported. Gasoline, our automotive fuel of choice, is 22 times more explosive and has a dismal safety record in comparison.
Hydrogen, while flammable, is generally more easily managed than hydrocarbon fuels. If hydrogen is ignited, it burns with a clear flame and only one-tenth the radiant heat of a hydrocarbon fire. The heat that is produced tends to dissipate much more rapidly than heat from gasoline or oil fires. The bottom line is that hydrogen-safety critics should turn their fire against gasoline, and agitate for the rapid adoption of hydrogen on safety grounds alone! Myth No. 3: Hydrogen can't be distributed via existing pipelines The transportation of hydrogen, one of the most frequently mentioned concerns of critics, is easily accomplished through pipelines. Creating a new pipeline network to move hydrogen is unnecessary; we can use the one already in existence. Some existing pipelines are already hydrogen-ready. The others can easily be modified with existing technologies by adding polymer-composite liners, similar to the process used to renovate old sewer pipes. Using existing pipelines creates no additional safety concerns. Already, hydrogen-refueling stations are appearing in California, Florida and British Columbia. Other regions are sure to follow.
Myth No. 4: There is no practical way to run cars on hydrogen Hydrogen fuel cells have been used for space flights since 1965 and they were used in a passenger vehicle as early as 1966 (GM's Electrovan). Today, fuel-cell vehicles are undergoing rigorous testing and are far advanced. As of mid-2003, manufacturers had dozens of fuel-cell buses and upwards of 100 fuel-cell cars on the road. Fuel cells are being tested for military vehicles on land and sea; submarines have used them for years. Heavy trucks, which spend up to half their engine run time idling because they have no auxiliary power source, are also beginning to use fuel cells. FedEx and UPS plan to introduce fuel-cell trucks by next year.
With such a massive wave of research and trial, fuel cells are sure to advance quickly, as each successful application benefits from its predecessors' experiences. As a whole, mass production will drive down the price of fuel cells.
Myth No. 5: Hydrogen is too expensive to compete with gasoline Despite decades of U.S. policies favouring the use of petroleum, hydrogen technologies are already close to economic viability. When we consider system-wide life-cycle costs, hydrogen is already a desirable alternative to fossil fuel. The factor of greenhouse gas emissions makes hydrogen overwhelmingly preferable to gasoline. Even when hydrogen fuel is produced from natural gas, on a per-mile-driven basis, fuel-cell cars generate as little as 30 percent of the carbon dioxide produced by gasoline-powered cars.
Cost is the bottom-line factor for many consumers contemplating the adoption of new technologies. Research shows that small hydrogen generators could be manufactured by the hundreds and installed at service stations supporting a few hundred fuel-cell-powered cars using natural gas as a raw material at a cost of $6 per million British thermal units (BTUs). These would deliver hydrogen to cars at $2.50 per kilogram, since one gallon of gas is the energy equivalent of one kilogram of hydrogen. That is equivalent to $2.50 per gallon gasoline, less than we are paying now. Moreover, as current trends continue, we believe the days of $2.50 per gallon gasoline will be very fond memories.
Once these myths are dispelled, we can clearly see the environmental advantages of hydrogen power as well as the promising economic benefits. "Hydrogen could become a strategic business sector and an engine of global economic growth within the decade and for the remainder of the 21st century." That's the assessment of Julian Gresser and James Cusumano (one of this article's co-authors) in a 2005 report, "Hydrogen and the New Energy Economy," published in The Futurist.
It is well known that at critical times in history, certain industries have made key technological breakthroughs that have become dynamic engines of broader economic growth. Famous examples of the convergence of critical technologies and rapid growth include: the canals and railroads of 18th- and 19th-century England and, more recently, the convergence of computer hardware, software and Internet technology in late-20th-century America. Due to the tremendous public benefits realized through the success of strategic technologies and industries, governments have usually played a pivotal role in accelerating these technologies' development. California has already taken the national lead in implementing a "Hydrogen Highway Network Action Plan" to build 150 to 200 hydrogen-refueling stations, approximately one every 20 miles on California's major highways.
Similarly, Florida's state government has launched an innovative program to promote hydrogen as a strategic growth sector. Working within a broad alliance among private companies, state and local governments, universities and environmental groups, the Florida Hydrogen Strategy initially focuses on fuels cells, hydrogen storage and power-grid optimization. The strategy offers tax refunds, investment tax credits, performance incentives and enterprise-bond financing. Internationally, Japan, Germany, Canada and Iceland have major hydrogen programs underway. Leaders of these nations understand that, in addition to laying the foundation for independence from oil and creating a key industrial sector, the rapid development of hydrogen will accelerate innovation in related sectors, such as biotechnology, solar photovoltaics, ultra-light materials and nano-materials.
Given the urgency of the energy and climate crises, we urge development of a broad political consensus around a strategy for transitioning to a hydrogen economy. This strategy would apply regulatory, financial and other market-driven incentives while drawing on the best available technology and talent. Under the leadership of a non-partisan National Hydrogen Task Force, political leaders in the U.S. and elsewhere should convene the nation's leading hydrogen scientists, engineers and inventors, along with top environmental lawyers, finance experts and specialists in public/private enterprises.
Their mission should be the development of a draft "Strategic Hydrogen Alliance Reform and Enterprise Act" (SHARE) that would create the statutory framework for accelerating the development of the hydrogen economy as quickly as possible, on par with the urgency that accompanies a state of war or a natural disaster.
The main stages of this transition plan for the U.S. are outlined below and include the following milestones:
Phase I (2007-2010): Deploy existing technologies and capabilities to expedite fuel-cell research and development and vigorously market smaller fuel cells to homes and businesses, while the hydrogen car runs on a modified internal-combustion engine that is cost-effective today.
Phase II (2010-2015): Introduce multiple varieties of fuel-cell cars that run on hydrogen generated from natural gas or electrolyzed from water.
Phase III (2015-2020): Embrace widespread commercialization of fuel-cell vehicles that operate on hydrogen generated by renewable energy sources such as solar- and wind-powered electrolysis.
Work would also begin on a national hydrogen infrastructure, including production facilities, pipelines and fueling stations built in metropolitan areas. The ultimate goal by 2020 would be the broad transition to clean and green hydrogen generated from non-fossil fuels -- wind, solar and possibly biological systems -- and minimum sales of a million hydrogen fuel-cell vehicles, equal to a 6 percent new-car market penetration. In parallel to these hydrogen milestones, the plan would require development of automobile engines that could function on a mix of plug-in technologies, renewable fuels such as ethanol or biodiesel and hydrogen fuel cells powered by electricity from the utility grid.
The path toward the hydrogen future is already being paved by private initiatives and government support in the U.S., the European Union and Japan. Like Gresser and Cusumano point out, "As hydrogen becomes a strategic economic driver for the United States and the major industrialized nations, it can serve this same function for many other countries, rich and poor." The size and risks of some hydrogen projects make it well-suited for international collaborations that can be pursued on the same grand scale as the Apollo Man-to-the-Moon Project in the U.S., the Marshall Plan in Europe and the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Control projects.
As new countries enter the hydrogen consortium, each one can develop a special expertise and role based on its unique resources and skills. The financial foundation of the Hydrogen Plan could be an International Hydrogen Innovation Fund, initially capitalized with $5 billion provided by national and international entities. The fund would be managed by an international team of successful technology, business and social entrepreneurs, with the goal of achieving superior rates of return for shareholders within five years for funding early-, middle- and late-stage projects.
The hydrogen economy is the only reliable long-term solution to the energy and climate crises confronting civilization. No other known technology option can safely produce clean energy to power transportation systems and other infrastructure at levels that can sustain current levels of global prosperity, let alone increase these levels to improve the lot of the world's poor. This great transition will be profitable and beneficial for all stakeholders. The hydrogen revolution is one of the greatest legacies our generation could pass on to our children and children's children.
Horace Mann, a pioneering 19th-century advocate of free public education in the U.S., said, "Be ashamed to die until you've won some great victory for humanity." All who join in this grand enterprise to bring about the birth of the hydrogen age will participate in one of humanity's greatest victories: the creation of a safe, clean and sustainable future.
This article is adapted from Freedom from Mid-East Oil, written by Jerry Brown (a founding professor at Florida International University), Rinaldo Brutoco (founder and president of the World Business Academy) and James Cusumano (former director of research and development at Exxon). Find out more: http://www.worldbusiness.org/freedom-from-mid-east-oil
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Last update: 5:31 p.m. EST Feb. 12, 2008Print E-mail RSS Disable Live Quotes
VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA, Feb 12, 2008 (MARKET WIRE via COMTEX) -- Ballard Power Systems (CA:BLD: news, chart, profile) (BLDP:ballard pwr sys inc com
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3:59pm 02/12/2008
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BLDP 4.84, +0.09, +1.9%) , an industry leader in fuel cell products today announced that it has signed a five-year agreement with New Flyer Industries Inc., the leading manufacturer of heavy-duty transit vehicles in Canada and the United States, to supply fuel cell modules for use in New Flyer shuttle buses. As part of this agreement, the companies will also combine efforts toward the joint preparation of bids for transit agency shuttle bus programs, with an initial focus on publicly-funded programs in Canada.
Shuttle buses are smaller and lighter than full-size buses - typically less than thirty-two feet in length - and are intended for use in a range of growing applications, such as community feeder routes, where their reduced noise profile and emission-free operation is highly valued. The partnership will focus on jointly pursuing procurement opportunities for these new fuel cell buses. Under the agreement, New Flyer will develop and manufacture a shuttle bus specifically suited for Ballard's fuel cell technology and Ballard's existing fuel cell module will be integrated into the New Flyer shuttle bus chassis.
John Sheridan, President and Chief Executive Officer of Ballard said, "New Flyer has demonstrated its leadership through successful commercialization of hybrid-electric buses across Canada and the United States. We have worked very closely together in the past and are working with New Flyer now toward delivery of twenty 40-foot heavy-duty fuel cell buses to BC Transit. This new agreement will enable both companies to address what could be an important emerging market opportunity."
New Flyer's commercial relationship with Ballard began in 1993, when the two companies developed the world's first hydrogen fuel cell bus. In 2007, New Flyer was awarded a contract by BC Transit for the world's largest fleet of hydrogen fuel cell buses, and Ballard was named as the fuel cell technology provider.
"New Flyer is excited to team once again with Ballard to leverage its hydrogen fuel cell technology in the bus industry," added John Marinucci, President and Chief Executive Officer of New Flyer. "The market demands that we find and utilize innovative technology to advance the development of zero-emission buses that are both environmentally-friendly and fuel efficient. Ballard is the leader in fuel cells so we look forward to a very productive relationship."
About Ballard Power Systems
Ballard Power Systems Inc. (CA:BLD: news, chart, profile) (BLDP:ballard pwr sys inc com
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Last: 4.84+0.09+1.89%
3:59pm 02/12/2008
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BLDP 4.84, +0.09, +1.9%) is recognized as a leader in the development, manufacture sale and servicing of hydrogen fuel cells. Ballard's mission is to make fuel cells a commercial reality. To learn more about what Ballard is doing with Power to Change the World(R), visit www.ballard.com.
Forward-Looking Statement
This release contains forward-looking statements that are based on the beliefs and assumptions of Ballard's management and reflect Ballard's current expectations as contemplated under section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and Section 21E of the Securities and Exchange Act of 1934, as amended. Such assumptions relate to our financial forecasts and expectations regarding our product development efforts, manufacturing capacity, and market demand. These statements involve risks and uncertainties that may cause our actual results to be materially different, including, without limitation, the rate of mass adoption of our products, product development delays, changing environmental regulations, our ability to attract and retain business partners and customers, our access to funding, increased competition, our ability to protect our intellectual property, changes in our customers' requirements, and our ability to provide the capital required for product development, operations and marketing. Readers should not place undue reliance on Ballard's forward-looking statements and Ballard assumes no obligation to update or release any revisions to these forward looking statements. For a detailed discussion of the risk factors that could affect Ballard's future performance, please refer to our most recent Annual Information Form.
Ballard Power Systems Inc.
Angela Salehi
(604) 742-4254
Email: asalehi@hoggan.com
Website: www.ballard.com
SOURCE: Ballard Power Systems Inc.
Copyright 2008 Market Wire, All rights reserved.
Last update: 3:47 p.m. EST Feb. 8, 2008Print E-mail RSS Disable Live Quotes
VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA, Feb 08, 2008 (MARKET WIRE via COMTEX) -- Ballard Power Systems (CA:BLD: news, chart, profile) (BLDP:BLDP
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BLDP, , ) will hold a conference call to discuss its 2007 results and 2008 outlook on Thursday, February 21, 2008 at 8:00 a.m. PST (11:00 a.m. EST).
On February 21st, 2008, access to the live call will be on telephone number (604) 638-5340. A link to the simultaneous audio web cast will also be available on the homepage of Ballard's website at www.ballard.com.
Following the call, a recording will be available for 24 hours immediately afterwards at 604-638-9010 (confirmation number: 6235#). The audio web cast with slides will be posted and archived by the end of the day on February 21st, 2008 in the News and Events section ( http://www.ballard.com/About_Ballard/News_Events_Press_Room/) of Ballard's website.
About Ballard Power Systems
Ballard Power Systems Inc. (CA:BLD: news, chart, profile) (BLDP:BLDP
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BLDP, , ) is recognized as a leader in the development, manufacture and sale of hydrogen fuel cells. Ballard's mission is to make fuel cells a commercial reality. To learn more about what Ballard is doing with Power to Change the World(R), visit www.ballard.com.
This release contains forward-looking statements that are based on the beliefs and assumptions of Ballard's management and reflect Ballard's current expectations as contemplated under section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and Section 21E of the Securities and Exchange Act of 1934, as amended. Such assumptions relate to our financial forecasts and expectations regarding our product development efforts, manufacturing capacity, and market demand. These statements involve risks and uncertainties that may cause our actual results to be materially different, including, without limitation, the rate of mass adoption of our products, product development delays, changing environmental regulations, our ability to attract and retain business partners and customers, our access to funding, increased competition, our ability to protect our intellectual property, changes in our customers' requirements, and our ability to provide the capital required for product development, operations and marketing. Readers should not place undue reliance on Ballard's forward-looking statements and Ballard assumes no obligation to update or release any revisions to these forward looking statements. For a detailed discussion of the risk factors that could affect Ballard's future performance, please refer to our most recent Annual Information Form.
For further information, or to arrange an interview with a Ballard spokesperson, please call Guy McAree at 604-454-0900. Ballard, the Ballard logo, Power to Change the World and Mark 9 SSL are registered trademarks of Ballard Power Systems Inc.
Ballard Power Systems Inc.
Guy McAree
(604) 454-0900
(604) 412-4700 (FAX)
Website: www.ballard.com
SOURCE: Ballard Power Systems Inc.
Last update: 11:01 p.m. EST Feb. 20, 2008Print E-mail RSS Disable Live Quotes
VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA, Feb 20, 2008 (MARKET WIRE via COMTEX) -- Ballard Power Systems (CA:BLD: news, chart, profile) (BLDP:ballard pwr sys inc com
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Last: 5.07+0.05+1.00%
3:59pm 02/20/2008
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BLDP 5.07, +0.05, +1.0%) , a leader in the development, manufacture and sale of hydrogen fuel cells, announced its results for the fourth quarter and year ended December 31, 2007 today. All amounts are in U.S. dollars, unless otherwise noted.
"2007 was a building year in which we established early stage traction in our priority growth markets while delivering strongly on our operational and financial goals," said John Sheridan, Ballard's President and CEO. "As well, on November 7 we signed the agreement with Daimler and Ford for the sale of automotive fuel cell assets, which closed as planned on January 31, 2008. Our company is now positioned with a strong foundation on which to pursue key initiatives that will accelerate market adoption of our fuel cell products and drive Ballard to profitability."
- Revenue was $65.5 million in 2007. This represents 32% growth over 2006 and exceeds the high end of the guidance range of $55-65 million.
- In the fourth quarter, revenue grew 22% to $20.1 million (2006Q4: $16.5 million).
- Operating cash consumption1 was $38.1 million in 2007. This is a 26% reduction from 2006 and is below the low end of the guidance range of $40-50 million for 2007. This was impacted favorably by a net foreign exchange gain of approximately $4 million.
- In the fourth quarter, operating cash consumption declined 41% to $12.2 million (2006Q4: $20.6 million).
- Loss from continuing operations was $56.8 million in 2007 (2006: $57.0 million). This equates to a loss of $(0.50) per share (2006: $(0.50) per share).
- In the fourth quarter, loss from continuing operations increased 13% to $15.9 million this quarter (2006Q4: $14.1 million).
- Cash reserves were $145.6 million on December 31, 2007 (2007Q3: $161.4 million).
Fuel Cell Growth Markets
In fuel cell growth markets of materials handling, backup power and residential cogeneration, total shipments were 298 units in the fourth quarter, an increase of 96% from the same quarter in 2006. The full year total of 849 units shipped represents growth in shipments of 84% over 2006.
Materials Handling
Ballard shipped 83 fuel cell products in the fourth quarter in materials handling. The total of 204 units for the year is lower than had been anticipated at the beginning of 2007 due to the longer-than-expected end-user sales cycle and the acquisition and subsequent integration activities related to Plug Power's purchase of Cellex Power and General Hydrogen. Total shipments for the year grew 39% over the 147 units shipped in 2006.
The company reduced the cost of its Mark9 SSL(TM) product by 23% in 2007, slightly less than its target of 25% due to foreign exchange impacts.
Backup Power
Ballard shipped 104 fuel cell products in the fourth quarter in backup power. The total of 200 units shipped in 2007 was double the company's 2007 shipment goal of 100 units.
A product cost reduction of 34% was achieved for the Mark1020 ACS(TM) in 2007.
Residential Cogeneration
Ballard shipped 111 fuel cell products this quarter in residential cogeneration, for a full-year total of 445 units. This exceeds the company's 2007 shipment goal of 400 units and represents a 41% increase over the 315 units shipped in 2006.
In 2007 Ballard met its goal of transferring assembly operations for the Mark1030 V3(TM) product to Ebara Ballard, the company's joint venture in Japan. The Japanese facility doubles Ballard's assembly space and expands its Mark1030(TM) production capacity.
Total cost reductions of 15% were achieved on the Mark1030(TM) in 2007. Product development activities for the next generation Mark1030 V3(TM) product continue on track for introduction later this year.
Fuel Cell Bus Programs
Ballard shipped eight fuel cell modules in 2007. This compares with five modules shipped in the previous year. Ballard signed fuel cell bus contracts that will have a positive impact on future results, including the first sales of the company's new HD6 fuel cell module for BC Transit's program for up to 20 buses and Transport for London's program for five buses.
Carbon Fiber Materials
Revenues for carbon fiber materials increased $0.3 million or 10% this quarter to $3.2 million. Full-year revenues grew by 23% or $2.6 million over 2006 to $14.1 million, reflecting higher sales of both friction materials to major automotive OEM customers and gas diffusion layer materials to fuel cell developers.
Automotive fuel cell development efforts in 2007 successfully met established milestones, as evidenced by the generation of $8.4 million of automotive engineering development revenues in the fourth quarter and $15.8 million for all of 2007.
On January 31, 2008 Ballard closed the transaction to sell certain of the company's automotive fuel cell assets to Daimler AG and Ford Motor Company. The company expects to record a gain of approximately $100 million in Q1 2008 in relation to this transaction. For a full description of the transaction, please refer to the company's Management Information Circular dated December 13, 2007.
"With a solid foundation now in place, including resolution of Ballard's long standing challenge with high cost automotive technology development, our primary focus in 2008 will be accelerating market adoption of fuel cell products in our growth markets," said John Sheridan, President and CEO. "This will position us for significant product volume and revenue growth in 2009 and beyond."
Ballard's market acceleration focus will entail initiatives to 'deepen market traction':
- Ramping up shipment volumes to existing customers;
- Adding new systems integration customers;
- Establishing new OEM distribution channels.
And initiatives to 'broaden market focus':
- Product extensions to serve new market applications;
- New geographical markets.
Ballard's 2008 revenues will experience downward pressure since it will no longer have automotive development programs and the associated development revenues as a result of the transaction that closed on January 31, 2008. However, this downward impact is expected to be offset by growth in other areas of the company's business. Consistent with this and the reality of the early stage nature of its markets, the following specific external goals have been established for 2008:
- Revenue: $65-75 million - growth of up to 15% over 2007.
- Operating cash consumption: $20-30 million - reduction of up to 48% from 2007.
- Total product shipments: in excess of 1,700 units - growth of more than double the 2007 level of 849 units. This total is expected to be primarily comprised of the following minimum shipment volumes in each fuel cell growth market:
- Materials Handling: 450 units
- Back-Up Power: 750 units
- Residential Cogeneration: 400 units
As well as tracking progress on these specific goals each quarter over the course of 2008, Ballard will report on specific developments related to ongoing product cost reductions and key strategic initiatives to deepen market traction and broaden market focus.
Ballard's revenues in the fourth quarter and fiscal year ended December 31, 2007 were $20.1 million and $65.5 million respectively, compared to $16.5 million and $49.8 million for the same periods in 2006, exceeding the high end of Ballard's 2007 guidance range of $55 million to $65 million. In the fourth quarter of 2007, product and service revenues for the fourth quarter of 2007 were $10.6 million, a decrease of $1.1 million, or 9%, from the fourth quarter of 2006, driven primarily by lower shipments of automotive fuel cells. Engineering development revenue for the fourth quarter of 2007 was $9.5 million, an increase of $4.7 million, or 98%, from the same period in 2006, due to the timing of work performed and achievement of the milestones under the automotive fuel cell and 1kW residential cogeneration development programs.
For the year ended December 31, 2007, product and service revenues increased $6.8 million, or 19%, to $43.4 million and engineering development revenue increased $8.9 million, or 67%, to $22.2 million compared to 2006. Product revenues increased by $5.4 million due to higher shipments of carbon fiber, automotive fuel cell and power generation fuel cell products. Service revenues increased by $1.4 million due to increased engineering services related to power generation government contracts and automotive fuel cell service work partially offset by an expected decline in field service for fuel cell buses. The increase in engineering development revenue of $8.9 million was due to the timing of development program milestones.
Net loss for the fourth quarter of 2007 decreased 88% to $15.9 million, or ($0.14) per share, compared to a net loss of $128.7 million, or ($1.13) per share for the fourth quarter of 2006, primarily due to $114.6 million of losses from discontinued operations recorded in the fourth quarter of 2006 related to Ballard's disposition of its electric drive operations. Loss from continuing operations for the fourth quarter of 2007 increased 13% to $15.9 million, or ($0.14) per share, compared to a loss from continuing operations of $14.1 million, or ($0.12) per share) for the fourth quarter of 2006, primarily due to increases in foreign exchange gains of $2.1 million, increases in engineering development revenues of $4.7 million and increases in product and service gross margins of $1.5 million offset by increases in operating expenses of $8.4 million and an increase in depreciation and amortization expense of $1.2 million. The increase in operating expenses was primarily a result of the effect of a stronger Canadian dollar, relative to the U.S. dollar, combined with severance and related costs of approximately $4.1 million in the fourth quarter of 2007 incurred in conjunction with the sale of certain automotive fuel cell assets to Daimler and Ford (the "AFCC Transaction").
Net loss for the year ended December 31, 2007 decreased 68% to $57.3 million, or ($0.50) per share, compared with a net loss of $181.1 million, or ($1.60) per share, in 2006, primarily due to $124.1 million, or ($1.10) per share, of losses from discontinued operations recorded in 2006 related to Ballard's disposition of its electric drive operations.
Loss from continuing operations for the year ended December 31, 2007 was $56.8 million, or ($0.50) per share, compared to $57.0 million, or ($0.50) per share, for 2006. Increases in foreign exchange gains of $8.7 million, increases in engineering development revenues of $8.9 million and improvements in product and service gross margins of $3.0 million were offset by increases in operating expenses of $13.8 million and the write-down of a non-core investment of $4.6 million. Improved margins of $3.0 million were driven by increased volumes of carbon fiber products and higher power generation non-recurring engineering services related to government contracts partially offset by a decline in field service margins on fuel cell buses due to the expiration of service contracts. The increase in operating expenses of $13.8 million was driven by an increase in research and development expenses, reflecting increased investment to build capability and capacity for growth in such areas as Ballard's fuel cell buses and power generation fuel cell programs, combined with the effect of a stronger Canadian dollar, relative to the U.S. dollar, and severance and related costs recorded in general and administrative expense of approximately $4.1 million incurred in conjunction with the AFCC Transaction.
Operating cash consumption (Non-GAAP Measure) for the fourth quarter and year ended December 31, 2007 were $12.2 million and $38.1 million, respectively, compared to $20.6 million and $51.4 million for the same periods in 2006, bettering the low end of Ballard's guidance range for the full year of $40 million to $50 million. For the fourth quarter of 2007, the $8.4 million, or 41%, improvement in operating cash consumption compared to 2006, was driven by higher foreign exchange gains, the disposition of Ballard's electric drive operations, higher product and service margins and engineering development revenue, lower working capital requirements and lower capital expenditures, partially offset by an increase in operating expenses and a decline in investment income. For the full year of 2007, the $13.3 million, or 26%, improvement in operating cash consumption was driven by higher foreign exchange gains, the disposition of Ballard's electric drive operations, higher product and service margins and engineering development revenue and lower capital expenditures, partially offset by an increase in operating expenses, higher working capital requirements and a decline in investment income.
For a more detailed discussion of Ballard Power Systems' fourth quarter and full year 2007 results, please see the company's financial statements and management's discussion & analysis, which are available at www.ballard.com, www.sedar.com and www.sec.gov/edgar.shtml.
Selected Consolidated Financial Information: Fourth Quarter & Full Year
Unaudited (Expressed in thousands of U.S. dollars, except for per share
amount and number of shares)
Three months ended Year ended
December 31, December 31,
2007 2006 2007 2006
Product and service
revenue $ 10,591 $ 11,679 $ 43,352 $ 36,535
Engineering development
revenue 9,474 4,791 22,180 13,288
Total revenues 20,065 16,470 65,532 49,823
Cost of revenues and
Cost of product and
service revenues 6,430 9,056 25,052 21,206
Research and product
development 15,467 12,775 58,478 52,274
General and
administrative 8,551 3,547 19,715 13,262
Marketing and
business development 2,416 1,706 8,334 7,226
Depreciation and
amortization 4,595 3,397 15,732 16,391
Total cost of
revenues and expenses 37,459 30,481 127,311 110,359
Loss before undernoted (17,394) (14,011) (61,779) (60,536)
Investment and other
income 2,628 964 16,933 9,932
Loss on disposal and
write-down of
long-lived assets - (79) (4,583) (778)
Equity in loss of
associated companies (1,125) (1,031) (7,433) (7,029)
Loss from continuing
operations before
income taxes (15,891) (14,157) (56,862) (58,411)
Income taxes - (32) (53) (1,417)
Loss from continuing
operations for period (15,891) (14,125) (56,809) (56,994)
Loss from discontinued
operations for period - (114,623) (493) (124,143)
Net loss for period $ (15,891) $ (128,748) $ (57,302) $ (181,137)
Basic and diluted
loss per share from
continuing operations $ (0.14) $ (0.12) $ (0.50) $ (0.50)
Basic and diluted
loss per share from
discontinued operations (0.00) (1.01) (0.00) (1.10)
Basic loss per share $ (0.14) $ (1.13) $ (0.50) $ (1.60)
Weighted average
number of common
shares outstanding 114,742,491 114,212,575 114,575,473 113,390,728
Cash used by
operations $ (9,629) $ (17,048) $ (31,684) $ (42,670)
Capital expenditures (2,583) (3,544) (6,379) (8,735)
Operating cash
(Endnote 1) $ (12,212) $ (20,592) $ (38,063) $ (51,405)
December 31, December 31,
2007 2006
Total cash, cash
equivalents and short
term investments $ 145,574 $ 187,072
Ballard will hold a conference call to discuss its 2007 results and 2008 outlook on Thursday, February 21st, 2008 at 8:00 a.m. PST (11:00 a.m. EST). On February 21st, 2008, access to the live call will be on telephone number (604) 638-5340. A link to the simultaneous audio web cast will also be available on the homepage of Ballard's website at www.ballard.com. Following the call, a recording will be available for 24 hours immediately afterwards at 604-638-9010 (Confirmation Number: 6235#). The audio web cast with slides will be posted and archived by the end of the day on February 21st, 2008 in the News and Events section of Ballard's website.
Ballard Power Systems Inc. (CA:BLD: news, chart, profile) (BLDP:ballard pwr sys inc com
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Last: 5.07+0.05+1.00%
3:59pm 02/20/2008
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BLDP 5.07, +0.05, +1.0%) is recognized as a leader in the development, manufacture and sale of hydrogen fuel cells. Ballard's mission is to make fuel cells a commercial reality. To learn more about what Ballard is doing with Power to Change the World(R), visit www.ballard.com.
This release contains forward-looking statements that are based on the beliefs and assumptions of Ballard's management and reflect Ballard's current expectations as contemplated under section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and Section 21E of the Securities and Exchange Act of 1934, as amended. Such assumptions relate to our financial forecasts and expectations regarding our product development efforts, manufacturing capacity, and market demand. These statements involve risks and uncertainties that may cause our actual results to be materially different, including, without limitation, the rate of mass adoption of our products, product development delays, changing environmental regulations, our ability to attract and retain business partners and customers, our access to funding, increased competition, our ability to protect our intellectual property, changes in our customers' requirements, and our ability to provide the capital required for product development, operations and marketing. Readers should not place undue reliance on Ballard's forward-looking statements and Ballard assumes no obligation to update or release any revisions to these forward looking statements. For a detailed discussion of the risk factors that could affect Ballard's future performance, please refer to our most recent Annual Information Form.
1. Operating cash consumption is a non-GAAP measure used to assist in assessing Ballard's financial performance. Non-GAAP measures do not have any standardized meaning prescribed by GAAP and are therefore unlikely to be comparable to similar measures presented by other companies. Operating cash consumption measures the amount of cash required to fund the operating activities of Ballard's business and excludes financing and investing activities except for additions to property, plant and equipment.
For further information, or to arrange an interview with a Ballard spokesperson, please call Guy McAree at 604-454-0900. Ballard, the Ballard logo, Power to Change the World and Mark 9 SSL are registered trademarks of Ballard Power Systems Inc.
Ballard Power Systems Inc.
Guy McAree
(604) 454-0900
(604) 412-4700 (FAX)
Website: www.ballard.com
SOURCE: Ballard Power Systems Inc.
Copyright 2008 Market Wire, All rights reserved.
Mobilität geben. Der Druck auf die Automobilhersteller wird sich erhöhen, neue Ölfreie Technologien auf Serienreife zui bringen. Davon wird Ballard stark profitieren.
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Boardmail an "DON_" |
Ballard Power (Nsdq)
spekulier intraday auf eine kleine Erholung, Zielbereich 0,95-1,05
Stop 0,80
11.200 zu akt, 0,93 umgesetzt, immer noch 18,42% Abschlag, bleib dabei..halt den Stop bei 0,8 ein, entweder Sekt, oder Selters...am
vorletzten Handelstag noch bei 1,42?..momentan passt sich Fra den US Schlusskurs an, der bei 1,13$ lag, aber die Aktie hat am TH &
mit +17% geschlossen, vielleicht kann daran angeknüpft werden...Fra nun 0,90 ~1,25$bedient..
Freie Werbefläche nur 29,95Eur/Monatl.
Freie Werbefläche nur 29,95Eur/Monatl.
gerade gesehen:
heute symbol wechsel:
Changed Ticker Symbol
'BLDP' is no longer valid. It has changed to BLDPD.
Hab grad mit Stuttgard telefoniert: Anfang nächste Woche kommt eine neue ISIN-Nr.: so lange bleibt der Handel ausgesetzt
Toronto 1,48§
218.9k +0,14$ z. Vortag
+10,45% 21:59 Uhr
0 1,48
1,3 hoch Vortag
O.k.... ich versuche das mal in Kurzform so zu schreiben wie ich das im Oktober verstanden habe, denn das ist etwas verzwickt.
Bitte nicht vergessen... mein Englisch ist nicht gut.
Ballard hat sich seine Finanzierung gesichert, in dem 41 Mio. Cash in die Kasse gespült wurde. ( nicht verwässernde Finanzierung - Transaktion ) Damit wurde die Cashreserven um mehr als 50% gegenüber 30.06.08 erhöht. Das Ziel mit dieser Transaktion ist, dass das Unternehmen sein Wachstum planen kann, ohne auch zukünftig auf öffentliche Finanzierungen ( über den Markt ) greifen zu müssen. ( was derzeitig sehr wichtig ist, wenn man bedenkt, dass keiner mehr mal so locker Kredite geben will )
Diese Transaktion beinhaltet eine Corporate Neuordnung.
Eine 100% Tochter wurde gegründet ( New Ballard )
Superior Plus überträgt rund 41 Millionen C. $ an Ballard Power.
Ballard überträgt alle Vermögenswerte ( einschließlich der 41 Mio. auf New Ballard )
Die 800 Mio. C. $ Steuerausfälle bleiben bei der alten Ballard.
Nach Abschluss dieser Transaktion werden nun die Aktien der Aktionäre von Ballard 1 für 1 gegen New Ballard getauscht.
Ballard Power alt wie wir sie kennen haben das Kürzel BLDP
New Ballard das Kürzel BLDPD
Anschließend geht die alte Firma Ballard Power zu 100% inklusive der Steuerausfälle in den Besitz von Superior Plus über.
Was Superior Plus dann genau mit den 800 Millionen C. Dollar Steuerausfälle macht....
Da bin ich momentan überfragt.
Nachdem am 30.10.08 diese Meldung kam, hatte ich meinen Freund gefragt... ob ich etwas zu beachten oder zu tun habe, wenn der Tausch vollzogen wird.
Er meinte das geht alles selbstständig über die Bühne.
Und bitte nicht schlagen, solle meine Ausführung nicht korrekt sein.
Das kürzel Bldpd ist nur 20 Handeltage gültig danach wird es wieder
wie gewohnt weiter gehen- mit Bldp-.ab 2 Februar.
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